I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3483

Published at 22nd of March 2022 04:42:53 PM

Chapter 3483

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Han 3000 was really slightly startled by the sudden.

However, this is only temporary.

After a moment, Han and Heiying stared at each other tightly.

Under the fire jump, Han 3000 couldn't see the specific appearance of the two shadows at all.

"Excellent, excellent, really excellent."

A strange sound like a hanging ghost suddenly sounded. The evil of the sound made people feel that their teeth were elongated.

"I thought that the door of the Moon Palace would never be opened. I also thought that we were destined to spend the rest of our lives in deep sleep. Now, I'm very happy."

When the voice fell, another strange voice sounded. Compared with the voice of the Hanging Ghost, the voice seemed much lower.

It's kind of like the sound made by someone taking frosted paper and rubbing it wildly on the ground.

Han 3000 sneered, but looked at the two shadows calmly. While listening to them, he observed around secretly to cope with the possible danger at any time.

"What's your name?" The voice of the hanging ghost asked.

"Han 3000." Han 3000 replied.

"Han 3000." The hanged ghost repeated it, and then he nodded: "I will write down this name carefully. After all, it means a lot to you and me."

The grinding sound also sounded appropriately: "when you die, we will engrave your name in the Moon Palace to commemorate that you have been here. This is the supreme honor and the greatest achievement of your life."

"Then what are your names?" Han 3000 smiled.

The hanged ghost smelled the speech, but smiled with disdain and said, "are you qualified to know?"

"Ha ha!" Han 30001 smiled bitterly and shook his head: "if you're not qualified, pull it down. Do you think I want to know more? I asked you just out of courtesy. The so-called reciprocity. Since you want to leave my name as a recognition after you die, I should dig a pit and make a grave to leave you some shadow after you disappear."

"Since I don't want to stay, that's fine. I don't have to dig a pit and make a grave for you."

As soon as the voice fell, the grinding voice burst into laughter: "smelly boy, you are really crazy. How dare you say such words in front of us?! if someone else, I can tell you very responsibly that he will be frustrated by me and die without a place to bury."

"But for you!" He smiled: "I won't be angry. Because you can come here, it means that the 14 goods outside have been solved by you, and you have the capital to be proud of."

The Hanging Ghost said with a smile: "but a person's madness should be enough, otherwise, he will be laughed at by others. He has no knowledge and is a frog at the bottom of the well."

"Do you think we are comparable to the 14 garbage goods outside? You never know how terrible the real power is."

"Please apologize to us. For the sake of I still like you, I can guarantee that you will still leave your own name and glory here."

"Besides, you can at least die a little easier."

With that, he once again sent out his really anti Buddha is a strange laugh like being pinched and burst his throat. It was heard that Han 3000 had goose bumps.

"For the sake of your good attitude, I'll give you one last chance. If you keep your name and the Moon Palace disappears, at least you two can stay in a place after death, so as not to be lonely."

The words fell, Han 3000 was still not humble and unyielding, and his eyes were even filled with a faint happy look.

The two shadows were silent immediately. A moment later, they both laughed at each other, and the grinding sound smiled bitterly: "it seems that what you like is fine wine."

In the house, all the lights suddenly began to flash wildly, and the strange atmosphere also appeared madly

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!