I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2708

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:58:10 AM

Chapter 2708: 2708

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On the "flower boat", the pipa is flicked, the string music is played slowly, and the long and gentle song is like the sound of nature. In the middle of the flower boat, several women fluttered and danced with music, just like fairies coming down to earth. Beauty can't win. On the other side, more than a dozen men sat slightly upright, and good wine and food appeared one after another at the table. They were well-dressed, bright in appearance, young and beautiful, and outstanding in temperament. They were regarded as young talents. Behind them, there are more than a dozen elite guards, conscientiously guarding their posts. At the top of the center, the bead curtain hangs, and the green and blue decoration can be seen faintly. Behind the bead curtain, a woman in green stands side by side, and a woman in white sits slowly beside her. Although there is a bead curtain as a block, it can be seen through the gap that the two women's skin is white and tender, their body is graceful, and their appearance is like an immortal“ In the north of the desert, a car is like a lone sail, a woman sits on the stage, and all the children hold the moon! " At this time, a man stood slowly with a wine glass. Then, after facing the bead curtain, he raised his glass and recited poetry. As soon as the voice fell, another man glanced at him with disdain. Then, he respectfully bowed after the bead curtain and said, "the song of Yin, three beams around the ears, a gentle voice, like a fairy, compared with a hundred foot man, only my moon is like my heart." As soon as this remark came out, a group of people were dissatisfied and just recited poetry, but it made people angry to directly attack them personally and compare them with hundreds of men“ Wei, what do you mean? "“ Isn't it mean of you to hurt people with such a move? " Just when a group of people were angry and unfair, a man dressed in gold clothes and looking gorgeous stood up slowly. He was in a position quite close to the Pearl curtain. At this time, he opened his hand fan and said gracefully: "clothes don't wear people. Painting tigers like dogs should be like talents, not shaking a glass of wine. If you ask who is amorous, you will take care of the bright moon." As soon as the poem was published, the man turned red“ Good counterattack, wonderful counterattack. "“ Such a sentence can be called a quatrain. It is worthy of being the son of yuan. "“ If you ask who is affectionate, you will shine on the moon, good sentence, good sentence. " Hearing the praise from the crowd, the man named Mr. Yuan accepted his fan with slight pride, and glanced at the man just now with disdain like an eagle's eyes. The man took a sip of the wine and sat down depressed. In the bead curtain, the woman in green nodded gently, and a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face. Childe yuan turned back slightly and looked into the bead curtain. He was about to speak, but at this time, the whole "boat" suddenly shook, so that everyone couldn't help shaking slightly“ There are assassins! " At this time, someone shouted. At that time, many bodyguards rushed out of the hull with long guns. For a time, the hull was surrounded by elite soldiers. And almost at the same time, the ship stopped slowly. The next second, hundreds of elite soldiers suddenly jumped off the ship and rushed towards the rear of the ship. In mid air, Han 3000 was sweating and wanted to find a ground crack to drill in. Obviously, the dull sound was definitely a masterpiece of pangolin. Over there... A group of elite soldiers soon caught the culprit. One body was hidden in the soil and only one head was left. They were feeling their aching head in place. Ouch, some goods. As, a group of elite soldiers surrounded the watermelon like head heavily. He smiled: "ha, ha... What... I ran too fast just now. I didn't notice and passed your car, and then... When I looked up, your ship just hit my head."“ I say... Do you believe it? " With that, the goods looked at a group of serious elite soldiers“ Fool! " Han 3000 speechless covered his eyes“ Su's snowmobile, can you stop it? Somebody! "“ Yes! "“ Whoever tries to be unknown, take it down. "“ Yes! " As the leading general drank, a group of soldiers immediately walked to the surrounded pangolin“ Shit! " Pangolin low scold, head a shrink, drill soil want to run“ Devil, where to run. " As soon as the leader drank the cold sound, he immediately kicked on the ground. For a long time, a strong energy spread across the ground. And almost at the same time, something jumped out of the soil directly“ Fucking flying again! " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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