I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3757

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:24:28 PM

Chapter 3757

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Fu Lin slightly raised his head and looked at the three people present. Then he got up from his chair and knelt down in front of Han 3000 and Su Yingxia with his head down.

"In the past, when we helped the family, what we did to you, I know that the crimes are countless, and I also know that it is meaningless to say anything to make amends now."

"We have hurt you and your wife, and the harm is extremely deep. As the most representative figure of the supporting family stranded in the city and the brother of supporting Mei, I know what it means to be called here late at night. But as you said, many of them can't participate in the decision-making, so I hope you will let go of other people stranded in supporting the family after killing me."

After the words fell, Fulin knocked three heads at the couple of Han 3000.

Every time he kowtowed, he was full of strength and banged the floor. From this point alone, it can be seen that Fulin's attitude is not good.

In fact, Fulin does.

Think about those left in the city to help the family, as relatives, how can he not feel pity?

After all, it's the end of the world.

"The helpers trapped my wife and daughter, but also betrayed their faith and killed my brother. I will never be soft on the helpers. However, the helpers are my wife's family in the end. Therefore, I should respect my wife's opinions on your life and death." Han 3000 road.

Seeing Han 3000 looking over, Su Yingxia sighed: "Yingxia is not the person who helps the family. It's up to you to decide."

"Well, in that case." Han 3000 got up and shouted to Moyang, "take the sword."

Moyang moved in his hand and directly threw his sword to Han 3000.

He took the sword and pulled it directly. The body of the sword immediately came out of the scabbard, with a cold light.

Fu Lin closed his eyes and teeth and waited for death.

In a flash, he suddenly felt that the sword had not reached his body, but he could clearly feel its chill. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the sword was lying in front of his eyes.


He suddenly woke up and looked up. He was shocked to find that Han 3000 didn't kill him with a sword, but put the sword horizontally in front of him in the air.

"Just give you a sword. Why are you so nervous?" Han 3000 said with a smile, "do you like it? Take it if you like."

Fulin was a little confused, but since Han 3000 had asked, he had to quickly answer, "I like it."

"Take it."

He was a little afraid to take it, but he finally took it.

"This sword is a good treasure. I ordered Moyang to engrave this word, that is to say, it will represent the owner of the city in the future." Han 3000 road.


As soon as he heard this, Fulin softened his hand, and immediately the sword fell directly to the ground. He fell repeatedly. His face was pale and he was completely at a loss for a time. He wanted to pick up the sword, but he didn't dare to do it.

"Fulin, I have said that this sword is equivalent to the jade seal of the Lord of a city. Will you let it fall from your hand at will? Won't you still be like this if someone attacks the city in the future?" Han 3000 was slightly dissatisfied.

Fu Lin is even more confused. What does Han 3000 mean? What he means is to be the Lord of the city?!

But, but how is this possible?

He killed himself. Hurry up. I'm very grateful. How can he not only don't kill himself, but also

He suspected that he was dreaming.

"Since 3000 handed you the post of city Lord, what you should do is straighten up your waist and do a good job. What are you waiting for? Why don't you pick up the sword quickly?" Moyang drank.

Fulin quickly picked up the sword, but the man was still looking at Han 3000 with an extremely foolish eye.

He couldn't understand, and he didn't know which one Han 3000 sang.

"Get up. As the head of a city, how can you kneel down casually?" Han 3000 smiled and looked at the forest and said softly.

Fulin didn't dare to get up, but he suddenly collapsed with the sword and sat on the ground, crying loudly: "you... What do you want?"

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!