I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3922

Published at 28th of July 2022 06:08:44 PM

Chapter 3922

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That army, for several miles, they are tall. Even if they are far away, it is clear that this army is absolutely elite.

Seeing the reinforcements, the lame soldiers who had been fooled by Han Sanqian took time to cheer up.

Especially those executives are the most excited at this time.

"Haha, here it is, here comes our reinforcements."

"Look at this army, at least it is also the elite of nearly 10000 people."

"Coming to the army not only means that our combat effectiveness is enhanced, but the most important thing is that it means that we have won the city at one fell swoop. To put it bluntly, that is, our army will continue to come to support later. Haha, 400000 troops are gathered, Han 3000, you don't even know how to die at that time, and you are qualified to boast about your ability here?"

"You have to spend your life if you have money, Han Sanqian. Don't you understand this truth?"

A group of people immediately smiled, and it was a sneer at Han Sanqian.

Some enchanted people, hearing these words, completely gave up their thoughts for a moment.

After all, even if Han Sanqian's words are exaggerated, there is one thing that is irrefutable, that is, no matter how good things are, they have no life to enjoy them.

Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that Han 3000 will be defeated.

"Lao Tzu is the master now. After killing Han 3000 later, all the gold and silver treasures and all kinds of magic soldiers he just showed off will be distributed to you." Ye Shijun looked at Han Sanqian and laughed coldly.

These things are really attractive, but for ye Shijun, its allure is obviously no better than the revenge pleasure of killing Han Sanqian.

"Haha, ye Gongzi is magnificent." A senior executive immediately agreed excitedly: "brothers, those treasures look very attractive. Haha, killing someone makes us more attractive. I've never done such a cool thing in my life."

"If we get rid of him and get promoted, we can still make a fortune. It's a great pleasure in life."


I don't know who shouted, and then rushed to Han 3000 in advance.

If someone takes the lead, naturally, then more people are willing to follow, with one person moving, and ten thousand people moving.

Su Yingxia, Fu Mei and others saw this and raised their knives one after another. However, at this time, Han Sanqian directly knocked them over with Qi force for several consecutive palms. After several people, he just flew slightly in the face of the people who besieged him. After avoiding their attack, he did not take another shot.

Seeing Han Sanqian retreat to a small space, a group of people have a different interpretation.

"Haha, Han Sanqian, didn't you pull your ass just now? Why, now?"

"His mother, don't even dare to return your hand, are you so seedless?"

"In fact, he can come even if he has no seed. He suddenly called a pause, and then boasted that he didn't want to kill us, so he advised us. In fact, he simply couldn't hold on and found a broken excuse."

"Haha, it's cool to blow something like cow, but once it's poked, it's painful."

A group of people laughed and laughed.

Han Sanqian shook his head helplessly, "look, I'm happy with you."

"I just believe that some brothers are willing to join us after listening to what they just said. Therefore, I don't want to hurt them blindly. You really can pull."

The few people didn't get angry because of this, but smiled softly: "come on, you continue to blow, we're listening."

"What's the matter? Here comes a small army, and you're so excited?" Han Sanqian said with a smile, "in fact, according to your disposition to think too much, it may indeed be like being beaten to the excitement point."

"But haven't you thought about other possibilities?"

"Such as..."

Han Sanqian was just halfway through his words, but he heard Ye Shijun disdain a smile: "then I'll guess according to your boasting characteristics. For example, do you think those people may be your people?"

Han Sanqian didn't speak, which was tacit, but in turn, the group behind Ye Shijun burst into thunderous laughter at this time.

"His mother, you guessed right, young master Ye. This silly boy really wants to boast that he brought these people."

"Ouch, NIMA, my stomach hurts so much, hahahaha."

Han Sanqian smiled gently and looked at the army at the foot of the mountain. His face was filled with his own confident smile

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!