I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3990

Published at 28th of July 2022 06:07:13 PM

Chapter 3990

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At the city Lord's residence, Han Sanfang's spies also rushed into the city hall without stopping.

At this time, Han Sanqian was lightly sitting on the seat of the city Lord, gently wiping the jade sword in his hand.

Seeing the extremely anxious expression on the spy's face, Han Sanqian smiled: "the enemy is ready to attack us, isn't it? I've heard the drums outside the city."

"Tell the alliance leader, there are drums on all sides, which seems to be ready to launch a general attack on us. The gates on all sides are open for some reason, we... We..." the spy really shouldn't say anything.

But anyone from Han Sanqian's side should actually understand how difficult their current situation is.

"No hurry, no hurry." Han Sanqian laughed.

"Lord, the enemy attacked the city with all their strength. It was extremely difficult for our troops to defend the city. Now, the gates on all sides are still wide open, which is more equivalent to letting the enemy in."

"In this way, the enemy will be like entering a no man's territory, and the offensive will naturally be unstoppable. Now people in our city are in panic, both soldiers and civilians."

Han 3000 nodded, "these are what I expected, nothing."

"No..." the scout was dumb and depressed. Is it OK?

"Go down and wait quietly." Han Sanqian got up, walked slightly to the spy and said, "don't worry, you are all my Han Sanqian's brothers. Your lives are very important. I won't let you die so easily. I have my own plan."

What else did the spy want to say, but when he saw Han Sanqian's sincere eyes at this time, he did not know why, and his heart was full of trust.

Nodded: "with the words of the alliance leader, my subordinates have a lot of peace of mind. Please rest assured, my subordinates will talk to all brothers now, don't worry."

Han Sanqian smiled and signaled that the spy could go back.

As soon as he left, Han Sanqian also lifted the jade sword in his hand, shook his head gently, and slowly walked out of the city master's mansion.

"Ming Yu, Ming Yu, you can't help it after all."

Xuanyuan world or this eight sided world, the individual ability is also strong, and the natural tactics are relatively simple. It is the earth world like ants in their eyes. For thousands of years, the individual ability is low, and the group war often requires more sophisticated and complex tactics.

Han sanzong ancient view today, the ancient ancestors have their dazzling history in tactics, which can be learned from themselves.

The four gates of the city are wide open. Refer to Zhuge Kongming's empty city plan.

Later, after Han Sanqian's special improvement, it became like this in front of him.

When the four doors open, the other party must be surprised and suspicious. For a moment, I don't know whether it's an ambush or something.

However, the more they think about this, the more successful Han Sanqian's plan is, because the real core of this plan is to steal the dragon and turn the Phoenix, or shift the focus.

They were originally hidden on all sides and asked Han Sanqian to guess their location. This was their initiative and Han Sanqian was passive.

But Han Sanqian's operation of opening the four doors seems bizarre nonsense, but it is actually a drastic draw. If you want me to guess, I simply don't guess, and all the doors are open on all sides, let you guess.

Once so, Han Sanqian turned passivity into initiative, completing the jump of tactics and the reversal of the situation.

Moreover, there is another most important point, which is actually the real core of this strategy.

"Sometimes, people's eyes and hearts will deceive others, and even deceive themselves." Han Sanqian smiled gently.

At this time, he had come to the position in the city. Looking back, he saw that the soldiers on all sides were gathering rapidly towards the place where Han Sanqian stood in the center.

"The East Gate commander led the East Gate soldiers and met the alliance leader."

"Commander Ximen led Ximen's soldiers and met the alliance leader!"

"The commander of the South Gate led the soldiers of the south gate. I've seen the alliance leader!"

"The commander of the north gate led the soldiers of the north gate and met the alliance leader!"

The four commanders reported successively.

Han 3000 nodded, looked up at the tens of thousands of troops behind the four people, and said with satisfaction, "everyone is here?"

"Inform the alliance leader that all the departments of the four gates have followed your instructions. Except for some necessary defenders of the city wall, all the remaining people have arrived." Manan air duct.

Han Sanqian looked at the crowd: "very good, soldiers are more expensive than speed. The enemy is going to launch a general attack, let's..."

Han Sanyi smiled, "let them go!"

After the words, Han Sanqian slowly raised his hand: "all of you listen to my orders!"

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!