I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3170

Published at 19th of January 2022 12:54:42 PM

Chapter 3170

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"What the fuck are you talking about?" Looking at Han 3000's eyes, Gu Ye even felt whether he had heard wrong.

The boy in front of him was not afraid of himself. What made him crazy was that the boy dared to speak so rude to himself.

Don't mention that he is just a central plains man who is just a pig in his eyes. Even the soldiers monitoring in the underground world dare not talk to themselves like this.

"Can't you hear? Are you deaf?" Han 3000 smiled coldly.

In the eyes of Gu Ye, this smile was the last straw to crush himself. He became angry. On the spot, his other hand directly solidified into a fist and aimed at Han 3000.

The pangolin hidden in the house could no longer help but rushed out on the spot, but at this time, a sneer suddenly came out.

He frowned and listened to the sound. He was stunned to find that the sneer was from Xiao Chunhua.

Over there, the angry Gu Ye couldn't help looking back, but he saw Xiao Chunhua sneer, and his eyes were full of disdain.

"Little spring flower, what the fuck are you laughing at?"

"What are you laughing at?" Xiaochunhua continued to laugh and her eyes were cold: "I laugh that you are dying."

"Do it, fight. You can kill him. If he is dead, I can stand it. But what about you?"

"The people above put people down, but you killed them. At that time, they will have a black face. Can you still live well?"

"I'm lonely all night. What's wrong with me for your old life?" Then, Xiaochunhua kept her face away, even full of provocation: "do it, you'd better hurry up."

After all, Xiaochunhua really doesn't look at it any more.

"You!" Dugu Ye was so angry that he held his fist tighter, but anyway, he couldn't swing it at this time.

Yes, Xiao Chunhua's words are not groundless. No matter what dirty means the smelly woman uses, it is an indisputable fact that the little white faced bitch is really brought down by someone nodding.

If you die at your own hands, you are bound to get into trouble.

The post of assistant manager in the east of the underground world is coveted by many people. If you lose your seat and lose your life, it really doesn't pay what you think.

It doesn't seem worth doing this to a bitch.

Although Xiaochunhua is really a woman she has always wanted but can't get, as long as she is in this position, what are you afraid of without a woman?

Thinking of this, although he was very unwilling to let Han 3000 go, he released his hand and directly put Han 3000 on the ground. He smiled coldly: "a pair of dog men and women almost caught your fucking way."

Then he looked coldly at Xiao Chunhua: "but don't be fucking proud for too long, you bitch."

With that, he stared at Han 3000 coldly, turned and threw his clothes away.

Xiaochunhua kept her face away. When she was sure that Gu Ye had gone far, she hurried to Han 3000's side, quickly helped Han 3000 up and said with concern: "are you okay?"

Han 3000 shook his head and smiled gently. He was OK.

"Go back to the house first."

Holding Han 3000, they returned to the earth house again. Seeing that they entered the house safely, pangolin was relieved and said discontentedly, "Damn, who was that guy just now? It was too arrogant. If 3000 hadn't stopped me, I would kill him in three moves."

"It's better to have one more thing than one less thing. If you fight, will it be good?" Han 3000 smiled softly.

"If there is a fight, it will certainly disturb more people. At that time, it will become extremely unsafe here, which is relatively safe." Xiaochunhua agreed. However, looking at Han 3000, she was slightly moved and said, "however, although you rushed out to help me just now, I am very grateful to you, do you know? You are very dangerous?"

"Since we are all in the same boat, we are friends. Shouldn't we help each other? Besides, I believe in your acting skills."

Hearing this, Xiaochunhua felt a little warm in her heart: "friend?"

At this time, he suddenly stopped on the side of the angry Gu Ye, and then looked back at the room of Xiaochunhua earth house in the distance, revealing a gloomy sneer. It seemed that he suddenly thought of something

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!