I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 257

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:58:18 AM

Chapter 257: 257

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After Shen Weng took Su Haichao away, he wanted to kill Su Haichao. He just lost his face in front of Yan Jun. he had no place to put his old face.

But isn't Su Haichao such a person? How can a thorough waste compare with Han 3000 who has endured so long?

But Shen Weng has no choice. Now the best chess piece he can think of and find is Su Haichao.

Su Haichao's anger at Han 3000 makes him eager for revenge. If Shen Weng can give him something sweet, the dog will always be loyal to him. Only after Han Jun is released from prison can he have a good helper.

The disaster of ten years in prison, even if it is to use the relationship and good performance in prison and get commutation, also need a few years to come out, these years of isolation, the outside world will soon let Han Jun strange, Shen Weng needs to help Han Jun cultivate a dog to know the outside situation.

With Shen Weng by his side, Su Haichao lowered his head, but in his heart he was very disdainful. Compared with the old man just now, this old man was obviously inferior. He even wanted to be a dog for this kind of person, which made Su Haichao feel that he could not see any hope for the future.

"To give you a billion dollars, to build a company and to bring down the Su family first is the first thing you have to do." Shen Weng said.

Su Haichao, who just disdained Shen Weng, immediately changed his outlook on Shen Weng and became extremely excited.

billion! This old man is going to give him a billion!

With this billion yuan, he will become a boy again. Su's relatives who regard him as a lost dog will submit to him again.

"Are you serious?" Su Haichao asked in disbelief.

"Well, do you think a billion is a lot? It's time to open your eyes to the so-called frog in the well. " Shen Weng said coldly.

Su Haichao doesn't have any discomfort with Shen Weng's disdain. He can get a billion yuan and show off his power again in front of Su's relatives. He is willing to kneel down to Shen Weng even in the street.

"Yes, I have a narrow vision. Don't worry. As long as you are willing to give me money, I will defeat the Su family." Su Haichao said.

At this time, Shen Weng suddenly stopped, because Yan Jun blocked in front of him.

"What do you want to do?" Shen Weng's eyebrows revealed dissatisfaction and asked.

Yan Jun light a smile, said: "you kicked my apprentice a foot, I certainly want to help him revenge."

Hearing this, Shen Weng immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Yan Jun, don't deceive people too much!"

"Deceiving? If you don't bully my apprentice, how can I bully you? " Yan Jun said with a smile and walked slowly towards Shen Weng.

Shen Weng stood in the same place and did not dare to move. This was the street. People were coming and going. He was disgraced enough just now. If he was beaten in the street, he would not have this face at all.

"I can make it up to him." Shen Weng said.

"This boy is never willing to accept other people's help. As for compensation, even I despise it. How can he want it?" Yan Jun said with a smile.

Shen Weng felt that with a flower in front of his eyes, a force of gravity hit his waist, and his whole body lost his center of gravity when his feet were off the ground in an instant.


Shen Weng fell to the ground, dusty.

Yan Jun stood in front of Shen Weng and said, "next time, can you be so lucky?"

Shen Weng can't care about the pain on his body. His anger makes him tremble all over, but the crushing strength makes him have no courage to fight Yan Jun.

"Yanjun, I will prove to you that your choice is wrong. The Han family belongs to Han Jun, and Nangong Qianqiu will never see the wrong person. Han 3000 is just a waste, and Han Jun is the emperor." Shen Weng gritted his teeth.

"We'll see." Yan Jun said, strode away, gradually disappeared in the crowd.

Su Haichao quickly went to Shen Weng and helped him up, hiding the disdain in his eyes. After all, this is his gold owner. Even if he felt that the old man was useless, he didn't dare to show it.

However, in their conversation, Su Haichao also noticed something. It seems that his understanding of Han 3000 is wrong all the time. He is not just a son-in-law. Although Han Jun and Nangong Qianqiu are not familiar with each other, they know that they are not ordinary people.

