I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 424

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:54:28 AM

Chapter 424: 424

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When the idea that Qi Yiyun is Han 3000's girlfriend rises in mifeier's mind, she unconsciously shakes her head and denies the idea.

This woman must have been cheated by him by some means. Otherwise, with her appearance, how could she be with such a loser!

Mifeier disdains to look at Han 3000, in addition to cheating, he probably has no other way to make a girlfriend.

At this time, mifeier has a sentimental idea in her heart, she wants to save Qi Yiyun, can't let her be cheated, let her know what kind of person Han 3000 is.

While Yang Meng is chatting with Han 3000, mifeier quietly walks up to Qi Yiyun and asks in a low voice, "do you know what kind of person he is?"

In the face of this sudden problem, Qi Yiyun feels very inexplicable. What kind of person is Han 3000? Does she need to talk about it?

"Do you have any different opinions?" Qi Yiyun asked. Since mifael asked this question, she must have something to say. Qi Yiyun wanted to see what she wanted to say.

"Although I haven't known him for a long time, I know that he is a complete loser. You are so beautiful that you would like to be with him. He must have cheated you." Said mifael.

Qi Yiyun light smile, did not expect in the eyes of neighbors, Han 3000 is such an image, more importantly, this woman is very hostile to him.

"Do you think I'm with him?" Qi Yiyun said with a smile.

Mifael is stunned. Do you mean that they are not girlfriends at all?

"You're not his girlfriend?" Mifael couldn't help laughing. It turned out that it was all a misunderstanding. She wasn't the loser's girlfriend at all.

"No, I've been chasing him for a long time, but it's a pity that he never agrees to be with me." Qi Yiyun said.

Mi fei'er misunderstands these words, mistaking Qi Yiyun's saying that Han 3000 didn't succeed in pursuing her. She is going to laugh at Han 3000, but after carefully tasting Qi Yiyun's words, MI fei'er realizes that something is wrong.

"You're wrong. He's after you. You didn't agree." Said mifael.

"No Qi Yiyun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm chasing him. You didn't hear me wrong."

Mifael was stunned for a moment.

How can such a beautiful woman take the initiative to pursue a loser!

Lao Han, a man who has no money and only a little looks, unless he is a little white faced, no woman is willing to stick it on him. More importantly, such a beautiful woman chases him, but he still refuses. Can it be true?

Mifeier shook his head, completely did not believe Qi Yiyun's words, said: "you don't joke with me, chasing you should be a lot of people, how can you chase him."

"There are a lot of people chasing me, but unfortunately, they are not qualified to compete with him." Qi Yiyun said faintly that even Yuncheng has many young Junyan, but in her heart, no one can compare with Han 3000.

In Qi Yiyun's mind, Han 3000 is like a mountain that no one can climb.

Mifael wants to laugh because what Qi Yiyun said is just a big joke and a loser. She has such a high position in her mind. It seems that she is really poisoned. She doesn't know what she was cheated.

"You've been brainwashed. He's better than a beggar." Mifael said disdainfully.

"Do you define a person you are not familiar with so quickly?" Qi Yiyun looks at mifeier with a smile on his face. Han 3000 is really a person who is easily looked down upon, because he is very low-key and never proves anything in front of others, but it doesn't mean that he is really a waste.

"You don't know him well enough. I know exactly what he is." Mifeier laughed, timid, useless, this is the image of Han 3000 in her heart.

Qi Yiyun shakes her head helplessly. She doesn't have to defend Han 3000. When this woman knows Han 3000's true identity one day, she will know how wrong she is.

"If you don't have anything else, I'll clean up." Qi Yiyun said.

With a sneer on her face, mifael cleans up for the loser. It seems that she is just a vase with a pair of leather bags. Sure enough, people gather in groups. Even friends are useless around useless people.

"Don't be obsessed with him. You will regret it sooner or later." Finish saying this words, Mi Fei son left Qi Yi cloud side.

"Yang Meng, let's go." Mifael said to Yang Meng.

Yang Meng is chatting with Han 3000. When she hears that mifeier is leaving, her face shows a reluctant expression. But she knows that if she stays here alone, she will be scolded by mifeier again.

"Lao Han, have a good rest first, and I'll see you when I have time." Yang Meng said to Han 3000.

Han 3000 nodded. As soon as he was ready to speak, mifeier said, "do you have a lot of time? There are so many jobs in the company that you don't do, and you waste your time on such useless things. Do you want to be fired? "

Yang Meng's face is embarrassed. Mifeier is blocking Han 3000's face. Isn't this embarrassing for Han 3000“ Let's go now, sister Fei Yang Meng pulls Mi Fei Er to walk toward the door, with her right hand quietly behind her, and makes a goodbye gesture to Han 3000. Han Sanqian smiles faintly. Yang Meng's fear of MI fei'er comes from the bottom of her heart. She doesn't know how the two people get along with each other. However, Han Sanqian can't manage so much if he is willing to fight and suffer“ Are you a man who doesn't flatter you everywhere? " Qi Yiyun said to Han 3000 with a smile“ Maybe my personality level is too high for people in the secular world to understand, so I can't integrate into it. " Han said with a sigh. Qi Yiyun didn't expect Han 3000 to say such shameless words. It was shameless“ It turns out that you are shameless sometimes Qi Yiyun rolled his eyes and said“ What did mifael whisper to you? " Han 3000 asks curiously“ She asked me why I want to be with you. I guess she thinks why a woman like me would like a loser like you. " Qi Yiyun said with a smile that he joined the Su family and had been ridiculed for so many years. Now, even if the other party didn't know who he was, he still regarded him as a loser and didn't know what kind of fate he had formed with these three words“ What do you say? " Han 3000 asked“ How else can we say that we are not together, so I can only tell her that I am still chasing you, and I am not really together, but look at her, she doesn't seem to believe it Qi Yiyun said happily. Han Sanqian can't help but roll his eyes. How can mifeier believe this? I'm afraid anyone would think it's a joke. After all, on the surface, Qi Yiyun is not qualified to match his beauty. What's more, Qi Yiyun doesn't succeed in chasing him“ She'll think you're the actor I invited to act Han 3000 says helplessly. When mifeier and Yang Meng get home, mifeier sits on the sofa and thinks about it. She doesn't believe that Qi Yiyun will take the initiative to pursue Han 3000. What's more, she doesn't believe that such a beautiful woman will be willing to waste time with such useless losers“ What's the matter with you, sister Fei Yang Meng asks mifeier“ This old Han, must be from where to find an extras, deliberately acting in front of us, do you believe such a beautiful woman, will take the initiative to pursue him? What's more, he doesn't agree. Only he dares to write this kind of script. " Mifael said disdainfully. Although Yang Meng has no hostility to Han 3000, she still doesn't believe in Qi Yiyun's active pursuit, and he doesn't agree. After all, her beauty is enough to attract anyone. As long as she is willing, she can marry into a rich family in a word, right“ Sister Fei Er, maybe she's just a friend of Lao Han. I'll make a joke with you. " Yang Meng said. Mifael sneered and said: "how can anyone be willing to make fun of this kind of thing? He doesn't know what shameless things he has done to make this woman promise. I have warned you long ago not to get too close to him. You still don't believe me. Now you know he is a man with a lot of heart." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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