I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 374

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:55:34 AM

Chapter 374: 374

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Looking at Han 3000's back, Yang Xing wiped a cold sweat. Thinking of the last scene, he found out how stupid he had just said.

How can a man like him ask for help?

"Brother Xing, is Tang Gou finished?" A subordinate asked Yang Xing.

"Ah." Yang Xing sighed and said, "it's only bad luck for him to get into trouble with such people. It seems that I have to find someone to help me."

After returning home, Tang Gou can't wait to take a bath. He always scolds. If Yang Xing hadn't delayed his time, he would have enjoyed the happiness of immortals now.

"Two beauties, I'm ready to wash. Are you ready?" Tang Gou a face cheap smile of say to two people.

Mi Fei Er protects Yang Meng behind him and says, "I warn you that if you mess around, I'll put you in jail."

"Beauty, you don't know. I'm a regular there. I don't know how many times I've entered the palace. Will I be afraid?" At present, Tang Gou has completely forgotten the consequences. It doesn't matter what kind of punishment he will get. The important thing is to vent his desire first.

Although mifael had expected that threats would be useless to Tang Gou, she could do nothing but threaten him with words.

At this time, mifeier can't help complaining about Yang Meng. If she didn't send the information to Han 3000, but sent it to others, maybe she could be saved.

"What do you want to do? Come to me and let her go." Said mifael, biting her teeth.

"Hey, hey." Tang Gou, a smile, said, "now you are not has the final say, you must obey my site, otherwise I will hurt you if I hurt myself."

Tang Gou finished and walked towards them step by step.

Yang Meng is too scared to look up. She also has some regrets in her heart. Maybe, as mi fei'er said, if she didn't send the information to Han 3000, she would have a chance to be saved.

Tang Gou walks up to Mi Fei Er, grabs Mi Fei Er's shoulder, and says, "it's your own initiative, or you want me to be tough."

Mifael is biting her teeth. I didn't expect that she would fall into this kind of garbage.

She knows this kind of local ruffian's behavior style. If she resists, she will only suffer more, and in the end, she can't change the ending.

"I'll do it myself." Mifael said hatefully.

Tang Gou complacently laughed and said: "sure enough, she is a smart woman. Don't worry, I will be gentle to you."

Just after this sentence was finished, there were some fighting sounds outside the door of the room, and Tang Gou's expression suddenly became dissatisfied.

Yang Xing interrupted the good thing just now, but now there are still some things that don't have eyes to destroy.

"There are so many things to break these days. Wait, I'll clean up the troublemakers." Tang Gou angrily leaves the room.

Mifael was relieved, but she knew that it was only a temporary delay. What should come would come after all.

"Yang Meng, you..."

"Sister Fei Er, could it be Lao Han who came to save us?" Yang Meng said expectantly.

Old Han?

Mi Fei Er Leng for a while, said: "how can it be him, this kind of hooligan fighting every day, someone come to revenge is normal, how can you think it is him."

Mifael thinks this idea is ridiculous. With Han 3000's courage, does he dare to hit people directly? You're not afraid of being killed.

After Tang Gou left the room, he found that all his subordinates had been beaten on the ground, while the other party was only one person!

It's too damn fierce.

Tang Gou secretly took a cold breath and said, "man, we don't know each other. Why do you come to trouble me?"

"Where's my friend?" Han 3000 cold voice asks a way.


Are they the two women?

Tang Gou gave a cold smile and said, "I advise you not to meddle in your business. Go out and ask me who Tang Gou is. If you provoke me, you will not come to a good end."

Han 3000 did not say a word, and went to Tang Gou.

Tang Gou subconsciously took two steps back.

So many of his subordinates are lying on the ground, and he can't beat them.

"What do you want to do? I warn you not to mess around, otherwise..."

Before his voice fell, Tang Gou felt that he was weightless and hit the wall heavily. His internal organs seemed to be about to break, and he didn't even have the strength to cry.

Han 3000 walked up to Tang Gou again, put his foot on Tang Gou's head, and said faintly, "I don't know who you are, but you should go and find out who I am."

Tang Gou is frightened. Where is this monster from? His skill is so fierce that he loses his fighting power with one foot.

"I'm a ruffian. If you offend me, I have 10000 ways to get back at you. I can make you have no peace." Tang Gou said, biting his teeth.

Han 3000 slightly bent down and looked down at Tang Gou. His voice was cold and said, "listen to what you mean, are you reminding me to kill you to avoid trouble in the future?" Tang Gou saw Han 3000's eyes without any emotion. He felt that his back was cold, and his hair stood up instantly. If someone else said that to him, he would think it was a joke. But this man, especially his eyes, didn't mean to joke at all“ You... You, dare, you want to... "Tang Gou hesitated and couldn't speak clearly. Han 3000 light smile, a foot, Tang Gou head hit the ground, issued a bang, in front of a black faint. After the fighting stopped outside, mifael began to get nervous and looked straight at the door. She knew that this time Tang Gou came in, no one could stop it. She thought Qin Zhao could solve the problem last night, but now she looks up at Qin Zhao and down on Tang Gou. The door moves. Mifeier is short of breath, but Yang Meng looks at the door expectantly. When the door opens and sees the person standing outside, mifael's expression instantly becomes stunned. After Yang Meng is stunned for a moment, she immediately runs to Han 3000“ Han, I knew you would come to save us. " Yang Meng, in shock, holds Han 3000“ Of course I will come. How can I disappoint you if you believe me Han 3000 said with a smile. Mifael has seen Han 3000's coward and his cowardice, so when Yang Meng talked about sending a message to Han 3000, she didn't hold any hope for it. But now, he really appeared! How could it be! How dare you come to the village in the city? What's more, the fighting outside the door just now... It's impossible. It's impossible that he did it. He must have called for help“ Come on, I'll take you out. " Han 3000 said. Mifael is the first to rush out of the door. She wants to see how many people Han 3000 has brought to embolden her. But the situation outside the room made mifael dumbfounded again. There are people, but they are all under Tang Gou's hands, and they all lie on the ground. When everyone looks at Han 3000, their eyes are full of fear. Tang Gou even falls on the ground without any movement, as if he fainted. Did he do all this? Mifael didn't believe Han 3000 did it. She asked Han 3000, "where are your friends? They left so soon."“ I'll do it all by myself. " Han 3000 said. Mifael sneered and said, "you can cheat Yang Meng, but you can't cheat me. How can you beat so many people?" Han 3000 looked at Tang Gou's men and said, "why don't you explain to this overconfident beauty, who beat you down?" All his subordinates were so smart that they began to beg for mercy again and again: "brother, we are wrong. This is arranged by Tang Gou."“ This has nothing to do with us. Please let us go Looking at the way these people kneel down to Han 3000 to beg for mercy, mifeier is inexplicably upset. These people are also bastards. How can they kneel down and apologize to Han 3000? Mifael even has a very absurd idea in his mind, whether all this is arranged by Han 3000, he deliberately arranged such a drama“ You can't arrange all this, can you Mifael asked Han 3000. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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