I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3747

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:24:36 PM

Chapter 3747

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They raised their eyes to Han 3000 and waited for his speech.

When the new king ascends the throne, this procedure is obviously inevitable.

Han 3000 had no choice but to smile bitterly and had to get up: "you don't have to look at me like this. I have nothing to say. I just hope you can eat, drink and have a good time."

Just when they didn't expect it, Han 3000 suddenly remembered something and stood up again: "Oh, by the way, it's time to fall Huan Xin, and the position of management is vacant. If someone is willing to participate in the management of the fall, you are welcome to apply tomorrow."

"These vacancies that should fall into the city, Mr. Han promised, must be a serious way of promotion, and will never take any nepotism."

As soon as the voice fell, I was shocked that the new city Lord didn't make a few words of great talent and strategy when he took office. He just asked a group of people to eat and drink well. Suddenly, a happy smile appeared on his face.

In this vast world, people, demons and even ghosts are afraid of no hope, which will directly crush the confidence of any race, but on the contrary, it is completely different.

"God man is mighty!"

"God man is mighty!"

I don't know who shouted twice. The next second, all around the stage, the cries rose in groups, and for a time, the mighty voice resounded through the whole city.

Han 3000 waved his hand slightly. After the audience was quiet, Han 3000 smiled and said, "don't shout. Do you want to shout all your strength and then eat me poor?"

When the words fell, there was laughter under the stage, and the atmosphere moved towards a relatively relaxed stage for a time.

"Eat." Han 3000 told him to return to God and let everyone who followed him sit down.

For example, young master Yu, Hong Luan and women in white are divided into protocol seats, while trusted representatives of Han 3000, such as pangolin, Xia Wei and Liu Fang, are seated in turn.

Su Yingxia is naturally close to Han 3000.

A table is not full, but it is by no means empty.

Han 3000 took the lead in raising a cup of respect, and an ordinary and unusual banquet officially kicked off.

After 30 days of drinking, Su Yingxia slightly pulled Han 3000: "just drink and eat like this?"

"Ah?" Han Sanyi was stunned: "then why don't I dance for them?"

Su Yingxia gave him a white look: "just now Moyang reported that several groups of singers had been found in the city Lord's residence. They should have been left over by those people before they left. I heard they were pretty. I mean, why don't you just ask them to come and dance? Help the fun?"

Han 3000 slightly glanced: "no, it's not as good as you."

"If you don't want others, don't you?" Su Yingxia road.

After thinking about it, Han 3000 nodded: "I have a beautiful wife, they don't, indeed, different, different."

After that, Han 3000 waved the pangolin over and said in his ear, "there are a group of singing girls in the city master's house. Go and call them. Since it's lively, it's lively enough."

Pangolin nodded, quickly backed down and headed for the city master's house.

In fact, some human beings are interlinked. Men's atmosphere may be drinking and boasting, but it is limited to this. If you want to make the atmosphere reach a stronger stage, you still have to rely on women.

With the debut of the singers, the atmosphere was ignited to the explosion in the dance room at night.

However, Han 3000 is not interested in watching. After drinking some wine, he almost sticks to Su Yingxia.

For Han 3000, only in front of Su Yingxia can he have the heart of an immortal boy under a man's body.

"Are you sleepy?" Looking at Han 3000, he didn't look at singing and dancing at all. Su Yingxia asked.

Han 3000 shook his head: "not sleepy."

"Then why don't you look good at other people's performances? After all..."

"They're not as good-looking as you." Han 3000 looked at Su Yingxia and said firmly.

Su Yingxia was angry and funny: "then you can't see me all night."

"Then I'll show you something else." After that, Han Sanyi smiled, pulled up Su Yingxia and quietly left everyone, all the way to the deep east of the city

Almost at the same time, in the night sky, the four dragons also quickly turned into Jackie Chan's shadow and quietly flew in front of

"What are we going to see?" Su Yingxia asked.

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!