I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3310

Published at 28th of January 2022 07:48:26 AM

Chapter 3310

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When Han 3000 came out again, half an hour had passed.

Zhu Yaner and Ning Ruyu were also quite patient and waited in place all the time.

Seeing Han 3000 coming back under the leadership of the old dwarf, several people hurried to get up.

Han Sanyi smiled: "I've still bought something, so the sign of responding to every request in the black market is still blocked. Brother Ning, thank you for your help tonight. Can I have something else in the evening? If nothing, how about having a drink together?"

"Ning has a lot of things, but if you compare it with brother Han's drinking, it's all chores. It doesn't matter whether you do it or not. You must drink with brother Han today." Ru Yu smiled softly.

Han 3000 smiled: "OK, don't go back if you're not drunk."

"Ning should sacrifice his life to accompany a gentleman."

They looked at each other and smiled. Then the old dwarf nodded to the girls next to him.

Less than a moment later, the previous rabbit girl was dressed, including nine things in boxes, which were sent up by the girls.

It is said that the rabbit girl is the most miserable person, but now it seems that these girls envy the rabbit girl one by one. At least she can have the opportunity to follow such a top-notch man, even if she is just a slave, it is also a happy thing.

Put nine things directly into the space ring, and then take the rabbit girl. Under the leadership of the old dwarf, a group of people quickly went out of the imperial space and left the black market directly through the side door.

The party talked and laughed and went back to the night market. Han 3000 randomly chose a roadside restaurant and ordered wine and vegetables directly.

"Sit down and drink."

Glancing at the rabbit girl and looking at Master Lu and pig San, Han 3000 smiled.

Master Lu and pig Sany were overjoyed when they heard this. Hei hei smiled and sat down. The rabbit woman was quite trembling, but with the look of pig Sany, they just scared others and sat down against Han 3000.

Han Sanyi smiled and changed a position with the rabbit girl, so that Zhu Yaner was on the left and the rabbit girl was on the right. He had a kind of posture of being in the flowers and embracing both sides.

Here comes the wine and the dishes.

Han 3000 raised his glass and invited a group of people to drink immediately.

With Han 3000 close to himself, Zhu Yaner, who was originally unhappy with the rabbit girl, was in a much better mood. With Han 3000 raising the topic, the more we talked, the happier we drank.

After drinking for a long time, a group of people were drunk. Zhu Yaner also told some interesting stories she knew, but just as she was about to rise, suddenly, a hand stopped her from behind and slightly hugged her without everyone's attention.

While she was alone, she was Han 3000. After a slight surprise, she reflected a joy.

Although he still told those interesting stories, his mind had already flown elsewhere, and his eyes looked at Han 3000 from time to time.

Han 3000 is obviously a little dizzy. I think he drank so much wine before and the wine just now must have played a role.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yan'er was very happy. She was secretly happy. She hugged herself along Han 3000's arm. Her delicate body leaned slightly, and half leaned in Han 3000's arms.

Seeing this, childe Yu and others also looked at each other and smiled, but did not say more.

Until the night was late and the wine was a few days later, Han 3000 suddenly came to Zhu Yan'er's ear and said softly, "are you tired? Go back to the house with you to have a rest?"

Zhu Yan was stunned, happy in his heart, but kept reserved on the surface: "do you want to..."

Han 3000 nodded.

Zhu Yan'er blushed and lowered his head. Although he didn't answer, his meaning was clear.

Ning Ruyu smiled gently and patted Master Lu on the shoulder. "Pay for the wine, and then ask for some rooms."

"I... I'm only halfway through." Master Lu said sadly.

"Spring night is worth thousands of gold." After that, Ning Ruyu motioned to master Lu to look at the three thousand people in front of him. Master Lu smiled, "I see. I'll get married now."

In less than a moment, several upper rooms were ready. Han 3000 also walked into one of them with Zhu Yaner in his arms, and then

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!