I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4125

Published at 25th of October 2022 12:15:34 PM

Chapter 4125

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The two women were supplemented to interfere with the lava monster, and the little black stick flew and took Han Sanqian for a frontal attack.

Since the little black stick can't break the defense of the monsters formed by this stone, let him try to overlook and kill from the Pangu Axe!


Feeling the enemy's attack, the lava monster also slapped its chest suddenly, took a few steps forward, and charged directly at the three of them.



However, what shocked Han Sanqian was that when the three attacked each other, Su Yingxia Ziqing and the two women, who were divided into left and right attacks, barely even touched the door, and the lava monster waved its fists and arms from left to right.

Although they failed to hit the two women, their strong energy still made the two women instantly fall from the sky as if they were hitting a wall.

"Depend on!"

Han 3000's plan fell through in an instant, and this damn thing ended before it even started.

How is it now?

If you withdraw in time, the two women plan to suffer in vain, but if they don't withdraw, it is equivalent to wanting to cut down the lava monster by themselves. The two women are not opponents and can't get close, so how can they be?

However, no one would give Han Sanqian the time to hesitate. The giant beast settled the two flies. Looking at Han Sanqian, the culprit, he was already full of anger, and he rushed towards Han Sanqian with his teeth and claws.

Han Sanqian scolded in a low voice, hard-headed, and he could get it if he didn't.

Pangu's axe was drawn directly, and it charged directly at the lava monster.


The monster was also furious, his hands were like gorillas, he first lifted it suddenly, and then slammed it towards Han Sanqian.

"Be careful!"

The two women who landed did not care about their injuries at all, and looked at Han Sanqian in the sky nervously, and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat for him.

"Little black stick, it's up to you to live or die." Han Sanqian shouted and made a quick operation. When the giant lava hand hit, he used the speed of the little black stick to get rid of the overwhelming blow.

The little black stick is indeed not extraordinary. In this situation where he was bound to be hit, he actually relied on himself to squeeze out a little space and escaped with Han Sanqian without any danger.


The two women couldn't help but be very crazy about this move. Even if they were just watching a play, the performance of this play was absolutely high-end and perfect.

Of course, just when the three of them were secretly rejoicing, the lava monster did not reduce its offensive in the slightest.

"Is he crazy?" Zi Qing asked in shock.

Obviously it has been empty, no matter what the reason, it should be the end of the force.

There's really no need to waste energy.

Su Yingxia's brows were furrowed. She did not understand a bit, but according to the monster's ability, he was unlikely to make such a low-level mistake at all.

Then what is he doing? !

Just when Su Yingxia was confused, all of a sudden, all the results were clear.

Even though the monster's palms were empty, they still hit the ground heavily.

The next second, everything seemed to be quiet for one second, but the next second, the earth shook! !

boom! !

The tenth magnitude earthquake of the Anti-Buddha suddenly struck, and the hard and thick ground was like that faint ice surface in an instant.


And those original ground cracks, at this time, are completely due to the crazy movement of the ground, the plate has moved greatly and the cracks have opened up. At the same time that countless magma is ejected from the cracks, super strong air waves also arise.

The air waves were soaring into the sky, hundreds of meters high.

Su Yingxia's pupils widened, and now she finally understood why the monster had no plans to stop.

That was simply the monster's next move.

In order to slap the ground, inflate the vibration, and set off a shocking wave, nothing can be left to chance in such a full-screen attack.

"Fucked." Su Yingxia exclaimed.

Originally, they had a little time to escape, but because they didn't understand what the monster was doing, not only did the group not escape, but they were still watching.

This time, there is absolutely no chance.

Su Yingxia and Ziqing were the closest to the ground and were the first to be lifted up by the air waves. Han Sanqian, who was in the air, was obviously too late to dodge at this time. With the air waves rising from below, his whole body seemed to be roasted by fire. At the same time, it was also directly lifted up...
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