I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4167

Published at 25th of October 2022 12:14:21 PM

Chapter 4167

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Immediately afterwards, Han Sanqian directly chose not to move, and Fang Buddha chose to give up resistance as a whole.

But only Han Sanqian and the old man knew exactly what he was doing at this time.

With the current situation, it is impossible for Han Sanqian to resist the mad pressure of the soil with the strength of his physical body. For him, although the mental method can help him in some softness, under the absolute pressure, he has only just Introductory cultivation is absolutely impossible to resist.

Therefore, it is actually useless to do these struggles. If you can't beat him, it is better to join him directly.

Seeing what Han Sanqian did, the old man smiled and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, yes, your kid's brain is still brilliant."

"The technique of the golden body does not mean that everything is right with toughness. Sometimes it is necessary to know four or two pieces of gold. By doing this, we can achieve strength with softness, and softness with strength."

"Only when the strong and the soft are combined can we achieve the unity of all things. This is the strongest way."

When the words fell, he waved his hand, and the soil that was pressing Han Sanqian suddenly moved, like soft water, changing around Han Sanqian and wriggling in Han Sanqian's body.

Han Sanqian, who was at the core, was not only unaffected at this time, on the contrary, he felt extremely comfortable as the mountains and earth passed by his side.

It was as if someone was gently stroking him, very comfortable.

The previous body was burnt by fire and frozen, and completely healed in an instant. Not only that, Han Sanqian also felt that the strength of his physical body seemed to be becoming more violent, and there was not much in the flesh. keep coming from it.

Han Sanqian began to smile. He knew very well that the dirt was not only not hurting him, but was actually helping him.


Suddenly, there were bursts of shattering noises, and countless branches of trees suddenly stretched out of the soil, and they stretched out towards Han Sanqian from all directions at a very fast speed.

Han Sanqian was comfortably here, and where did he expect the countless green branches that suddenly stretched out, he was completely entangled by the countless branches on the spot.

These branches were not forgiving at all, and after tying them in a frenzy, those branches either meandered towards Han Sanqian, or tried to pierce his body directly.


Han Sanqian only felt that the anti-Buddhas all over his body were directly penetrated by the branches. The intense joy was not only the pain of the skin and flesh, but the most irritating branches did not stop after penetrating Han Sanqian's body. The fast speed madly spread in Han Sanqian's body.

That feeling is as if Han Sanqian's body has become their nutrient chamber, helping them to take root and sprout continuously.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The severe pain made Han Sanqian finally cry out, and the countless branches in his body even penetrated his body and swallowed it alive.

But these are not the end.

A burst of golden light suddenly fell from the sky, spreading straight across the entire space.

In the blink of an eye, the space that looked like a dark night was completely bright.

But these physical pains are nothing, the most annoying is the high temperature and roasting brought by the golden light.

Although some of the damage it causes is similar to fire, it is not always the same. To a certain extent, its high temperature is more like that ice, which penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

They seem to be roasting their own skin, but more like they are burning their own marrow.

Cooperating with those crazy green branches in his body, Han Sanqian deeply realized what it means to be truly alive rather than dead.

Looking at Han Sanqian, who had completely lost his mind because of the pain, the old man smiled slightly, as if watching a good show.

"It's still the same sentence, Han Sanqian, if you can't stand it, admit that you're a dead dog, and I'll undo everything right away."

When the words fell, he moved his hand, the golden light intensified, and countless green branches grew faster in Han Sanqian's body...
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