I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3029

Published at 22nd of November 2021 05:15:38 AM

Chapter 3029: 3029

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Hearing Han 3000's words and looking at the confidence in Han 3000's eyes, qingluan wanted to slap him and teach him what is low-key and what is a man. But she didn't. somehow, she always felt that Han 3000 opposite had a momentum that ordinary people couldn't. this momentum was unclear, but it was so true. She even had a moment at this time when DIU DIU really believed Han 3000's words, but this was only a moment, more mockery: "it's up to you?" "even if Lanfu is an elephant, you deserve to be a mole ant?" "whether you deserve it or not, see the real chapter under your hand, don't you?" Han 3000 smiled gently and began to carry light energy in his hand. "Hehe, I'm very interested to see how you blow the cow so big that you're blown up." qingluan disdained. Han 3000 smiled and said, "then you have to look carefully." as soon as the voice fell, Han 3000 showed a ghostly smile, followed by a slight movement in his hand, a cyan energy immediately gathered. Under the blue energy, a weapon with blue light slowly got rid of it. "That's..." looking at the weapon in the blue light, qingluan frowned and was slightly shocked. "Maybe I'm not a mole ant, but it should be completely matched. I forgot to tell you that it's called Pangu axe." Han 3000 smiled coldly and swung in his hand. The weapon in the green light showed its original shape. Even if the axe is green, it is still powerful and looks like a stranger. Pangu axe?! Qingluan's face was startled. The whole person was obviously jumped. He looked around in panic and saw that the axe was majestic and extraordinary. "No... it's impossible!" Pangu's axe is a divine weapon. How can you get it if you are just a mortal. "" impossible? Try and know it's impossible. "As soon as Leng Sheng drank, Han 3000 raised Pangu's axe with his hand. There was no superfluous action, but the purest and most primitive axe slashing. Even though Pangu axe has been trapped by the man in black and can only show people in blue all the time, its essence is still there. At ordinary times, Han 3000 may not be willing to take it out and cause more trouble. But today, in the face of such a blue teal, it has to show up. Because it is obvious that Han 3000 is not sure that he can completely hurt him with his own strength, but there is only one chance. Therefore, Han 3000 has no choice. Boom! Almost at the same time when Pangu's axe was raised, the top of the cave was like the wind and cloud. All the air anti Buddha around was drawn by it. Then, with Han's Trinity axe, it was directly torn by the axe blade. Even if it is only the initial noumenon, how can Pangu, as the king of all weapons, become ordinary? With the axe down, even qingluan in the distance obviously felt the strong pressure. It seemed that he could feel the great threat of being cut in half by the axe blade only 100 meters away from the direction of the axe blade. Is this really Pangu's axe?! Qingluan's eyes were wide open, and she looked at the huge axe. "Hum!" seemed to feel the pressure on his back. At this time, the blue Fu wriggled uneasily, and his mouth snorted with a low, stuffy sound, like warning or anger. Under the blue light, Han 3000's face is ferocious, his teeth are clenched, and he holds an axe with one arm! "Roar!" Lanfu turned his head and roared angrily at Han 3000. The blue light flashed on his body. At this time, the big axe was holding a startling green Mang, which was already close to the back of Lanfu's huge body. Space is still! Everything seems to have stalled. Qingluan swallowed nervously, and her eyes didn't even dare to blink, for fear of inadvertently missing something. "Roar!" suddenly, another huge roar hit the whole peaceful space. However, the overbearing roar was completely different from that just now. It's still angry, but with a wail! Qingluan was shocked and suddenly looked up. Sure enough, with this roar, the next second, something that made her almost crazy happened. Blue Fu's huge body suddenly fell like a broken line pendant all the way from the top of the cave. Han 3000 held a giant axe in one hand, chopping and pressing down all the way. Boom! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stoned our translation

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