I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3774

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:24:15 PM

Chapter 3774

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Originally, when a group of ant soldiers saw that Han 3000 got up and left and wanted to follow up, Su Yingxia got up at this time, and walked towards the other side in almost the opposite direction to Han 3000.

A crowd of ant people looked at each other and could only follow them in two ways.

Han 3000 is only looking around a few houses. It seems that he is very interested in the buildings here, while Su Yingxia is obviously interested in some special products here. He looks here and there for a while.

But in any case, Su Yingxia's place belongs to the business district, and there are many ant people. Her appearance caused no small impulse in an instant.

The ant residents had to avoid her "behemoth", and because they were really curious about her, they could not help but hide and want to look closer. In addition, the little leader was absent, and the whole order fell into a little chaos for a time.

Several ant soldiers glanced at Han 3000 and saw that he was still squatting in front of the residential house. It seemed that he was looking at the house structure. In addition, the residential area was relatively less crowded and the order was relatively stable. After a solid eye exchange with each other.

A large number of people in the army went to Su Yingxia to maintain order.

As soon as they left, Han 3000 moved his eyes a little. At the same time, his eyes opened.

Under the heaven's eyes, Han 3000's eyebrows soon wrinkled.

A few minutes later, with a fire coming from afar, the fiery Queen appeared at the scene again.

Whether those ant soldiers or residents, almost at the moment of seeing her, they knelt together and said respectfully, "see the city master."

She nodded slightly and looked back. At that time, Han 3000 had already returned to his previous position and sat down. Only Su Yingxia was still looking at all kinds of things on those stalls in the business district.

She frowned slightly, but when she saw that Su Yingxia was surrounded by many soldiers, she relaxed her eyebrows again.

Then she looked at Han 3000 and said with a smile, "as soon as I got back to the house, I heard the report from my subordinates that you were going to leave now? Is it because we didn't treat well!"

Han 3000 got up slightly and smiled bitterly: "the queen ant is really polite. Just at dinner, my husband and wife found that staying here will only hurt you."

"We are barely able to eat a little food, but many of you need to pay a few days' rations. The place itself is dry and there must be a lack of food. How can we bother so much?"

When the queen ant heard the speech, she sighed: "although I don't want to admit it, it's an iron fact after all. Yes, there's nothing wrong. The environment where we live is extremely bad. You can see that the sky and the sun can't be seen from the top, but we can't meet the water from the bottom. Naturally, we can't talk about many things at all."

"Fortunately, because of our own characteristics, we can barely live here under the condition of shrinking clothes and dieting. We have tried to move out of here countless times, but..." she smiled bitterly, although she didn't say it clearly, she expressed her intention.

As ant people, they can really eat less, but they can't stand outside because of their small size.

In particular, in places like the demon family where meat is weak and strong food is displayed incisively and vividly.

"Understand, understand." Han 3000 smiled: "well, it's getting late. In fact, we've traveled a long way all the way here. We'd better leave as soon as possible and go out to find some food. We'll leave now."

When the words fell, Han 3000 looked at Su Yingxia and shouted loudly and gently.

Su Yingxia put down the small object she was looking at, nodded and walked over quickly.

The couple stood side by side, saluted the queen politely and said, "goodbye."

When the words fell, Han 3000 took Su Yingxia, turned slowly and walked towards the way he came.

The little ant leader also led the ant soldiers to quietly follow behind them, but just before they took a few steps, Su Yingxia suddenly fell down and fainted directly

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!