I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4330

Published at 5th of November 2022 07:42:45 AM

Chapter 4330

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"It's a little awkward."

Han Sanqian shook his head, then pointed to a hanging tree in the center of the mourning hall.

It was deliberately hung in the hall, surrounded by various white flowers, and when viewed from a distance, it looked like a suspended ceiling.

"Abrupt? Brother Sanqian, what did you find?" When Han Sanqian made a voice, Pei Gu hurriedly asked.

"What's that for?" Han Sanqian asked, pointing at the hanging wood.

At this time, someone hurriedly stood up: "This is the funeral hall. The hanging wood is mainly used for decoration, and some decorations used in funerals are hung. Do you have any comments?"

The prince did not deal with Han Sanqian when he was alive, so the old princelings were naturally not friendly to Han Sanqian.

Han Sanqian smiled coldly: "There are various beams in the house. If you need to decorate, you can mainly use the beams, why bother?"

Just like the ceiling can obviously chandelier, why should we hang another suspended object separately for the chandelier?

Isn't this superfluous?

"The second elder said that doing this will make the mourning hall more warm and not empty. There is no way, our son is dead, and the master likes some people. Naturally, our son is also in front of the door. It ended up being deserted, and the second elder's method has reserved some respect for the young master."

"That's right, Cat Cry spends money on fake compassion, and even comes to point fingers at our mourning hall."

Several Pei Gongzi's old department said coldly and dismissively.

Upon hearing this, several senior executives of the Pei family around Pei Gu were not happy on the spot.

Many of them now support Fifth Young Master, who is Han Sanqian's apprentice. Naturally, no one can slander Han Sanqian.

"You guys, shut up immediately, what the fuck are you? You dare to speak rudely to Mr. Han here. I warn you, if you hear another half of it, I will kill you on the spot. Even if the head of the family is here."

"Yes, where is the guard, draw my sword!"


Sure enough, several guards drew their knives on the spot and prepared to start.

The Patriarch of the Pei family is indeed here, but they all know that with Han Sanqian's current status, even if they are angry for Han Sanqian and do it privately, the Patriarch Pei will never say a single word.

Therefore, the most important thing is to flatter Han Sanqian well.

Seeing the other party draw a knife, some people are afraid, but some people are disdainful.

However, after all, the situation has reached this point, no matter how disdainful a few people are, they can only shut up obediently.

"Three thousand, I will teach these gangsters a lesson in the future. Today, we are here for something important, I think..." Seeing that the scene was quiet, Pei Gu hurriedly said to Han Sanqian.

Han Sanqian nodded, a group of ants thought they were farting.

"Go and call the second elder." Pei Gu ordered.

The subordinate took the order and was about to go down, but was stopped by Han Sanqian: "No need."

"If my guess is correct, the second elder should be no longer in the main city by now. Before the corpse succeeds, I am afraid that he will have gone far away."

As soon as Han Sanqian's words came out, everyone present couldn't help but be stunned.

The second elder is gone? !

Or in other words, Han Sanqian means that the second elder is the one who stole the corpse?

how can that be? !

"Full of nonsense, Han Sanqian, you killed my son first, and then insulted my second elder, what is your intention? Do you want to drive all the people around our son out of the Pei family? If so, we will If you can't fight you, you just need to say the last sentence, and all of us will leave the Pei family."

"The master listened to an outsider's slander, and we had no choice but to choose to prove our innocence in this way. It's just that they are all from the Pei family, so I have to advise you that if you are sold by Han Sanqian in the future, Don't regret listening to him today."

"That's right, Han Sanqian, don't play tricks. What do you want to do? Just say it directly. Come on and have a good time. Cover up, what kind of man are you?"

Seeing the hot-headed dogs in the old band of the prince, Han Sanqian was really helpless, really stupid.

They think they are smart, but in fact it is their self-righteousness that is often used as a gunman.

"Stupid and don't know it, so let's go and find the second elder now. If you find it, what do you say? How about it?"

As soon as the words fell, a few princelings turned around and went out to find someone. They wanted Han Sanqian to look good...
This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!