Is Han 3000 still a big man?

"Han 3000, who is he?" Su Haichao said doubtfully.

Shen Weng shook off Su Haichao's hand and said coldly, "Han family in Yanjing, but he is just the abandoned son of the family."

Yanjing Han family!

Han 3000 is from the Han family in Yanjing!

These four words make su Haichao's scalp numb. All the time, the loser he has been aiming at is actually the young master of the Han family in Yanjing?

At the beginning of Han 3000's life, all the Su family regarded him as a beggar, and Su Haichao even regarded Han 3000 as a joy. Who would have thought that such a person was the son of Han family in Yanjing!

Even if he was just the abandoned son of the Han family, he was not comparable to the Su family.

Now Su Haichao finally understands that the dowry that appeared for no reason was originally given to Su Yingxia, but Su Yihan thought that she was favored by the rich and powerful. Now it seems like a big joke“ Are you afraid? " Shen Weng said with disdain. Su Haichao shook his head and said, "don't be afraid. Don't worry. I'll help you deal with him. What's to be afraid of, a waste abandoned by the family?" Shen Weng smiles coldly, Su Haichao pretends to be calm on the surface, but how can he not feel Su Haichao's real state of mind“ As long as you are obedient, Han Jun will certainly use you in the future. You know, even if it's just a dog of the Han family, you can enjoy all the glory and wealth. " Shen Weng said“ I understand Su Haichao said“ Don't mention this to anyone. If Han 3000's identity is known by others, you can prepare a coffin for yourself. " Shen Weng said faintly that Han Sanqian had been dead in Yanjing for many years. The upper class in Yanjing even thought that Han Sanqian died of illness. Once the news is exposed, it will set off a storm in Yanjing, which is very unfavorable for Han Jun“ Please rest assured that I will keep this secret On the other hand, Han 3000 has been sent to the hospital by Mo Yang and others, and his head has been opened. Although the injury is not serious, it also needs a period of rest. In the ward, Mo Yang, Dao 12 and Lin Yong are standing beside the bed, watching Han 3000's head wrapped like zongzi. They dare not look directly at Han 3000“ Laugh if you want to Han 3000 says helplessly“ Poof, ha ha ha Mo Yang was the first one who couldn't help it. He burst out a hearty laugh. Then he put his hands to Han 3000 apologetically and said, "3000, I'm sorry. I can't help it. Don't blame me. You're so funny now."“ Brother 3000, if you go to Dubai, you will be regarded as a local tyrant. " Dao 12 couldn't help laughing. Lin Yong doesn't dare to say anything, and he doesn't dare to laugh. After all, his status is not equal to that of Mo Yang and Dao 12. Even if he suffers from internal injuries, he can only bear it. Han 3000 sighs. It doesn't matter to be laughed at by these guys, but if Su Yingxia knows it, he doesn't know how to explain it“ If you laugh enough, help me to find a way. It's better to hide from Su Yingxia. " Han 3000 said. Mo Yang directly sat on the edge of the bed, with a painstaking look, said: "three thousand, I advise you to give up this idea. How clever our sister-in-law is, can you hide it from her? And let her know afterwards that she will only blame you more. It's better to tell her frankly and leniently. "“ I don't want her to worry. " Han 3000 said“ The best way not to let her worry is to tell her everything, so as to avoid her thinking alone. If you find a reason not to go home, can you guarantee that she will not think at home? That makes her more worried. " Mo Yang said. The truth of these words makes Han 3000 unable to refute. If he really finds an excuse not to go home, Su Yingxia's wishful thinking is for sure“ The dog's mouth really makes you spit out your ivory. " Han 3000 said. Mo Yang didn't care about Han 3000's verbal attack on him. He said with a smile, "3000, I'm from here. I know more about emotional matters than you. If you have any problems, I can be an emotional counselor for you. The charge is cheap. What do you think?" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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