I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 305

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:57:10 AM

Chapter 305: 305

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In the face of Jiang Lan's concern, Han 3000 is very clear about the reason. She will certainly boast about some things outside to gain face for herself, but some words are too much. With Jiang Lan's character, something will happen sooner or later, so Han 3000 has to remind her.

"Mom, I know you love face, but you can't talk nonsense, or you'll cause trouble." Han 3000 said.

After hearing this sentence, Jiang Lan's expression froze, even flashed a bit of fierce color. In her position, how can she be criticized by Han 3000?

"Han 3000, don't think you can point fingers at me after doing something. Don't worry. I didn't say anything. Even if I did, it was my daughter. It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Lan said coldly.

Han Sanqian is worried about this. He also knows that Jiang LAN can't boast about him. After all, his reputation in Yuncheng is a loser. No one will believe him if he says how powerful he is.

"I know. That's why I want you to keep a low profile. Now I don't know how many people in Yuncheng want Yingxia to fall down. The more you boast about Yingxia, the more eager those people are to see Yingxia suffer." Han 3000 said.

What Jiang LAN is proud of now is her daughter. The only capital she boasts in front of her sisters is Su Yingxia. She enjoys the envious eyes of those people and the marvels of others. This kind of superiority is something Jiang LAN has never experienced before, so she is addicted to now. How can it be possible for her not to boast.

"Han 3000, it's not your turn to teach me how to do it. I have my own discretion." Jiang Lan said, dissatisfied to go out.

Han 3000 has no choice but to smile bitterly. Su Yingxia doesn't know what to do. She knows Jiang Lan's character. If she doesn't brag, it's more painful than killing her.

"Three thousand, my mother is like this. Don't take it to heart." Su Yingxia comforts Han 3000.

"I'm just afraid that what she says will cause some people's dissatisfaction, and it will be bad for you," Han said

Su Yingxia can feel that Han 3000's starting point is for his own good, and this is the problem he will take the lead to consider all the time. After more than three years, how can su Yingxia not feel that Han 3000 puts himself in the first place.

"I'll tell her about it. You can rest at ease." Su Yingxia said.

"I've almost recovered. I don't need to rest. You have to go back to the company tomorrow." Leisure time will make people nostalgic, but Han 3000 knows that this state can not be maintained all the time. Su Yingxia will eventually manage the company, and he also has something to do.

"Yes." Su Yingxia nodded her head. During this period of time, she had a close relationship with Han 3000, and she enjoyed it very much. Suddenly, she had to put herself into work, and she was reluctant to give up. However, the reality that she had to face was unavoidable.

The next day, after su Yingxia went to the company, Han 3000 went to a place called love homeland in Yuncheng. There are some people who are born with defects and abandoned from childhood, ranging from a few years old to more than ten years old. They rely on social assistance to operate. Since Han 3000 knew this place, he would occasionally go to see it and give some help and money to them.

These children are very introverted, because they know that they are different from ordinary people, so they are especially afraid of meeting strangers. Han Sanqian is an exception. Whenever Han Sanqian comes here, the children are very excited, because their brother Qian doesn't look at them with colored glasses like other people, And no matter what the game will accompany them to play.

"Brother Qian, where have you been? Why haven't you come so long?"

"Brother Qian, we miss you so much. We thought you forgot us."

"Brother Qian, play games with us."

Han Sany appeared and immediately became the king of children. All the children were excited and surrounded.

"Brother Qian didn't come. Are you obedient?" Han 3000 said with a smile.

"Be obedient." The children said with one voice.

"You don't know, they talk about you every day. You are going to surpass me in their mind." Peng Fang said with a smile that she is the founder of love home. She is in her 40s and looks very old. After all, it is a hard work to manage these children every day.

"Sister Peng, I can't be better than you." Han 3000 laughs. He finds that Peng Fang seems to have a trace of sadness between her eyebrows. What should be the matter? But now the children are all here, so Han 3000 doesn't ask.

"By the way, Dong Shan also called me today and said that she would come soon. You two haven't seen each other for a long time." Peng Fang said.

"So coincidentally, does she come often now?" Dong Shan is a very loving woman. She looks sweet and lovely. She often comes to love home to help. She is very familiar with Han 3000. However, to be careful, they have met no more than ten times in the past three years.

"He's talking about a boyfriend now, and occasionally he comes with a boyfriend, but there's less time." Peng Fang said.

Playing with the children, Dong Shan came with a big bag of snacks in less than an hour. The children around Han 3000 saw this and immediately gathered around Dong Shan.

"You realistic guys, be careful I won't come to see you next time." Han 3000 said with a helpless smile“ Three thousand, you are here, but we haven't met for a long time. " Dong Shan said to Han 3000 with a surprise face. The man standing beside her is Peng Fang's boyfriend, song Ji. At the moment, song Ji looks at Han 3000 warily, because Dong Shan's excessive enthusiasm for Han 3000 makes him feel a sense of crisis“ Yes, I'm very busy these days, so I don't come here very often. " Han 3000 said. Dong Shan sighed and said, "me too. I haven't been here for nearly two months. By the way, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend, song Ji."“ My name is Han 3000. Hello. " Han 3000 introduced himself. Han 3000 is no less famous in Yuncheng than those first-line stars, but song Ji doesn't regard him as a celebrity, but mistakenly thinks that he is just a person with the same name. Looking at Han 3000's hand in mid air, song Ji was indifferent, but said faintly: "hello." Han Sanqian didn't feel embarrassed, so he drew his hand back at random. After Dong Shan handed out the snacks, the children went to play by themselves. Han 3000 said to Dong Shan, "sister Peng seems to have something on her mind. Shall we ask?"“ Maybe it's about aid. " Dong Shan said. The operation of the family of love depends entirely on the charitable donations of the caring people in the society. If something goes wrong, it will put great pressure on Peng Fang. When she came to Peng Fang's room, she was resting. Only at this time could she have a chance to steal some leisure time“ Sister Peng, is something wrong with love home? " Han 3000 asked Peng Fang. Peng Fang sighed and said, "sit down first." Song Ji was the first to sit down, and deliberately put his mobile phone and car key on the table. The car key also showed the brand logo. It was a Mercedes Benz. Han 3000 looks no different, for song Ji's deliberate show off, the heart is calm. Song Ji is still waiting to see Han 3000's surprised expression. Unexpectedly, he has no reaction. He deliberately moved the key to let everyone pay attention to his actions. Unfortunately, his display is doomed to be useless. The Lamborghini he photographed outside just now is from Han 3000. How can Han 3000 see a Mercedes Benz in his eyes“ What's the matter, sister Peng? " Dong Shan asked“ You all know what happened in Cloud City recently. " Peng Fang said“ Peng Jie, you are not talking about the companies of Jianghe group. If this is the case, I have a lot of inside information. " Song Ji said triumphantly. Peng Fang nodded and continued: "these big companies, in order to maintain a good image in the local area, do a lot of charity every year, and love homeland will help them every year. However, these companies suddenly collapsed. Now love homeland is facing the problem of insufficient funds. It's just three meals a day that they can't keep going." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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