I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4353

Published at 5th of November 2022 07:41:51 AM

Chapter 4353

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This smell is weird.

It was like some carrion-eating animal suddenly opened its mouth, and it was like some kind of rotten thing that had been fermented for a long time suddenly opened its pot.

Almost as soon as people smell it, they only feel a dizziness in the head.

Su Yingxia frowned, and in a hurry, she was able to put an energy shield on the four of them, and whispered: "Be careful, it's poisonous!"

As soon as the words fell, the city wall behind him began to corrode, and a layer of ash quickly aged on the brick wall, and the dust kept falling in the wind.

"Master, what kind of poison is this? Why even the city walls..." Pei Yuan said in shock.

Su Yingxia didn't speak, and stared straight ahead: "Xiaoyuan, if there is a situation, you don't have to help me, take the two of them and leave first, you know?"

"No, Mistress, if Master is not here, I have to protect Mistress for Master."

"Xiaoyuan!" Su Yingxia snorted coldly: "Apart from me, your cultivation is the highest. If there is any danger, you are the only one who can protect the two of them from leaving here."

"Master will be fine."


"What? Master's words are words, so you don't have to listen to what the teacher said?"

"Xiaoyuan doesn't dare!" Pei Yuan quickly lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and after a little thought, he nodded heavily: "Yes, Xiaoyuan understands."

As soon as the words fell, Su Yingxia's hanging heart hadn't let go. At this moment, a few pairs of green eyes suddenly lit up in the night ahead.

In that darkness, for a while, it looked very strange.

"Hum hum."

"Hey black."

Immediately afterwards, bursts of laughter that sounded creepy also erupted.

"It's nice to say, but unfortunately, your words are just a joke in our eyes."

"That's not it. Being targeted by our brothers and thinking of running away is simply beyond our own power."

"I said that if you are smart enough, you might as well just be captured. At least, you can suffer less."

As the words fell, several figures slowly walked out of the darkness.

This group of people are short and short, but their muscles are exploding, and each of them is wearing an incomparably weird armor. Under the night, the armor is more like not wearing it.

Their eyes were green and their faces were hideous.

Su Yingxia glanced at it, a little relieved.

Because this group of people looks extremely disgusting, but luckily the number is not large, but only seven people.

With her current cultivation level, it is not difficult to deal with seven people.

"Who are you?" Su Yingxia shouted coldly.

"Who are we? Hehe, little girls, you'll know after a while."

"Big brother, this little girl is really pretty. Otherwise, don't give her to adults, it's a pity."

"Yeah, big brother, why don't we play first? We'll talk when we're done playing."

When the leader heard this, he immediately snorted coldly: "Damn! How dare you think about this? If you let the adults know, ten of our heads won't be enough to chop off."

"Don't say goodbye, big brother, the so-called peony flower is dead, and it's a ghost. Our brothers have been in drought for so long, and it's rare to meet a girl with such a symbol, this..."

"Yeah, eldest brother, this requires cattle to plough the fields, and the cattle must always eat grass. This bitch is the best of the best. It's not fun..."

"Also, eldest brother, she is from the human race. I heard that the resistance of the women from the human race is particularly fierce, but it is a bit more pitiful than our demon race. Tsk tsk, that taste..."

The leader listened to them, and the cold face gradually eased, and a pair of green eyes began to produce different desires and flames.

"But this... only our brothers know about it, otherwise once it is known from above, you..."

"Don't worry, big brother, we are all on the same boat."

"Yeah, we'll keep our mouth shut, brother, don't worry."

Watching a group of brothers swear oath, the leader nodded and made up his mind.

"Little girls, I'm afraid you heard what you said just now."

"You have two choices now. One is to pretend to be forced and play with us obediently. Two, you don't have to pretend, we will directly and force you to play."

"You make a choice?"

As soon as the voice fell, several people laughed...
This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!