I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2779

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:56:28 AM

Chapter 2779: 2779

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Han 3000 in the center of the fire! When it was the most difficult to break the game, he suddenly withdrew the help of the five elements divine stone to himself, or this guy changed a way to let it help. Instead of relying on it to maintain their own physical safety, they directly inhaled it into the supreme fire, and then let the five elements God petrify into energy to help them supplement the catalysis of jade ice beads. The price is that in just a few seconds, Han 3000's clothes and hair melted, and even his skin exploded like popcorn under the fire. But with such inhuman pain, Han 3000 completed the extra Reiki blessing under the same situation. In other words, the energy provided by the five elements divine stone is the last straw to crush the Liu family! Boom! White gas explodes suddenly!! From the fire to the outside! The whole place of Juying pavilion was suddenly covered by the vast expanse of white. Even in the periphery, people were suddenly retrogressed by white gas for several steps. Everyone was stunned and looked at the white air with silly eyes. Old Mr. Chai waved his big hand, and a fairy wind came and dispersed the white air. Exposed in front of everyone was the Liu family, all of whom fell to the ground one by one, and the elite died miserably on the spot. Some of the Liu family's owners and a group of elders fell into a coma, and some lay on the ground, but survived! In front of them, a young figure stood there slightly. Although his knees were slightly bent, his skin was red and black and festered because of the fire. But he was still in the breeze and white air, standing at the end. There was no sound in the crowd. One by one, they pulled their scalp, opened their mouth, opened their eyes, and looked at the scene in front of them. Beside them, Su Yan, Fang Jun, pangolin and others were also silly. Even the two strongest people, the owner of the Fang family and old Mr. Chai Rong, stared round. Someone... Someone came out of the supreme fire of the Liu family? How is this possible?! For thousands of years, the supreme fire of the Liu family has dominated the desert world. Even if it is as strong as chairong, it will never dare to say that it can come out alive in this fire. But... But at this moment, someone came out! This simply broke the tradition of the desert world for many years and overturned the cognition of many people?! Everyone was so stupid that they couldn't say a word. But precisely, sometimes, silence is better than ten thousand sounds. One second, two seconds... It's been a long time... "Oh, who said that adding fuel to the fire will only make the fire burn more and more prosperous. It seems that the fire is still not prosperous enough. It was put out by someone, ha ha." Green pearl, the girl, first reflected it. The first sentence she said was the cold sarcasm of the other party. Pangolin also reflected it and smiled coldly: "green pearl, do not hit people in the face. What you said, where do you put people's faces? Anyway, he is also a big elder of the Fang family. "“ Hehe, the elder of the Fang family used to be full of jokes. It seems that the overlord of the desert city, the Fang family, is nothing more than that. " Hearing the two sing in unison, Fang Junqi's face is about to explode. But he just wanted to do it, but suddenly heard the master of the Fang family cold drink: "stop!" He didn't look back, almost like Chai Rong, staring at Han 3000. Because Han 3000 at this time also moved. Youyou raised his eyes, with a trace of overbearing and killing cold in his eyes, looked around the scene, and then smiled coldly“ Liu family, do you have anything to continue? " A cold drink turned out to be silent! Even though Liu Lu and his family were still present at the scene, who dared to answer?! Almost as soon as Han 3000's voice fell, a strange scene suddenly appeared on him... And almost because of this scene, the owner of the Fang family and old Mr. chairong, who were already stupid, were almost even more stupid“ Yes... It is! "“ It's... it's really it? " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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