I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2838

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:55:04 AM

Chapter 2838: 2838

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Fang Kun still didn't bend down and worship, but stood there faintly and smiled coldly. "What does young master Fang mean?" "yes, why doesn't he worship?" "is it difficult? What's wrong with him?" "or, he doesn't want to get married." everyone talked about it. They don't know why. Fang Biao was completely confused. So they looked at Fang Kun anxiously. What the hell is this smelly boy going to do?! Now there are not only people in the hall, but also those watching at the door. There are tens of thousands of people on the playground. If something goes wrong, it's OK. "Young master?" the salute officer also whispered and hurriedly reminded. Fang Kun smiled again, then turned around slightly, pulled the bride aside and faced everyone. "I said that since I worship heaven and earth, I should worship heaven and earth. Although people stand on the earth, what about heaven?" Fang Kun said coldly. "Young master, this... This is not heaven." the ritual officer pointed to the sky in a hurry and said sadly. He really didn't know what the young master was going to do in front of thousands of people. Fang Kun smiled coldly and looked insidious: "you and I see the sky, but what about some people?" "even the sky can't see, what's the sincerity?" as soon as the voice fell, the ritual officer was surprised, Fang Kun had turned sideways fiercely, and then suddenly his hand suddenly took hold, instantly pulled the bride's head, and then pulled it fiercely. When the lid was pulled open, it revealed a peerless and sad face, with slight tears. The exquisite makeup showed this situation more pitifully. But under the pity, more people were shocked. It has been a tradition for many years that the bride must not pull off her veil and meet people before her wedding night. This is not only the case for big families, but also for ordinary people. But it happened that... "This..." "this..." everyone looked at each other and didn't know why. The people of the Fang family and Fang Biao were stunned. They couldn't even say a word for a moment. What the hell is Fang Kun doing?! Su Yan and Lvzhu also breathed. They were shocked, but they didn't dare to say anything. Could it be that Fang Kun had found something wrong with Su Yingxia at this time?! Thinking of this, the two women stared at each other. At this time, Han 3000 only glanced at the changes, because he could barely see what had happened from his sight, and the bride's face happened to be blocked by Fang Kun because of his position. However, Han 3000 is not interested in Fang Kun's crazy behavior. What can't this mad dog do once it gets angry? However, Han 3000 is very confused. What does this have to do with the gifts he gives himself?! "Only in this way can we see heaven and earth and worship heaven and earth!" Fang Kun drank coldly, then directly patted Su Yingxia on her back, forced her to bend down, cooperated with himself, and suddenly worshipped the sky. "One... Worship heaven and earth." although his behavior was strange, the ritual officer acted according to the circumstances and shouted quickly. Then, he suddenly wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked at his watch in embarrassment. Fang Biao was also difficult to ride a tiger. He nodded at him depressed and signaled him to continue. Although there was bad ethics, it was still in the past. The ritual officer hardened his head and then shouted, "worship the high hall twice." after talking, the new couple turned and faced the square table above the high hall. Under the compulsion of Dongju and Fang Kun, worship the square table twice and the ceremony was completed again. At this time, Han 3000 was still drinking tea. "Three years of husband and wife worship!" then, Su Yingxia slowly stood opposite Fang Biao with the "help" of Dongju, and almost at this time, she looked at her eyes and saw Han Sanqian sitting there not far away... This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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