I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3147

Published at 19th of January 2022 12:55:07 PM

Chapter 3147

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Like a devil's claw, suddenly stretched out from hell. Taking the pangolin as the diameter of two meters around the body, it is covered with dozens of hands, which is frightening.

It looks like a human claw, but it is extremely dark and dry as firewood, but it is much larger than a human claw.

Just in the twinkling of an eye, when the pangolin had not reflected, those big hands had fiercely grabbed his bare feet.

Several hands pulled his bare feet down, and the pangolin's feet suddenly sank several centimeters deep into the sand. With the help of this force, the ground exploded several times, and more than a dozen shadows flew out of the sand.

The red sand was flying, like a blood mist in the air for a moment.

At the same time, on the mounds on both sides, countless black figures also showed their full shape.

These people are two meters tall. Although they have faces, they are dark. Their facial features are like dogs. They are long in body and hands. They are very uncoordinated and look very disgusting.

Pangolins were also obviously terrified, but almost just for a moment, those disgusting dog people fell on the ground with long hands and feet like spiders, and rushed down at a very fast speed.

Together with the gang who rushed out at the foot of the pangolin just now, they directly surrounded the pangolin.

The poor pangolin didn't understand what was going on. His feet were still stuck in the mud, but there were countless fingers on his neck.

Like their abnormal and disgusting hands and feet, their fingers are also abnormally long, about three times that of normal humans. The ends of their black fingers and silver nails are as sharp as blades.

They are so directly on the neck of the pangolin that the pangolin is not qualified to move even once.

"Brother 3000, there is really an ambush."

Although Xia Wei never doubted Han 3000's words, when dozens of terrible dog people appeared, Xia Wei was inevitably startled.

Han 3000 stared at the front lightly, not surprisingly.

Even to some extent, this is somewhat lower than Han 3000's expectation.

"Smelly 38, what the fuck do you mean? I'm kind to save you, but you treat me like this?"

Over there, after the pangolin found out the situation, he couldn't help getting angry and scolded the woman next to him in a cold voice.

The woman beside did not speak, but reluctantly lowered her head and slowly took off the scars and blood on her body. At this time, the pangolin suddenly realized that everything was a trap, and all the scars on the woman were false.

At this time, a slender nail gently rested on the chin of the pangolin. Before the pangolin was held up by the nail, a slap had been firmly fanned on the pangolin's face.

Even though the pangolin's skin was thick enough, his face was red and swollen in the face of such a powerful slap. The five slender nails scratched five thick claw marks on his face, and the blood immediately flowed slowly along the marks.

"What the fuck are you calling here?" Among the crowd, a man who was significantly larger than the other dog people stood in front of the pangolin.

A pair of dogs with yellow eyes,

Pangolin clenched its teeth and said nothing. His eyes were full of anger.

However, this anger, pangolin does not hate the woman next to him, nor the dog who beat him in front of him, but hates himself.

He hates that he didn't listen to Han 3000 well just now. He only hates that he foolishly quarreled with Han 3000. Now, everything is clear.

Is so ironic, is so unwilling to let yourself.

Even if he was captured at this time, he was not afraid of death. He was afraid that he would never have a chance to say sorry to Han 3000 again.

"What? Are you unconvinced?"

Looking at the pangolin like this, the leading dog disdained to smile.

Pangolin looked back coldly and looked at the dog man. The next second, he spit directly on his face.

The dog man wiped the saliva off his face and looked at the pangolin. His eyes were full of anger: "shit, you bastard."

Then he raised his hand and slapped again.

"Wait!" A light drink.

The dog turned back. At this time, there were bursts of footsteps at the city gate, and the three figures came out slowly

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!