I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3672

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:25:40 PM

Chapter 3672

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In the next second, Han 3000 directly wiped out the enemy troops surrounded by Han 3000. As soon as a whistle blew, Lin long led the sky down, and the evil Taotie quickly approached Han 3000.

One man and two animals close together.

"Three thousand, on the other hand, it seems that we know that we will suffer from a strong attack and have changed the delaying tactics that perplex the guerrillas. We should break the situation as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will be unfavorable to us."

"In this way, I will cover from the air, and Taotie will help you eliminate the harassment of small forces on the ground, while you will fight a path of blood and forge ahead." Lin long said.

This is a good way and the only way that seems most appropriate in the current situation. Even the evil gluttonous nodded constantly at this time, as if telling Han 3000 to do so.

"No." Han 3000 shook his head: "what we can think of, they will think of naturally."

"This is their city. They are far more familiar with the terrain than us, and ambushes are more accurate."

"But this is the only way." Lin Longji road.

Han 3000 shook his head: "for ordinary people, you're right. This is really the only and best way, but I said it's for ordinary people."

"For me, Han 3000, there is actually another choice." Han 3000 sneered.

"Another choice?" Lin long was surprised.

The evil gluttonous also raises its big head and doesn't know why.

"Yes, consumption. We play consumption with them." Han 3000 smiled.

"Are you crazy? Let's play with them?" Lin long was as surprised as a ghost.

Even if he said such words from Han 3000's mouth, he thought it was a big joke made by a madman.

What do they spend with others?

In terms of geography, this is someone else's territory, and their supplementary lines are in place at any time.

In terms of the number of people, they are only three, while others are tens of thousands of people.

So, what qualifications do they have to play with others?

"Do you think I'm crazy?" Han 3000 smiled gently, then raised his eyes and swept around.

Their location is relatively open and surrounded by buildings. To be honest, this location is very bad strategically.

Because it is completely exposed under the eyes of the other party, there is nothing to hide. On the contrary, the other party is in the dark at any time. If you want to launch a sneak attack, you can launch a sneak attack.

"As you can see, there is no place around for us to avoid and consume. People have made it clear that if they do us a favor, how can this place give us shelter? Three thousand, let's attack." Lin Longji road.

In fact, it's no different from looking for death in such a place, but looking at Han Sanyi, it seems that he is quite satisfied. Lin long really has the feeling that the emperor is not in a hurry to die a eunuch.

As Lin long saw, Han 3000 was quite satisfied after looking around: "I don't think so with you. In fact, I think this place is very good."


"You haven't fought with me for too long. Your heart is beginning to be impetuous." Han 3000 took a look at Lin long, smiled, took back his irritable magic Qi and regained his original appearance.

The next second, he could move in his hand, directly soar into the air, take himself as the center, draw a transparent circle barrier, and envelop himself and others in it.

What the fuck is this?!

Lin longnao is buzzing.

Even if you want to defend on the spot, at least you can make a colored one and don't let others know what you're doing in it. In this way, at least

What's this transparent for? Isn't this to let the other party know his situation at any time?

People attack you when they see you rest and play with you when they see you get up. Before long, they will be completely played and collapsed.

It's very important for both sides of the war to know the enemy information. Han Sanqian

This is to send it to someone else's gun.

"After killing so many people, I also charged some interest on blood feud. I can have a rest." Han 3000 looked at Lin long, smiled, turned and lay down directly on the ground.

The gluttonous heart of evil is as big as an ox. anyway, Han 3000 let him rest. Then lie down and have a rest.

Only Lin long, depressed, has no mind at all. Like them, he can only stare at his eyes and always be vigilant about the situation around him.

So, an embarrassing and special wonderful scene appeared

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!