I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4228

Published at 25th of October 2022 12:11:57 PM

Chapter 4228

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"You bastard, Pei Hu, you are just a bastard. Have you forgotten how you swore an oath in front of your ancestors? Did you forget those poisonous oaths you made? You bastard, I How can there be such a disobedient and unfilial son like you."

"That's the hard work of my Pei family for generations. That's the most critical hiding place of my Pei family. Do you know how much the ancestors paid for it?"

"It's ruined, it's all ruined, it's all ruined by you, the renegade child."

"God, ancestors, I am guilty, I... I actually gave birth to such a useless son, I am ashamed of you."

Pei Gu's voice was old and angry, and he was so full of anger that he didn't stop.

He was really angry, because he probably never thought in his life that the son he had chosen, the son he had chosen, actually did the most shameful thing in the entire family.

The hiding place of the family has always been a secret from the world, and it is only passed down to the current and next patriarch. The purpose is naturally to save seeds for the Pei family in times of crisis.

Therefore, the ancestors have already given strict instructions. No one is allowed to reveal the location of the hidden place under any circumstances. Even if you have brought your family in to avoid it, when you are approaching, you will cover everyone's eyes and lead them with ropes. They went in...

Pei Hu gritted his teeth, his expression uncertain.

Of course he had guilt and unease, after all, he was the future head of the family and knew the importance and strictness of a secret place.

But being scolded in front of so many people made him angry again, but he couldn't express it for a while.

He held back and walked out slowly with Pei Gu.

And behind them, there are all the female relatives of the Pei family.

A big family like the Pei family is naturally full of beauties, especially the seven daughters of the Pei family, almost all of them are beautiful women. There is no need to say more about a woman like the seventh princess who can be used as a political bargaining chip. Among them, the sixth princess and the fourth princess are not bad at all, so it is obvious what level the beauty of these seven princesses is.

When they saw this group of women, the soldiers were like hungry wolves seeing fat, drooling, and staring in their eyes.

"Damn, you've made a fortune. This woman from the Pei family is too beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, each of them is a rare beauty, grandma's, which is too cool."

"Haha, following the elders and City Lord Zhu, we have been defeated in a row, and now we are finally turning over as serfs and singing, and we can get back to our roots."

"That's not it, fuck, just such beautiful women, let alone a bunch of fucking women, just one, let me die a hundred times, that's enough."

"Damn, let's just drive straight in a while, I can't stand the excitement right now."

"The elder said it anyway, so the women are all ours, hehe, it's cool enough to stay here."

A group of soldiers were discussing excitedly, and Zhu Yanshuo's eyes also flashed a strange light.

Although he is usually elegant and gentle, but in fact, it is because he has not crossed his bottom line.

It's like, when a person is not moved by money and beauty, it is basically unlikely that he is too upright, and often the bargaining chip is not enough to impress him.

Zhu Yanshuo is like this.

In front of Qin Shuang, he had exposed those dirty faces hidden under his civil governance. Now, in front of this group of beauties headed by the seventh and sixth princesses, his wolf heart hidden in the dark, Moved once...

Ming Yu glanced at Zhu Yanshuo lightly, how could she not know what Zhu Yanshuo was thinking.

"Which one do you like?" Ming Yu said.

Only then did Zhu Yanshuo notice his gaffe, and he quickly lowered his head: "Elder, I..."

"Yan Shuo, it's normal to love beauty, a man..." Ming Yu smiled: "Choose three favorites, you can take them away. As for the others, you have to give me the rest."

Zhu Yanshuo hurriedly shook his head: "Elder, Yan Shuo doesn't... how dare you have three..."

"This time you have worked hard and made great achievements, you should have been rewarded, you don't have to pretend to be rigid in front of me." Ming Yu smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Zhu Yanshuo finally couldn't hold back, and immediately ordered the seventh princess, sixth princess, and fourth princess, and then waved his hand: "As for the rest, leave it to you to play on the spot, give it to me!"

When the words fell, the soldiers rushed towards the Pei family's family, taking off their armor while running...
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