I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4002

Published at 28th of July 2022 06:06:57 PM

Chapter 4002

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Hearing Ming Yu's answer, Pei Gu was obviously in a trance, and the person also retreated in a daze.


Ming Yu smiled wryly, "I know, it may seem extremely abrupt for you to say so. But believe me, there is nothing in this world that Han Sanqian can't do."

"Speaking of it, he had a code name before. Do you know what it is?"

Pei Gu frowned slightly, "what?"

"Miracle!" Ming Yu sighed softly, "I know that some people must laugh when they hear this name, but it's not the case with Han Sanqian."

"In the Central Plains of the eight directions, these are not ridiculous, but real legends."

"Not one, not two, but many."

"As many people say, a person once may be luck, twice may also be luck, but three times and four times is strength."

"Isn't it?"

Pei Gu didn't immediately deny it. His eyes just looked at the stone in Han Sanqian's hand, as if he wanted to see it through.

"I really didn't expect that a person would recite the most ridiculous and absurd code. However, as you said, this code appeared on his Han Sanqian, and I really couldn't laugh."

"But even so, I don't believe that the five element God stone in his hand is true. It's impossible. Destiny..."

Ming Yu interrupted Pei Gu and said, "you said that the stone of destiny has no news in this world at all. Even, it doesn't exist in this world at all, does it?"

Pei Gusi didn't mind being interrupted at this time and nodded: "yes, that's why I'm even more reluctant to believe that the God stone on Han Sanqian's hand will be the five element God stone."

"But it was precisely based on this restriction that I judged that the stone in his hand must be the five element God stone." Ming Yu said frankly.

Hearing this, Pei Gu frowned and wondered, "Oh, elder, what does this mean?"

"Perhaps indeed, as you said, the stone of destiny does not exist in the eight dimensional world, it exists in another world." Ming Yu said, looking at Pei Gu: "but it happens that there is another world in Han Sanqian's hand."

"There is another world in his hand?" Pei Gu was puzzled. "Elder, I don't quite understand what you said."

"Heavenly book world." Ming Yu explained, "a different realm that is separated from the octagonal world but exists in the octagonal world. I once went there, which is vast and far, like the octagonal world of a smaller size."


"There are thousands of people living here, living and working in peace and contentment. How can there be fake?"

Pei Gu didn't speak, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Obviously, a place where people can live and work in peace and contentment is not a fairyland comparable. Naturally, it can only be the second world.

However, he has lived for so many years, only heard rumors that there is such a place, but he has never been tested, let alone seen it with his own eyes.

"Previously, our South was suddenly attacked by the Tianshu world. Before he left the customs, he used the Tianshu to pack people in. Then he arrived at our department alone. With his ability of Han 3000, he wanted to approach our department by himself without being noticed. It was really simple. Later, he pulled the soldiers out of the Tianshu world, so there was a sudden bad attack on the south, but we thought it was an ambush."

"Such a world, with the original stone of destiny hidden, seems to be very likely, which is also in line with what you said. Therefore, I suspect that Han Sanqian has found the stone of destiny after having such a world."

"As for the other five elements of stone, slowly, he also gathered together." Ming Yu said with a sigh, "in the case of a destiny stone, it is absolutely impossible to gather the stone of five elements more difficult than Pangu axe, but he even has Pangu axe. What is it to gather the stone of five elements?"

Pei Gu nodded: "what the elder said is reasonable. However, Pei was still hard to accept at some time."

"Why?" Ming Yu didn't understand.

She believes that her explanation is enough. Although it is only speculation in many aspects, it is basically true.

But why should Pei Gu not believe it?

Pei Gu dumbfounded with a wry smile: "because it's easy to accept that he has these things, but how about accepting my failure?"

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!