I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2764

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:56:48 AM

Chapter 2764: 2764

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"You are young, but your tone is very heavy. That's what your parents and master taught you?" As these people entered the house, an elder immediately shouted and drank. With his preaching tone and overbearing, he placed himself high above others, but regarded others as mole ants, which made him uncomfortable to hear. Some people, although their words are not very ugly, but his tone is to prevent Buddha from putting his hand into your stomach and constantly pulling it out, which makes you sick. And the elder in front of us is like this. However, he didn't know it. Instead, he was a fairy and dignified“ Do you know who he is? Dare you let him go? I'm young. I don't know what heaven and earth are. Don't you think about what you are? Qualified to say that? " The elder said that, softly squinting at Han 3000, full of disdain“ The so-called dragon crossing the sea needs to ask the sea, and the snake needs to know where to go. " He sneered“ Old boy, don't look like you know everything. Everyone can say it, but not everyone can do it, such as you. " Pangolin hit back“ What do you mean, little monster? " The elder's eyes shouted insidiously“ I mean, what are you? Did you ask who we are? " Pangolin laughed coldly. Hearing this, the elder was immediately angry and wanted to start. Fortunately, at this time, Liu Tao blocked in front of the elder, his eyes shrunk slightly, and said softly, "beat the dog and look at the master."“ Hum, it's just relying on the Miss Su family next to him. Otherwise, I'll kill him now. " The elder said coldly. Liu Tao smiled gently, looked at Su Yan and said softly, "niece Su, it's been three years since the last party. Are you all right?"“ Uncle Liu has a heart. Su Yan feels good about himself, but it's uncle Liu you... "Su Yan said politely with a smile“ I have all kinds, still like Gu, niece Su, you have a heart. " When Liu Tao finished speaking, he turned his words and said, "however, if you care about me, my uncle should speak frankly."“ Uncle Liu said, "but it doesn't hurt." Su Yan said“ As a daughter's family, she is reserved and expensive. She should wait in the boudoir. But look at you now. Although Juying Pavilion is not a place of flowers and willows, it is also a place where many people have eyes and cloud guests come and go. As Miss Su, you just appear in this place, and you still stay with two people like dogs. The impact can be described as very bad. " Liu Tao's sentence immediately attracted the response of the people behind him. An elder immediately nodded and said, "yes, Miss Su's family is well-known in the desert world. No one does not regard her as a fairy. In addition to her beautiful appearance, she is superior and does not know the temperament of human fireworks and the gentle and elegant inside. But now it seems that she drinks in the downtown with a group of vulgar men. If it comes out, I'm afraid your fairy image in people's hearts will be trampled on. "“ Women don't obey women's morality. Even if they are fairies, what's the difference between them and the women above the brothel? The only difference is between ordinary and top. "“ Su and Liu have always been friends. Miss Su, you'd better listen to your uncle Liu and go back to your other hospital as soon as possible. " These people stand at the commanding height of morality and use all kinds of money in line with their own interests to others. It seems that they have a deep sense of righteousness, but in fact they are just seeking personal gains for themselves. It's disgusting. Su Yan didn't get angry. He didn't even have the emotional fluctuation of words. It can be said that his psychological quality was not strong. If he wanted to put it on the pangolin, he might have to go wild on the spot. He smiled and said, "Su Yan is just gathering with friends. How can he be so exaggerated as uncle Liu said?"“ You're talking about our young lady. It seems that if you want to continue eating, you have to dip in a pig cage. " The green bead grumbled rather discontentedly“ Presumptuous! " The elder immediately scolded the green pearl: "are you qualified to speak as a slave and maid when the master speaks?"“ You also know that it's between the masters. What do you say? " The green bead hit back. Although Lvzhu is a servant girl, she is not as gentle and polite as Su Yan. The girl has sharp teeth and a strange spirit. She just put her old age in silence“ Friends? " Liu Tao suddenly sneered: "niece Su, do you mean these two are your friends?"“ Exactly! "“ No, no! " Liu Tao shook his head and smiled bitterly“ What did uncle Liu say? " Su Yan wondered what medicine Liu Tao sold in his gourd. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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