I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3431

Published at 25th of February 2022 12:10:06 PM

Chapter 3431

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"It's embarrassing. These guys will be tortured by you not only before they die, but also after they die."

"It's easier for them to embark on the road of true God than others. This is the role that God has doomed them. Isn't it very good to say? Everyone is born with their own mission, and they are no exception."

"Just, maybe for them, they will feel very wronged. But their wrongs are just because they don't have a clear positioning of themselves."

The old sweeper nodded: "just like this jungle, some are born their own overlords of the jungle. Crocodiles dominate the water, eagles dominate the top of the forest, and tigers dominate the ground."

"Yes, they are the same as the real gods who died here. From their point of view, they are kings and absolute masters of their respective fields, but this is their view."

"For the higher gods or people, their existence is not for hegemony, but only for a complete biological chain, or a perfect pagoda."

"Human beings ultimately rely on the perfect food chain to improve their diet and control the ecological balance. The spire of the gold tower always needs not only the foundation at the bottom of the tower, but also the platform for placing the spire, and they are the platform."

"Whether they are true gods or the best among them, they are no different from them. They are just tools. Their ultimate goal is for one person."

They talked and smiled at each other. Everything was silent.

The old sweeper smiled, "But we must also praise you for killing two birds with one stone, which not only makes the guy shut up in advance, so as not to let Han 3000 know something he shouldn't know now, but also completely find a name to speak. Han 3000 threw him into such a place for his good trial practice. Before, we had been worried about how to let this guy go in willingly. It's good and easy."

Ba Huang Tian Shu smiled helplessly, but there was a trace of pride in his smile: "Hey, it's not a skill, just forget that guy is different from evil Taotie. He can talk."

"We almost ruined the overall situation because of this small mistake. We must be careful in the future."

The old sweeper nodded: "by the way, I should do everything now anyway. Take advantage of some time now to play?"

"Ha ha, your hands are itching again. Come on, who's afraid of who?"

"OK, but how about changing the way we play this time?"

Upon hearing this, the eight wasteland Tianshu suddenly understood the meaning of the old man sweeping the floor. The thief smiled and said, "you don't want to play chess, but..."

"Yes, how about a bet? It's simple and straightforward. Are you interested?" The old man who swept the floor smiled.

"OK, let's bet. Let's bet when Han 3000 can get out of the jungle. I bet seven days later." Ba Huang Tian Shu was also in a good mood and said.

The old sweeper nodded, "that's exactly what I mean. I'm optimistic about this boy. I'll bet he'll be out in seven days."

With a wave of his big hand, the eight wasteland Tianshu made a high five agreement with the old sweeper: "then it's a deal."

However, they just made a high five appointment, but they laughed almost at the same time.

Until they laughed for a moment, they reluctantly stopped, and the old man sweeping the floor had tears in his eyes: "are we going too far? Han 3000 is still alive and dead, but we are gambling with others here."

Ba Huang Tian Shu was also embarrassed: "ha ha, that's right. Although Han 3000 is really expected, the challenges he is facing are really beyond his current level. In theory, this jungle should be faced at least after he has completed the sublimation in a few more levels. This is..."

Ha ha ha ha!

Another burst of thunderous laughter.

At this time, Han 3000 in the jungle couldn't help sneezing. At the same time, he suddenly stopped. He found something wrong

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!