I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3969

Published at 28th of July 2022 06:07:40 PM

Chapter 3969

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He was trembling slightly, and his heart was afraid.

Han Sanqian smiled coldly and raised his hand. The man was scared and immediately closed his eyes. But the next second, he didn't move his head as expected, but felt that his shoulder was patted.

He opened his eyes and saw Han Sanqian looking at himself.

"Everyone has his own ambition, and you choose the way. As the leader of the south gate, you mean that I have unlimited expectations of you, but you have greatly disappointed me."

"Originally, according to the military law, a traitor like you will be killed soon after. However, as I said earlier, my hope for you is still heavy, so..."

"Take your people and go. Ma Nanfeng will open the gate for you. That's all for your brotherhood."

After that, Han Sanqian pinned his head to one side and didn't want to look at him again.

The commander of the South Gate obviously didn't come back. He betrayed first. At this time, he was found. As a result, not only did he not lose his life, but... On the contrary, Han Sanqian even let him go.

He really doubted whether his ears had misheard.

But on second thought, Han Sanqian's words that failed to live up to his high expectations made him feel guilty.

He really failed to live up to his high expectations. Otherwise, how could he be unwilling to kill himself.

According to the original plan, he really wanted to take people out of the city to join the enemy now, but the deep self blame in his heart made him unable to step on that leg anyway.

"Ma Nanfeng, open the east gate and give them ten minutes to leave the city." Han Sanqian ordered.

Ma Nanfeng took command and immediately walked out.

"Wait a minute." Somehow, he suddenly blurted out, Ma Nanfeng suddenly stopped and looked back at him.

He didn't pay attention to Ma Nanfeng, but looked at Han Sanqian's back, and then immediately knelt down, "leader, Luo Baicheng should die. The leader saw Luo Baicheng as a brother, but Luo Baicheng betrayed you with the vengeance, and now he is really ashamed."

"Of course, I don't need to doubt people. My subordinates know that they are no longer qualified to stay here with face. My subordinates will take people away now."

"However, the leader of the alliance can rest assured that after this incident, Luo Baicheng can swear that after we leave, we will never surrender to the enemy."

Han Sanqian answered, "if you don't surrender to the enemy, where should your gang go?"

"If subordinates choose wrong, they should bear the consequences. Therefore, no matter what the outcome is, we will accept it." Luo Baicheng road.

Suddenly, the Deputy generals behind him nodded their heads.

"If you don't join them, you will be dead end if you leave the city." Han threethousand said, "just with your little horse, you will be trampled into powder in an instant."

Luo Baicheng and others certainly know this result, but the question is, what other options can they have at present.

"Stay." Han threethousand.


Not to mention how surprised Luo Baicheng and others were, the two commanders in the northwest alone were extremely confused.

"I know some brothers are surprised. However, the commander of the south gate has not actually made a betrayal after all. They are all our brothers. How can I watch them die?" Han Sanqian sighed.

Luo Baicheng bowed slightly, "but if the alliance leader takes us, this will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction."

"Then you need to be guilty and stop others' mouths." Han Sanqian said in a straight face.

"Guilty and meritorious?" Luo Baicheng frowned.

"Why, not interested?" Han threethousand.

Luo Baicheng and the deputy general looked at each other. A moment later, everyone knelt down collectively: "we will cherish the opportunity and go through fire and water for this!"

Hearing what everyone said, Han Sanqian looked at the two commanders in the northwest and their Deputy generals behind him: "is it feasible for me to deal with this?"

The two generals looked at each other: "it's impossible, but we are the only one who knows the current situation. We must keep this secret and cooperate with the alliance leader."

"Subordinates also obey all the arrangements of the alliance leader."

Han 3000 nodded: "well, at present, the most important thing for our brothers is to work together. Since everyone has become abnormal, then this matter will be turned over."

"Where are the generals? Listen to my orders!"

"We are going to listen to the order of the alliance leader!"

"OK." Han Sanqian smiled gently: "pass my order and move to the south gate. At the same time, the south gate was immediately opened."


This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!