I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4080

Published at 25th of October 2022 12:16:59 PM

Chapter 4080

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Han Sanqian swallowed his saliva: "it seems... It seems like this."

Somehow, when his body was extremely cold, Han Sanqian felt extremely disordered in his body, and this disorder brought about a strange feeling in his heart and eventually led to a strange impulse in his body.

If you want to refine it, it is that Han Sanqian actually has an impulse to pinch the orchid finger.

"There were so many people just now that I didn't mean to say anything, so I sent them back quickly." Han Sanqian looked at Su Yingxia with eager eyes.

Su Yingxia looked at Han Sanqian anxiously, "Sanqian, what should I do?"

"I don't know. In the future, we may change from husband and wife to sisters!" Han Sanqian said in distress.

Looking at Han Sanqian's appearance, Su Yingxia was more and more distressed. She walked a few steps to the bedside, sat down with Han Sanqian, gently hugged him and comforted her.

"No matter what you become, you are my threethousand, my husband."

"Really?" Han Sanqian snuggled up on Su Yingxia's shoulder and asked naively.

Su Yingxia nodded.

"Then I want to wear your clothes." Han Sanqian said again.

Hearing this, Su Yingxia was shocked and obviously petrified in situ.

Although Han Sanqian has just said his physical changes, Su Yingxia has also been largely prepared. However, when Han Sanqian made this "excessive" request, Su Yingxia obviously still couldn't accept it.

Looking at poor Han Sanqian, Su Yingxia nodded, although it was very uncomfortable.

It's just a big guy in women's clothing. As long as he is happy for 3000 yuan.

At this point, Su Yingxia slowly took off her clothes, but when she handed them to Han Sanqian, Han Sanqian didn't reach for his clothes at all, but a vicious tiger pounced on Su Yingxia and directly fell down.

"What are you doing?" Su Yingxia panicked.

"I'm almost a woman, and I'm not going to be the last man yet?" Han Sanqian laughed.

"Han Sanqian, you Yin me!" Su Yingxia is not a fool. She instantly reflected it.

"Hey hey!"

However, already so, what's the difference between not reflecting and not reflecting?!

The moon is short and full, but I don't smell the werewolf roar, but I smell the sound in the room.

The next morning, it was slightly bright.

Pei Gu has received 40 elite, including a super team of 6 elders, which has been assembled in Pei's house.

Forty elite, 34 of whom are extremely well equipped, including long swords, short daggers, light armor, soft hedgehogs, helmets and foot guards.

As for the six elders, although they are not so exaggerated, everyone is also holding two weapons, and is fully prepared.

"Pei's forbidden area, where there is death but no life, is forbidden to enter by our ancestors." Pei Gu ordered, "although the rules are set by people, they must be reasonable."

"Therefore, after leaving, I hope you will follow me closely and not move at will to avoid danger."

"Our task is to escort him to the entrance, understand?"

"Yes!" Everyone took orders.

Pei Gu nodded, shouted and set out. With a team of 40 people, he quickly headed for Qifeng Pavilion.

In Qifeng Pavilion, at this time, the first light was on, and Ziqing also got up early in the morning, warmed up, woke up, and was ready to go.

Only the two couples in the master bedroom

As the parties, the two people are not as nervous as others. On the contrary, the night battle between the two people is over. If Su Yingxia hadn't suddenly woken up, he might still be asleep.

"Punk, aren't you going to be a woman?" Su Yingxia whitened Han Sanyi's night and handed him his clothes.

Han Sanqian got up, quite disappointed, shook his head, "it's naive and unfair."

"Grandma, why can you improve your accomplishments in this way when I'm fine? Now I can't. I want to get some oil from you, but there's nothing at all?"

Su Yingxia gently bah: "you don't seem to take advantage of what you said."

"Of course, it's me who worked hard this night. Alas, this physical operation cost me nothing last night." Han threethousand.

Seeing that Su Yingxia was about to fight, Han Sanqian hurried to Hei hei with a smile: "madam, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, it's almost time, let's go out. It's estimated that master Pei has brought someone."

Su Yingxia snorted and picked up the jade sword for Han Sanqian. The couple opened the door and went towards the gate of Qifeng Pavilion.

At this time, peigu and his party also arrived at the door of Qifeng Pavilion

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!