I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3471

Published at 22nd of March 2022 04:43:11 PM

Chapter 3471

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"It should be there." Han 3000 looked at the past and said softly.

The location of the cave is indeed a little secret. If someone had not told him there was a cave in advance, Han 3000 would not have taken a more look at that place.

The evil gluttonous slightly breathed out, which seemed to be regarded as a response.

Han 3000 didn't delay. He rushed all the way with the gluttony of evil.

When he arrived at the entrance of the cave and looked at some twisted plants around the cave, Han 3000 couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

"Some meaning."

Almost all the plants around are crooked, showing a rather strange posture, and finally formed a gate like a natural shelter, which is almost completely consistent with the shape of the hole.

Slightly remove these, and the hole of the cave suddenly appears in front of Han 3000.

It's not big. It's nearly two meters high. It's very dark inside. A fireball is supported by a piece of energy in Han 3000's hand, and then he goes into the cave one by one with Taotie of evil.

Although the cave is very dark, it is strange that there is no moisture in this jungle, but it is extremely dry. The walls around the cave are relatively neat, not natural, but more artificial.

However, the hole is very deep. At least after winding for tens of meters, it turns and goes deeper.

If this is made by hand, I don't know how long it will take to dig to have such a scale.

Turning the corner, after going deep into about seven or eight meters, a huge space of four or five hundred square meters appeared in front of Han 3000.

There is a huge stone in the cave. Although it is very sharp on the whole, because of its huge shape, on the whole, there is a flat place about one meter long on the top, which seems to be able to lay down a person.

Not far from the big stone, there are some gravel there.

At a glance, it was four stools and a table.

Han 3000 smiled bitterly and patted the gluttonous shoulder of evil: "go out and find something to eat. Don't go too far. If you have something to ask me, I'll practice first."

After that, Han Trinity flew and landed on the big stone. Then he closed his eyes safely and began to practice meditation again. He had digested all kinds of information he had received before.

It's easy to say the first ten magic skills. Han 3000 is nothing more than reinforcement practice to form a muscle memory, which can naturally be remembered deeply.

It doesn't take much time. It takes about a day to complete it.

Han Sanqian wants to spend the next two days mainly studying the last three mysterious mysteries. Why does his body know what he can't understand.

This is a question, but at the same time, Han 3000 can also use the body to try to construct a relatively easy to understand blueprint for his brain.

Of course, even if you can't understand it, you can at least make an integrated induction and practice according to the conscious actions of the body.

Just do it!

At the other end of the world of eight wasteland books.

In the wooden house, a group of mysterious people alliance and Han 3000's friends such as Qinglong and Xiaochunhua are almost all waiting anxiously in the wooden house.

They are waiting for the order to set out to find Han 3000.

But Qin Shuang, Ning Yue and others outside the door don't seem to have the trend of giving orders. Without Su Yingxia's opening, how can they give orders? Their eyes could only look at the bamboo house in the distance.

Inside the bamboo house, Su Yingxia was anxious. She kept looking out of the window and inside the house. She seemed to hesitate very much.

"Didn't I tell you not to worry?" A voice came, obviously, it was the poverty of heaven.

"I......" Su Yingxia was about to stop talking. Han 3000 had been gone for almost a day and had not moved. Why didn't she worry?

"Since you're worried, go out and have a look." Heaven's poor Qi smiled.

Hearing this, Su Yingxia was obviously stunned, but rushed to the bamboo house the next second.

However, as soon as she got to the door, Su Yingxia's pupils began to enlarge infinitely. She was also surprised on a stunning face. At the same time, she was refracted by the colorful light

"That... That's..."

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!