I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3111

Published at 19th of January 2022 12:56:00 PM

Chapter 3111

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"What the hell is this?"

Han 3000 was surprised and stupid. Isn't this the burning stick he threw away just now? Shit, isn't it corroded?

Besides, how could it rush towards itself?

With his head full of questions, Han 3000 moved his hand. He was really able to move. He suddenly moved his hand and directly blocked the black stick that rushed over.

When he was turning back, the stick stopped again, turned its head at Han 3000 and rushed over again.

"Still coming?"

Han 3000 was depressed. After reaching out to block it again, his right hand also carried another real energy. Suddenly, the sky fire reappeared.

The jade sword can't be brought in. The sky fire moon wheel didn't go with you?!

With the long black stick attacking again, this time, Han 3000 no longer blocked it as he had just done. He stretched out his left hand. He was really able to fly up against the fire stick. The next second, his right hand was lifted, and the sky fire was ready to go.

"You've gone too far by attacking me again and again." Han 3000 said to the black stick, and the sky fire suddenly hit him.


The fire is burning wildly, covering the whole black stick.

Han 3000 looked at the black stick calmly. Grandma's tiger didn't get angry. He was really a sick cat.

However, this indifference lasted only a little while, because he was very stunned to find that even the sky fire with extremely high temperature was still unmoved when it was burning wildly at that guy.

That's strange.

Is it really a fire stick?

Are you really not afraid of fire?

Han 3000 was not sure that the stick was lit, but what was certain was that his little curiosity was lit.

The sky fire was closed slightly, and I was trying to keep a whole corpse for careful observation.

But suddenly, a strange force hit his left hand, and he just beat back Han 3000's real ability for several meters. When Han 3000 just wanted to gather again and really be able to fight back, suddenly, a strong flame emanated from the stick, extended all the way through zhenneng, and attacked Han 3000's left hand directly.

"What?" Han 3000 was shocked. He subconsciously wanted to resist with his right hand, but when the flame was about to arrive, he suddenly found that the situation was wrong.

The temperature of the fire, the color of the fire!

Shit, no, it's his own fire!

Han 3000 was shocked, and people didn't dare to neglect it at all. He quickly turned the sky fire again and fought back suddenly.


Two almost identical flames immediately collided, and the extremely strong explosion even bounced Han 3000 several meters away.

"Shit, so fierce?"

Han 3000 stabilized his body and was shocked. It was obviously his own sky fire, but he was actually used by it instead, but that's even better. But what's outrageous is that his mother's use is so extreme that it's more abnormal than his own use of selfless divine skill.

"You little thing, what the hell?" Han 3000 looked at this guy strangely. After he was angry, he was full of more curiosity.

Han 3000, who had a big heart to play, even completely forgot his danger at this moment. He could move in his hand. The sky fire dissipated and the moon wheel rose again.

Grandma has legs. Fire won't kill you. What about electricity?

"Go!" Then, the moon wheel rushed forward with a purple and blue light.

At that time, the lightning on the little black stick was jagged and tight. When the moon wheel Zidian jumped, everything disappeared. Han 3000 could feel it from the energy of his left hand. Suddenly, the little black stick had no impact.

The anti Buddha is almost the same as when it was just taken out.

Han 3000 frowned. Is that all?

Not afraid of fire, afraid of electricity?!

With the previous lessons, this time Han 3000 is not in a hurry to remove his energy. Even the moon wheel between his right hand is still converging again, so that he can deal with any emergencies at any time.

However, it seems that I am suspicious.

The little black stick doesn't attack itself. If it hadn't been controlled by its own energy, it might have fallen directly.

But when Han 3000 just had this idea, suddenly, the little black stick suddenly changed

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!