I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2648

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:59:34 AM

Chapter 2648: 2648

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He felt that his face was swollen and swollen, as if he had slapped on it with a huge palm as thick as a man's thigh when his skin was tender and smooth at the age of 18.

Pain, incomparable pain!

It's so swollen that it's almost boundless!

His front foot just blew out, and how long is his back foot only? He was not only beaten in the face, but also almost firmly centered.

But compared with the faces, what really made him stumble was the incomparable shock in his heart!

Xiaoxianer is her own daughter and the princess of the entire Kirin family, but she is also the Kirin saint and hope once in a million years.

Although the scale of the Kirin family is good now, it is far from its peak. The fundamental reason is that the Kirin family has not had their own patron saint Kirin saint for a long time.

The Kirin saint is the most special existence of the Kirin family. She is born with a huge Kirin aura. Once you open your mind and break through, you can break through the eight wastelands, step into the land of scattered immortals, and become the strongest king of the Kirin family.

This kind of extraordinary step jumping is almost impossible in the eyes of many people, but the Kirin saint can rely on her innate huge aura.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. Although the Kirin saint has exaggerated step jumping, this process is extremely difficult. At least now the Kirin saint is more than 20, but she has no intention of enlightenment.

But anyway, the aura in the Kirin saint is terrible and terrible.

Otherwise, how could the Taowu family have been coveting, asking for relatives for many times, and persevered in the past seven years?!

The fundamental reason why the Kirin family are reluctant is not only that the other party is a demon family, but also that they want to keep the Kirin saint in their family. If they open their minds in the future, they can at least bring the Kirin family to rebuild their glory.

But what is special is such a huge walking aura library. The bug level that is not seen in ten thousand years exists, but

But someone can draw with her in internal power competition!

What does that mean?!

It means that he and the Kirin family are based on the foundation and pride. They are just like children playing tricks in front of others!

"This... This is impossible?"

"Yes, the strongest existence of the Kirin family, how can it... How can it be tied with others?"

Similarly, in addition to the patriarch shengran, there are several elders of the Kirin family.

"Xian'er, are you exaggerating? You are interested in that human boy, but you don't have to tell such a big lie to help him? You are really stupid to be several elders and your father, aren't you? " An elder questioned at this time.

Although they all grew up looking at xiaoxianer, they know more about her character than anyone else. However, in the face of unacceptable facts, they still choose to question.

"Yes, xian'er, don't lie."

"Everything xian'er said is true. If you don't believe it, you can ask the yellow sand monster. In addition, xian'er's maidservants can testify." Xiaoxian'er was not afraid at all and said in a straight face.

Several maidservants immediately nodded.

Pangolin also smiled softly: "although I'm not a master, if I fight with several elders alone, I think I won't be weaker than any of you. Do the elders agree?"

Several elders looked at each other, and they basically agreed with the pangolin. After all, after pangolins first suggested that they were interested in Xianer, the kirins could not allow him to like it at will.

So he sent elders to test him.

Within a hundred moves, it's hard to tell the winner!

So it is also true that pangolin is not weaker than this.

"Since several elders agree that this is true, I also say frankly that Han 3000 is right for me. Do you know the outcome?" Pangolin chuckled.

"Nature is better than you."


"Hard to win?"

Pangolin smiled gently: "second kill!"


"Second kill?!"

Hearing this, a group of people stared like cattle. Even the little fairy on one side was stunned.

She knew Han 3000 had strong internal power, but she never thought he would be so strong even in other skills.

At this time, even shengran frowned, looked at the pangolin and asked, "yellow sand monster, are you serious?"

"If there's a half empty word, it's hard to die from thunder. Besides, do you think it's interesting for me to make up a lie to humiliate myself?" Pangolin laughed coldly.

Hearing this, shengran and others all looked back at Han 3000 in the air

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