I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3360

Published at 7th of February 2022 12:49:55 PM

Chapter 3360

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Death is like a lamp out.

This sentence is absolutely true. At this time, when Han 3000's breakthrough declared failure, his defense was completely destroyed by Heifeng, and his attack was completely stalled because of obstruction.

Internal worries and external aggression.

Under such a double heavy blow, relying solely on Han 3000's tenacious will is obviously just a dream. The wind power in the black column is far stronger than Han 3000 thought, or even thousands of times stronger.

With his personal ability, at least for now, he really can't be completely solid in attack and defense. Naturally, he has no ability and method to challenge this powerful black giant pillar.

He barely shrunk his body, and the golden and black Qi on his body was making the final struggle. The five shape God stone was also doing its best to repair his body. Although the repair was only a drop in the bucket compared with the scars he suffered.

Are you dying?

Han Sanqian's consciousness began to fade, his energy was shrinking, and even his pupils began to relax.

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion.

The wind seems to be getting smaller.

Perhaps it is the feeling that the person it attacks has begun to die, and it is no longer so arrogant and bloodthirsty, nor so arrogant and domineering, like the song of death gently sung by the God of death after waving the sickle.


Seeing that the black pillar began to weaken, ye Shijun's eyes revealed confidence and an indescribable excitement.

New hatred and old hatred, personal hatred and father hatred, as well as all kinds of envy and jealousy, meet at this moment and dissipate with Han 3000's imminent death.

He finally got revenge, and he could finally step on Han 3000's body and announce to the world that the old king was dead and the new king should be established.

"Han 3000, I want you to remember that my name is Ye Shijun!"

The rage roared, and almost all the emotions melted into the rage.

He is venting and telling the world that ye Shijun is the real king.

"Ye... Ye won!"

Above the ground, Zhu Yanshuo was also the first to reflect. He clenched his fist with his right hand and cheered.

The great Revenge of breaking into the city Lord's residence has been avenged. The most important thing is that once han 3000 dies, his sister and her friend will be officially buried in the dust of history.

From this moment, her sister really officially entered the new life.

"Beautiful!" Fu Tian was also very excited.

For him, Han Sanqi is an existence that undermines his authority, an existence that is enough to challenge his position as the head of the family, and an existence that makes his family decline from high to today.

He wanted Han 3000 to be cut by thousands of knives in order to meet the depression in his heart.

If it weren't for the appearance of this shaft, how could su Yingxia not listen to the words of helping the family and his arrangement? If Su Yingxia hadn't rebelled, how could he help his family fall here?

This son is against himself everywhere. Today he dies at the hands of others. How can he not feel relieved?!

The four masters were also excited. After all, they almost fell to the bottom of the valley because of their high prestige in the two wars with Han 3000.

Getting rid of a major scourge is naturally a good thing for them.

Only Zhu Yaner in the game was slightly stunned at first. It seems that it is difficult to accept the situation that Han 3000 has been defeated. After all, in Zhu Yaner's heart, there is hatred for Han 3000, but the root of hatred comes from love.

But it happens that such a person he likes for the first time is still such a powerful person. Now he dies in front of himself. How can he not make people feel shocked and sorry?

But this mood lasted less than a moment.

Instead, Zhu Yan'er looked up at the sky, and ye Shijun was full of expectations and likes of love.

Yes, it is hard to accept the defeat of Han 3000, but on the contrary, it is because it is so hard to accept, but it can just reflect how capable Ye Shijun is.

He can do what others can't do, and defeat the God and man who slaughtered the demon cloud ghost city. Doesn't that mean that ye Shijun's ability is stronger than Han 3000?

And such a man is the one who likes himself. Isn't it worth being happy?!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yan'er's eyes looking at Ye Shijun were more full of love.

Just, is Han 3000 really dead again? Or is it a complete failure?

In the black wind, Han 3000's fingers suddenly moved

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!