I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4306

Published at 5th of November 2022 07:43:36 AM

Chapter 4306

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"Because you are Pei's family, I'll give you a chance. Now go back to where you came from. Otherwise, I'll be really annoyed and annoyed." Han Sanqian shouted.

"Fuck you, don't do this shit with your father, brothers, kill this pair of dogs and men, and I will bear any consequences."

The manager roared angrily, and took the lead in carrying his huge body and rushed towards Han Sanqian.

When the manager spoke, the others did not dare not to listen, and they followed in a hurry, rushing directly towards Han Sanqian.

"The crowd." Shaking his head, facing the strength of this group of people, he was really lazy to move a finger.

Just frowning, a huge energy radiated directly from his body, and the group of seemingly ferocious chief stewards suddenly encountered a tenth-level gale, and they flew out with a bang.

Bang bang bang!

Like a fairy scattered flowers, several people slammed around each other fiercely, and the one who fell for a while was grinning and screaming in pain.

"When the enemy army came, you were afraid of death and did not dare to contribute. When you get here, you will fight your own people. You are quite fierce."

"I always thought that although the men of the Pei family may be a little grumpy and impulsive, they are always warm-blooded, but I didn't expect that you guys would greatly reduce my impression of the Pei family."

"Fuck, stop talking nonsense with me, you fucking bastard, why the hell didn't I fight to kill the enemy? It's your little white face, I'm afraid you haven't fought on the battlefield, right?" the manager shouted angrily.

When the big battle was launched, these people really had never been on the battlefield. After all, although they thought they were fierce, compared to the army outside, they knew very well that the result must be hitting a stone with an egg.

Therefore, they did not dare to go forward to fight.

As for the excuse for not daring to fight, they also thought very thoughtfully, they were the cooks.

How can this guy go into battle to kill the enemy?

Therefore, when Han Sanqian talks about them now, it is actually like stepping on their painful feet. The manager believes that in the state of Han Sanqian, he is young and thin, and he is completely a scholar of Bai Jing. Appearance, of course, can not be on the battlefield.

Therefore, scolding him back can not only refocus the firepower on him, but also remove himself from the embarrassment.

"Of course I have been on the battlefield." Han Sanqian smiled.

"Bah, you're the only one who has been on the battlefield, aren't you fucking bragging about making drafts?" the manager scolded angrily.

"Of course I have, otherwise, how would I know you haven't?" Han Sanqian sneered.

Since the war, in fact, the back kitchen has found a place to hide.

No way, they are not female relatives, they cannot be taken to a hidden place to hide by Pei Gu, and they are not guards, they will be dispatched to the front line, they can only stay in their own broken place, and then find a firewood room to hide in. hide.

Therefore, they have never seen Han Sanqian from beginning to end, and they are not even as good as those people who can spy on them on certain occasions.

"You fart, I am the one who went to the battlefield, I have never seen your little white face."

When the words fell, perhaps out of a guilty conscience, this guy hurriedly said to the younger brothers beside him: "Do you think so?"

"Yeah, yeah, pretending to be here, we haven't seen him at all."

"In my opinion, he clearly beat the general manager and knew that he had made a big mistake, so he deliberately made a reason for not going to the battlefield to exonerate himself."

The general manager thinks this is very reasonable. They have never been on the battlefield, so if this kid talks about this, he will feel guilty.

If he is guilty, he will naturally not take revenge on him.

Thinking of this, the manager is about to get up in anger, intending to have a good talk with Han Sanqian again.

However, Han Sanqian suddenly laughed at this moment: "If I hadn't been on the battlefield, would you bastards still be alive to bullshit me here? I'm afraid you would have already died under the enemy's sword. "

"Grass, you bastard, you can really pretend, it's as if the whole battle was won because of your appearance, what? You fucking think you are Han Sanqian, the VIP of our Pei residence. ?"
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Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!