I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3381

Published at 7th of February 2022 12:49:26 PM

Chapter 3381

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With a crisp sound, ye Shijun didn't even understand the situation. A hot pain suddenly arose on his left cheek. Han Sany slapped him directly on the face, which just stunned everyone present.

Some people in the field even couldn't bear to see ye Shijun and pinned their heads to one side because Han 3000 fan was too fierce.

Zhu Yaner was completely stunned, and the whole person was completely stupid.

Ye Shijun was furious. He was groveling enough, but Han Sanqian, the son of a bitch, still treated him like this. Let's not say the pain. In front of these people, ye Shijun was superior and insulted by others. Doesn't he want face?

"Han 3000!"

He roared very loudly, as if he wanted to frighten Han Sanyi through this angry roar.

But Han 3000 didn't care at all. He just looked at Fu Tian coldly: "are you dumb?"

"You..." hold the knot.

"Come again, be neat and louder. Don't force me to do it again." Then Han 3000 raised his eyes and looked up at the sky. There were no birds at all.

The two men clenched their teeth and looked at each other. After making full psychological preparation, they said in unison: "I... I'm wrong."

As soon as the words fell, they suddenly felt a dark shadow floating in front of them. Before they reflected it, there were two loud noises. As others turned their faces away again, Fu Tian and ye Shijun were slapped heavily on their faces again.

At this moment, the two people became more angry. Fu Tian directly insisted on standing up and arguing with Han 3000, but his knees had just been raised, but the dark shadow in front of him didn't know when it had been around behind him. A big foot stepped on his lower leg directly, making his just raised foot thump and kneel heavily on the ground again.

"What are you doing?" Behind him, Han 3000's cold interrogation hit, and the attacked Fu Tian's back was cold.

"Han 3000, don't push people too hard. You want us to kneel, and we kneel. You want us to admit our mistakes, and we admit our mistakes. What else do you want?" Fu Tian's anger was extinguished in the cold, but his mouth was still very tough.

"Ye Shijun, what's missing in the steps of kneeling on the ground to admit your mistake?" Han Sanqian looked at Ye Shijun.

Ye Shijun naturally understood that what Han 3000 said was missing was a crying word.

But he is a dignified seven foot man. His blood can flow, but his tears can't flow. That should be what women should do. How can he do it?!

Fu Tian didn't understand. He looked at Ye Shijun and said quietly, "Shijun, what's missing? You're right."

Fu Tian just wanted to finish this link quickly. Although he was a dog in the Ye family, his old face began to hang in front of so many people outside.

Ye Shijun gritted his teeth and said coldly, "cry!"

"Cry?" Fu Tian was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that such a link would be missing. However, he and ye Shijun maintained the same attitude and couldn't help shouting at Han 3000: "a man's big husband, you can bleed but not cry. Han 3000, isn't it difficult for you? How... How can you cry?"

"Think about your dead mother and your father. Maybe you'll come out. Of course, I don't mind dirty my hands. Continue to help you and beat you until you cry." Han 3000 chuckled.

After all, although it's just a slap in the face, it's really a slap in the face with the strength of Han 3000.

Moreover, it's not just pain, the key is humiliation.

How can people hang on their faces when they are slapped like a grandson?

Fu Tian glanced at Ye Shijun. Although he was speechless, he obviously hinted at Ye Shijun through his eyes. The so-called gentleman is able to advance and retreat, and endure the calm for a while.

Ye Shijun naturally didn't want to be beaten, so he nodded. Almost at the same time, both faces pretended to be crying. Although crying is more ugly than smiling, at least it's like that

"I... I was wrong."

They cried together. There was no heartbreaking appearance in the picture, but there was only a sense of shame.

But suddenly, at this time, they slapped their palms on their faces again. When they stopped crying, they couldn't help being very angry, and... What the fuck happened?

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!