I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 322

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:56:46 AM

Chapter 322: 322

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Su Yingxia's attitude towards Jiang LAN is not surprising at all. In her heart, she doesn't reject this thing. All the people in the Jiang family are her close relatives. Jiang LAN knows more about their abilities than anyone else.

But Jiang Hong has said this, she can only try her best, and Su Yingxia's character, as long as the hard and soft, she is confident that she can persuade Su Yingxia.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse. I'll tell you what happened first." Jiang Lan said softly.

Han 3000 back to the room, he is too lazy to intervene in this matter, no matter what kind of decision su Yingxia will have, Han 3000 will respect her.

Sitting beside the bed, Han 3000 takes out the sensor from his wallet. It's very small and easy to lose. However, in Han 3000's hands, this will never happen, because he will watch it many times every day.

Counting the time, the gopher is not short to leave. It must have entered the geocentric prison, but the sensor has not moved. What's his accident, or is there no Han Tianyang in the geocentric prison?

Every time Han 3000 thinks about it, he will feel uneasy. He expects that Han Tianyang is still alive. He has great expectations for it. He is very worried that the dream will be broken.

"Grandfather, you must live. As long as you are still alive, I will try to save you." Han 3000 holds the sensor tightly and talks to himself resolutely.

In some dark room.

The darkness is creepy. In this environment, no matter how determined people are, they will feel scared.

At the moment, in the corner of the wall, there was a figure squatting, holding his knees in both hands, shaking slightly.

The gopher has been in this environment since he woke up. He knows that he has been to the inner earth prison, and now he should be locked up in a place similar to a cell. This is probably the treatment that every newcomer to the inner earth prison will receive.

The gopher doesn't know how long he has been here. The dark environment makes him unable to touch the light and feel the time. The only thing that makes him feel beyond the dark is an occasional earthquake. This makes the gopher guess that the location of the prison in the center of the earth should be deep underground. Only in this way can earthquakes occur frequently.

Inner earth prison, deep in the inner earth?

If so, it is no wonder that geocentric prison can remain unknown for so many years, because it does not exist on the surface at all. Who can find it.

"Fortunately, I'm a regular in the confinement room. I've been used to this kind of environment for a long time. If I changed the ordinary people, my mood would have collapsed." The hamster comforted himself by talking to himself. From his slightly trembling body, in fact, his attitude was not so firm.

After all, it's a completely dark room with nothing to see. For those who are used to living in the light, no one can persist in this kind of environment.

"Close it, my present state, close me again ten years eight years also no problem." Gopher always reminds himself and cheers up, because he knows that if he breaks down in the first step, he will never have a chance to escape from prison.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, dark environment, finally ushered in a dawn.

The dazzling light makes the hamster blind and can only bury his head.

Through the sound of footsteps, the hamster judged that the other party came to three people, should be to take him away from the environment.

But when the footsteps approached, the hamster was suddenly beaten mercilessly, and after the beating, those people left quietly, and did not take the hamster away from here.

Lying on the ground and falling into the dark room again, the gopher felt despair for the first time. Is this the set meal of geocentric prison? Not only do you keep people in this dark environment, but you also have to be beaten?

"I'm a cockroach. No one wants to kill me!" Said the gopher gnashing his teeth.

The room suddenly began to shake, and this time the shaking frequency is greater than previous times.

"You guys are not afraid to shake down this place and bury you all alive." The strong shock made the hamster tremble, which also made him more sure that the inner earth prison should be underground.

Hillside villa, Han 3000 put away the sensor, Su Yingxia also happened to return to the room.

See Su Yingxia a pair of listless appearance, shoulders natural downward tilt, probably guess the development of things.

"Agreed?" Han 3000 asked with a smile.

Su Yingxia bited her lips, and ten thousand of her disagreed, but she couldn't get over Jiang LAN.

"Three thousand, you don't blame me." Su Yingxia bowed her head and did not dare to look Han 3000 in the eyes, because Han 3000 bought the company back, and it was he who made the company develop today. Although Su Yingxia is the nominal chairman, the company's current status has nothing to do with her.

In other people's minds, Su Yingxia is the chairman of the company, which is also a fact that everyone can see. But in Su Yingxia's mind, she thinks Han 3000 is the owner of the company, because without him, the company would have gone bankrupt.

"How can I blame you, but they don't live here all the time?" Han Sanqian doesn't want to see Jiang's family. He will get into trouble sooner or later if he lives here because of Jiang Sheng's character. Of course, Han 3000 is not afraid of the heavenly family, and the heavenly family will not make trouble for him, but Han 3000 will not let Jiang Sheng be arrogant“ That's what mom promised me. They won't live here. " Su Yingxia said“ That's good. Time is up. I'll take you to the company. " Han 3000 said. Su Yingxia takes a special look at Han 3000's wallet. Recently, she often sees a scene that Han 3000 is in a daze with his wallet, so she guesses that there must be something very important to Han 3000“ If you have any unhappiness or worry, you can tell me Su Yingxia did not directly ask Han 3000 what happened, which is her most understanding place, because she knows that as long as Han 3000 is willing to tell her, even if she doesn't ask, she will never force Han 3000 to do what Han 3000 is not willing to do“ Nothing. Let's go. " Han 3000 stood up, put away his wallet and said. Han 3000 won't tell her about Han Tianyang unless he can save him one day. If Han Tianyang is dead, it will be the secret that Han 3000 will bury. When driving to the company, a special situation happened in tianchangsheng martial arts school. Luo Bin came with his grandson Luo xuyao, and this time he didn't follow the last man, but a more gloomy man, about 30 years old. Since he lost last time, Luo Bin has been bitter about it, and even resentful. He found a master, deliberately kicked the hall, and wanted to find an excellent girlfriend for Luo xuyao, but he didn't expect to lose face. For the face loving Luo Bin, he naturally couldn't accept such an outcome, so after he got home, he kept attracting experts through high prices, Planning revenge. After such a long time, Luo Bin finally chose a person to satisfy him, so he couldn't wait to come to tianchangsheng martial arts school. On that day, when Changsheng saw Luo Bin, he knew that he was not good at coming, and this was what he had expected. After knowing Luo Bin for so many years, he knew Luo Bin's temperament like the back of his hand“ Luo Bin, you are a little later than I thought. " Tianchangsheng said“ Ah, I've been busy recently. I haven't had a chance to talk about the past. This time, I managed to squeeze out some time. " Luo Bin said with a sigh, his time, in fact, is spent on looking for experts, there is no absolute certainty, how can he risk losing face for the second time easily come here. When tianchangsheng looks at the people around Luo Bin, his overall temperament looks particularly gloomy. When he doesn't speak, it's like a deep pool. Although it's quiet, it gives people a feeling that he can swallow other people's lives silently“ I really don't have time, so I don't need to talk about the past. " Tianchangsheng said with a smile. Luo Bin shook his head repeatedly and said, "how can we do that? We are old now, and we don't have much time to live. If we see one side, we will lose one side." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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