I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 458

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:53:37 AM

Chapter 458: 458

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Originally, there were not many guests in the restaurant. Because of the appearance of Qi Yiyun, the restaurant is now full of people, and there are still a large number of people at the door who do not want to leave, which makes Han Sanqian sigh. Even in the crowd, Han Sanqian hears some speculation.

Many people think that Qi Yiyun is a big star. It seems that in their eyes, only a star can be so beautiful.

"Since I have such a great influence, do you want to consider asking me to be the image spokesman of weak water real estate? Maybe you can win more favor for weak water real estate in Yuncheng." Qi Yiyun said with a smile.

Han Sanyi Leng, this proposal is still a bit interesting. It's not a simple thing for weak water real estate to enhance its influence. But if there is such a shortcut, it's really a good way. With Qi Yiyun's influence today, it may be really feasible.

But after su Yingxia, what she will think, Han 3000 is not sure.

"Pull it down. I don't want to be suspicious of our relationship." Han 3000 said.

Qi Yiyun's heart is tight because of Su Yingxia and her relationship with Han 3000. No matter what level she starts to develop, Su Yingxia is the biggest stumbling block. Han 3000 will take Su Yingxia into consideration for anything.

"It's just work cooperation. She won't think much about it." Qi Yiyun said.

"A woman's heart is the same as the weather. It's changeable. I don't want to try it out." Han 3000 light said, although Su Yingxia is a very sensible woman, but occasionally there are women's common problems, which Han 3000 has personally felt many times.

Qi Yiyun doesn't speak any more, but has an idea in his heart. Although the image spokesperson is just a casual thing, to a certain extent, it can enhance the influence of weak water real estate in Yuncheng. Since Han 3000 is unwilling to do so because of Su Yingxia, he just needs to find Su Yingxia and let her understand the significance of this thing, I'm sure she won't refuse.

During the meal, several men can't help chatting up and asking for Qi Yiyun's phone number, and several people deliberately show their car keys, which are luxury cars with high value. It seems that their families are very rich.

But for Qi Yiyun, the luxury car keys are not attractive at all. Her family's assets can't be compared with those who show off their car keys. Moreover, today's Qi Yiyun has only Han 30001 people in both eyes and hearts.

After rejecting countless men, the dinner was finally finished.

"Next time you don't wear glasses, I won't come out to eat with you." Han 3000 said that although there was no big trouble, the meal was not easy to eat and would always be disturbed.

"I didn't dare to think that you would eat out with me, so do I want to seize this opportunity and let you accompany me more?" Qi Yiyun said with a smile.

"What do you want to do?" Han 3000 asked warily.

"I've been at home so long that I haven't been out. I want to go shopping." Qi Yiyun said.

If you go to the shopping mall again, you can't make the shopping mall paralyzed?

Han Sanqian shook his head and said, "you'd better let me go, and hurry home while no one is crazy yet. Otherwise, I'm afraid that someone will not help getting you in other ways. At that time, I have to fight with others."

Qi Yiyun feels Han 3000's strong rejection. Her inner loss is inevitable, but she doesn't insist. After all, fighting means risk. She doesn't want Han 3000 to get hurt.

At this time, the hillside villa, Jiang LAN holding a mobile phone, a sneer.

There is a picture of Han 3000 and Qi Yiyun eating together on the mobile phone, which is sent back to her by the person tracking Han 3000.

After a loss, Jiang LAN does not give up on destroying the relationship between Han 3000 and Su Yingxia. Even though Han 3000 has seriously threatened her in the ancient town, Jiang LAN still does not shrink back. She always believes that the stability of the Su family must be completed with Han 3000's death. Only when Han 3000 is dead, the Su family will not be affected, and Su Yingxia will be able to usher in a new life.

"I didn't expect that you are such a loser. You can even get together with such a beautiful woman. I don't know what fortune you had in your last life." Looking at the photo of Qi Yiyun, Jiang LAN doesn't feel familiar. Even if she has seen Qi Yiyun more than once, whether she wears glasses or not is too far from Qi Yiyun. Most people can't treat the two images as one person.

Su Yingxia hasn't come home yet. Recently, she often has dinner with Shen lingyao at night, and occasionally goes to Shen lingyao's home to sleep, because there are too many memories of Han 3000 in the hillside villa. When she gets home, Su Yingxia will fall into a serious miss, which will make her sleepless all night.

In order to be afraid that Su Yingxia won't go home and won't see the wonderful photos of Han 3000's cheating, Jiang LAN makes a special call to Su Yingxia.

"Welcome summer, are you not going home tonight?" Jiang LAN asked.

Su Yingxia on the other end of the phone is still having dinner with Shen lingyao, but she does plan to go to Shen lingyao's home tonight.

"Ma, what can I do for you?" Su Yingxia asked“ Yes, and it's very serious. You should hurry home. " Jiang Lan said“ OK, I'll be back after dinner. " After hanging up, Shen lingyao asked Su Yingxia, "what's the matter?"“ My mom says there's something serious, but I think she's making a mountain out of a molehill again. " Su Yingxia shook his head helplessly“ I don't know what's going on with my aunt. Why do you want to destroy the relationship between you and Han 3000? " Shen lingyao is puzzled and asks. She has heard Su Yingxia complain a lot, so she feels very puzzled to know what Jiang LAN did. In the past, when Han 3000 was still a loser, Jiang Lan was just stirring up dissension. But now, doesn't she understand that Han 3000 gave everything to the Su family? If it wasn't for Han 3000, how could she live in a villa on the hillside and have the present quality of life. Su Yingxia shakes her head. She also doesn't understand why Jiang LAN does these things, but Jiang LAN is always happy about it, so people can't find the reason“ Eat quickly. I have to go home. " Su Yingxia said. It was almost nine o'clock when Su Yingxia came home. Jiang LAN and Su Guoyao are both sitting in the living room. Su Guoyao has seen the photo. Although it's just a very ordinary meal photo, Jiang Lan's ability to make up stories has identified Han 3000 as coming out of the cabinet. He can only watch Jiang LAN perform, and dare not have any objection“ Mom, what's the matter? " Su Yingxia asks Jiang LAN“ Do you know what Han 3000 has done outside? He's already hooked up with other women. " Jiang Lan said. Su Yingxia is as calm as water. After all, it's not the first time that Jiang LAN has seriously injured Han 3000“ You can say anything to separate Han 3000 from me, but do you think I will believe it? " Su Yingxia said lightly“ I know you won't believe it, so this time, I have evidence that he was eating with that bitch, and the photo was just taken by my friend. It's hard to prove. Can there be any fake? " Jiang LAN sneers and throws her cell phone on the table. Su Yingxia saw that Jiang Lan was so confident. He didn't seem to talk about it casually. With a suspicious attitude, he picked up his mobile phone. The photos on the mobile phone are Han 3000 and Qi Yiyun, which makes Su Yingxia a little surprised. How could they have a private date! Qi Yiyun in the photo doesn't have eyes. She wears an ordinary skirt with the feeling of being beautiful. Su Yingxia has no doubt that she has the ability to let men fall into captivity. But... But how could this man be Han 3000“ You see, I'm not kidding you this time. This woman is pretty good-looking. They seem to have lived together now. " Jiang Lan said“ No way. " Su Yingxia firmly said, Han 3000 is her husband, Qi Yiyun is her best friend, how can they live together? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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