I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 375

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:55:33 AM

Chapter 375: 375

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After listening to mifael's words, Han 3000 was dumbfounded. She was not confident, but arrogant to the extreme.

"Are you worth the trouble? What's the matter with me that you've caused the trouble yourself? " Han 3000 looks at Miffy coldly.

This was a huge blow to mifael.

It's not worth the trouble!

Those who are after her are very versatile. Miffy has even seen a lot of strange moves.

But to Han 3000's mouth, it is not worth a lot of trouble, the meaning of this sentence, is not to belittle her?

"Since it's not worth the trouble, why do you come to save me?" Mifael looks at Han 3000 coldly.

"If Yang Meng is not here, do you think I will come?" Han 3000 light way.

The meaning of these words is very obvious. If it wasn't for Yang Meng, he would never appear, which is like a bolt from the blue.

"It stinks here. Let's go out first." Han Sanqian doesn't care about mifael's mood. This kind of arrogant woman should be hit. Let her know that not everyone has to hold her in their hands.

Yang Meng leaves Tang Gou's family with Han Sanqian, and MI fei'er, who feels humiliated, doesn't stay much. Although she is very reluctant to see Han Sanqian come to save them, the former is more acceptable than being defiled by Tang Gou.

If there is no Han's group, Han 3000 will leave with them, but now that he knows about it, he will not let Han's group succeed.

Compared with the project in the east of the city, the village in the city is more important. Han Sanqian must find a way to get involved in this matter.

Yang Xing went to Han 3000, bowed down and said, "brother Han, Tang Gou, what are you going to do with it? If you don't think the lesson is enough, I can still do it."

"No, I don't dare to make trouble after I come here. You can find someone to escort them out." Han 3000 said to Yang Xing.

"Yes." Yang Xing quickly called several of his subordinates and ordered them: "escort these two beauties out safely. If you lose one hair, I'll ask you."

Mi Fei Er sees Yang Xing's attitude towards Han 3000, which is obviously a relationship between boss and subordinates, which makes her more confused.

How can Han 3000 be qualified to order such a person? If he really has such a position, how can he be such a cowardly character?

After they left the village in the city, mifael was still racking her brains to think about why han 3000 was different from before. There was only one reason that could explain this. That is, Han 3000 was not cowardly, but did not want to help her.

As he said, if Yang Meng had not been here today, he would not have appeared.

This idea makes mifael gnash his teeth. What's his right to treat me like this?

"Sister Fei Er, thanks to Lao Han today, why don't we treat him to dinner some time and thank him?" There is no doubt that Yang Meng has a more favorable impression on Han 3000. In such a crisis, Han 3000 comes forward and beats so many people down. Isn't this a heroic image?

"It's impossible for me to thank him." Murphy said coldly.

"Sister Fei Er, you've been very hostile to him since we first met. What he said just now is just to annoy you. Don't take it seriously." Yang Meng comforted.

"Do you think I'll take those words to heart? Although he has some ability, he can't get into my eyes. This kind of rubbish is not worth my anger. I'm going to report to the company tomorrow. Go home early and get ready. " Mifeier said, completely ignored Yang Meng mentioned to invite Han 3000 to dinner to express gratitude.

Yang Meng sighs. She wants to thank Han 3000, but mifeier doesn't agree. She has no choice. She doesn't want to make mifeier unhappy about this.

"Sister Fei Er, when do you say we can meet the chairman of the company?" Yang Meng is afraid that mifeier will turn a bull's-eye on this matter and deliberately changes the topic.

Speaking of this matter, mifael is full of expectations, because so far, no one knows who is the chairman of weak water real estate.

"Who knows, but I heard that he is very young." Mifael said with a smile that she has understood the situation in the company. In terms of working ability, mifael has great confidence in herself, and her beauty is absolutely unmatched in the whole weak water real estate. Therefore, she believes that as long as the chairman appears, she has the capital to make the chairman look different.

"Very young! Sister Fei Er, the chairman will not be fascinated by you as soon as he comes, will he Yang Meng covered her mouth and said with a smile.

"There must be a lot of beautiful women around him, but I believe I can't be worse than those people." Mifael said confidently.

Yang Xing took Han 3000 back to his home. The reconstruction of the village in the city is still a secret news. It can't be discussed outside. If it is heard by others, once it is spread, it will have a great impact.

When Yang Xing's son saw Han 3000, he was obviously very scared, because after being taught by Han 3000, he had a psychological shadow. He didn't want to see Han 3000, so he found an excuse to escape.

"Brother Han, would you like some tea?" Yang Xing asked Han 3000“ No, let's get down to business. " Han 3000 light way“ I heard from a friend about this. At present, Hans group has been discussing with the people above. It is likely that it will succeed, because the people above will contribute to this matter. " Yang Xing said“ With the capital of Han's group, even if you don't need help, you can use money to smash it down. " Han 3000 said. Yang Xing nodded. Although Han's group has not been established for a long time, the wealth they show has made the whole Cloud City see it. There is no doubt about this“ Although Han's group can spend money, they are businessmen after all. They should start from the point of interest and get help. It will be easier. " Yang Xing said. Han 3000 is silent, and this move has fallen. I'm afraid that the foundation of Han's group in Yuncheng can't even compare with Tianjia, let alone the weak water property. So Han 3000 must find a way to solve this situation. However, the competitiveness of weak water real estate can never be compared with Han's group. See Han 3000 frown, Yang Xing also dare not speak, can only wait quietly“ How many households are there in the village in the city? " Han 3000 asked“ More than 300 households. " Yang Xing said“ There are so many people. " Han took a deep breath and said, "if I want you to buy all the houses here, how long can you do it?" This confused Yang Xing. Buy them all? How is this possible? Not to mention that many homeowners are waiting for demolition to blackmail developers. Even the ordinary price is astronomical, which is not what Yang Xing can do“ Brother Han, your task is too arduous. I'm afraid I can't do it. " Yang Xing said with a bitter smile“ I'll give you the money, and you think about the means. " Han 3000 said. Yang Xingmu stares at Han 3000. Who is he? Is he so rich“ Brother Han, are you... Are you kidding me? " Yang Xing said, how many developers because of the problem of money and retreat, but he, even want to secretly buy the village in the city! Although some means may be able to lower the price, it is also an amazing amount of financial resources“ Do you think I look like a joke? If you can't do it yourself, I can ask Moyang to help you. " Han 3000 said“ Mo... Mo Yang! " Yang Xing looks at Han 3000 in horror and sits on the ground. He even knows Mo Yang! After what happened last time, Yang Xing wanted to take revenge. Later, because some things were delayed, he didn't act. At this moment, he knew how lucky he was. If he does retaliate, what will happen. He even knows Mo Yang“ It's just a name. That's what scares you? " Han 3000 said with a smile. Can Yang Xing not be afraid? He dominates the village in the city, but Moyang is a big man in the gray area of the whole Cloud City. He is not even a third rate character in front of Moyang“ Brother Han, do you really know Moyang? " Yang Xing asked in disbelief. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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