I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4413

Published at 5th of November 2022 07:39:37 AM

Chapter 4413

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"How did you do it?" Angelica's face was full of despair, her eyes were blank, but she was more shocked and unwilling.

He couldn't imagine that his formation did not disappear, but he couldn't feel it, and in turn, Han Sanqian controlled his formation to attack him.

"I said, in fact, I have heard everything you said at the beginning, clearly. So, it seems that there is no need for you to ask me how I did it. Isn't this what you taught me? "

"However, no matter how smart a person is, it is absolutely impossible for me to learn things that I have learned for more than ten years, right?!"

It is almost an indisputable fact that the people of the demon race are generally much stronger than the people of the Central Plains, but since the world is incomparably balanced, it must mean that those who have advantages must have their disadvantages.

The IQ of the Demons is quite different from that of the Central Plains, which may be the disadvantage brought about by the advantage of physical talent.

Under such circumstances, Angelica is not considered to be the most intelligent person among the demons, while Han Sanqian is considered extremely intelligent among the people of the Central Plains. The gap between the two cannot be said to be huge, only It is said to be a complete dimensionality reduction attack.

"I said, maybe you've never really looked at yourself."

From birth, Angelica is the next city lord, and the position of successor has always been pampered. Most of the words around him are slanderous words, and how can he tell where he is good and where he is bad?

It's just normal. Under the guidance of his old father, he reluctantly took over this almost invincible design of the Demon Castle, and also dealt with all kinds of difficult crises.

However, this is always in the case of the generally low IQ of the Demon Race.

Once you meet an extremely smart person, the presentation here will be different, especially if such a smart person has a different way of thinking and a different level of understanding of Qimen Dunjia.

Dangerous situations will intensify.

And the last straw that broke the camel's back was what he said, and this defeat was a matter of time.

"Just using the knowledge you mentioned, I organized and studied accordingly, and conducted a review according to its guidelines."

"Afterwards, I made the same array."

"In order to let them influence each other, I deliberately arranged the formation above the Demon Castle according to the posture of Tai Chi."

"In this way, the two formations can be closely linked together like Tai Chi gossip."

"I have calculated that the array here absorbs the energy of the demons who live here, so although the breath of people seems to be yang, but because the people here cultivate the law and understand the way, they all belong to yin. So in fact, the formation is still dominated by yin.”

"Therefore, if I want to complete my plan, I should make a large formation with the same attributes."

"The so-called same-sex attracts, the opposite-sex repel."

When the formation in the sky is running, it will also absorb the energy around it crazily. Therefore, the two overlapping formations will continue to absorb each other's energy, thus creating competition and fighting with each other.

"The energy of the entire Tianmobao people is indeed huge. However, it is a pity that you met me, Han Sanqian. You are not talented, and the devilish energy has been crazy recently."

"Although I don't dare to release all of them to fight against you, or even overwhelm you, but what I can use right now can barely compete with you for a while."

"You can beat me just by fighting for a while? It's impossible, shouldn't I win?" Angelica refused to accept it.

In theory, there is no problem with the understanding of Angelica.

Han Sanqian was afraid that the demonic energy would affect his sanity, so he always came here leisurely. There was no way, he couldn't let the monster control him in order to suppress the demonic energy of the other party.

While taking care of one and the other, it is often easier to gain more than one loses.

The ghost knows what will happen when he can't control himself. If his brain is pumped and he hits his own people in turn, that's enough bullshit.

Therefore, Han Sanqian is very clear about one thing, and that is to change his own way to compete.

"However, you are the only one who has been fighting against me for a long time. I have never seen you have any other helpers. It can't be Su Yingxia."

"Not my wife, of course, but I do have a helper."

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