I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 472

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:53:17 AM

Chapter 472: 472

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Looking at Qingyun dressed in prison clothes, Han 3000 pondered for a while and said, "wait."

Leaving the detention room, Han 3000 made a phone call to Mo Yang. In a short time, a middle-aged man came to Han 3000 with a respectful attitude.

"Is that Mr. Han, please?" The middle-aged man asked Han 3000. He just received a phone call from Mo Yang. Mo Yang indicated that he wanted to meet any requirements of Han 3000. He didn't dare to neglect such a big man.

"Hello, I want to see Qingyun's personal belongings, OK?" Han Sanqian did not put his posture above others. He never used his identity to bully others. Moreover, he is now asking for help and will not put on airs.

"No problem, please follow me." Said the middle-aged man.

When he came to a storage room, there were all the personal belongings of the detainees, which were carried in transparent pockets with labels attached to each pocket. After the middle-aged man found something belonging to Qingyun, he handed it to Han 3000.

"Mr. Han, this is Qingyun's. I'm at the door. If you need anything, please call me at any time." The middle-aged man said that it was not for outsiders to come here, but he left Han 3000 alone, which showed how much he attached importance to Han 3000.

"Thank you." Han 3000 politely said.

When the middle-aged man left, Han 3000 took out all the things that belonged to Qingyun.

There is nothing to see about his clothes. Han 3000 mainly wants to see if there is any clue about his identity in his personal belongings, or something that can expose Qingyun's target.

A seemingly valuable jade attracted Han 3000's attention, but unfortunately this thing can not bring too many clues to Han 3000.

There is also a black square box, the size of a matchbox, but Han 3000 has been working hard for a long time, but he can't open it. The small box has a very delicate switch mechanism, which only people who are familiar with can open it.

Han 3000 guesses that in this box, there should be a secret about Qingyun's identity or his purpose. Unfortunately, it's impossible to crack it in a short time.

Putting the box in his pocket, Han 3000 walked out of the storage room and said to the middle-aged man, "thank you."

"Mr. Han, if you have any other needs, please feel free to ask, and I will do it for you." Said the middle-aged man.

"Can I take Qingyun away?" Han 3000 asked.

"Of course, there is no problem. We have found out that he was blackmailed by a gang of habitual criminals and can leave at any time." Said the middle-aged man.

Outside the Bureau, when Qingyun came out, he was obviously embarrassed.

He always carries the black box close to his body and never throws it away, because it is a very important thing that his master gave him. It is said that the secret hidden in the contents can bring great energy to people.

Although Qingyun didn't believe these words, it was master's relic after all, so Qingyun kept it very well, but now the box is gone.

"Looking for it?" At this time, Han 3000, who had been waiting outside the Bureau, stretched out his right hand, and between his index finger and middle finger was what Qingyun was looking for.

See the box, Qingyun's first reaction is to go forward to grab, but he has never exposed his strength in front of Han 3000, once easily, Han 3000 will be aware of.

"Boss, why is this in your hands?" Green cloud licks to smile to walk to Han 3000 side to say.

"What's in it?" Han 3000 light way.

"Hey, hey, some trinkets, boss, give them back to me." Green cloud said.

"Teach me how to open it, and I'll give it back to you." Han 3000 said.

"Boss, if I say I can't open it, will you believe me?" Green cloud embarrassed way.

"What do you say?" Han three thousand pick eyebrow, this kind of nonsense he certainly won't believe, own thing, oneself but can't open, isn't this cheat ghost?

Qingyun forced his face and said sincerely: "boss, let me tell you the truth. I found this thing and never opened it. The reason why I keep it is because I feel curious."

"Oh." Han 3000 nodded meaningfully and said, "since it was picked up, it should be given to me."

With that, Han 3000 put away the box.

Qingyun's eyes flashed a trace of killing intention. Han 3000 confiscated such an important thing to him!

"Boss, it's not worth money. What are you going to do? Give it to me." Green cloud said.

"You attach so much importance to the things you find. It seems that the things in it are unusual. If you want to take them back, grab them." Han 3000 light said.

Qingyun did not resist, because he would not only expose himself, but also not necessarily Han 3000's opponent.

After taking a deep breath, Qingyun said, "boss, in fact, this is a relic left by my master. I really don't know what it is. I've never opened it."

"Your master? Is he also a trickster? " Han Sanqian asked, he is very sensitive to the identity of Taoist, because if the old Taoist had not talked nonsense, his childhood in the Han family would not have changed dramatically.

Han Sanqian has made a painstaking investigation on this matter, but in the end, he has not found any clues, and he does not know who the Taoist priest is or with whom he joined hands. Qingyun shook his head and said, "my master has real skills. He is different from me." An idea flashed through Han 3000's mind. Could Qingyun's master be the one who appeared in Han's family? However, the probability of this coincidence is not high. But if you think about it carefully, there is such a possibility, because Qingyun follows him for no reason, which Han 3000 can't explain up to now. If master Qingyun is the person who was then, then his purpose of following him may be clear. There is a potential opponent in the Han family. Shi Jing said that Taoists were sent by their opponents. That is to say, Taoists deliberately harmed Han 3000. Now Qingyun's appearance is likely to continue to make trouble for Han 3000. When Qingyun gradually feels that Han 3000's eyes are full of killing intention, he can't help but step back two steps. For a long time, Qingyun hides his identity without revealing any flaw, so he doesn't understand where Han 3000's killing intention comes from. Does it mean that he accidentally exposed something“ Boss, I'm hungry. Why don't I find a place to eat? " Qingyun digs the subject. Han Sanqian suddenly reaches out his hand. The Taoist priest accounts for most of his frustrations over the years. So when he guesses that the Taoist priest is related to Qingyun, he can't control his temper. Pinching Qingyun's neck until his lips turned purple, Han 3000 said, "who is your master and who did he cooperate with in those years?" Qingyun holds Han 3000's hand with both hands and wants to break free, but in terms of strength, he is not Han 3000's opponent“ Old... Old, I don't know what you're talking about. " Green cloud said. Han 3000 clenches his teeth and raises Qingyun with one hand. In an angry state, Han 3000 bursts out with amazing strength. Even passers-by are shocked to see this scene. They think that Han 3000 must be crazy and dare to do this at the gate of the bureau! Qingyun is struggling with his legs. When his struggling range becomes smaller and his eyes are turning white, Han 3000 just throws Qingyun away“ I know that you follow me for a long time. I don't want to expose you. I just want to see what you want to do. Qingyun, this is my first and last warning. If you dare to mess with me, I will never be soft hearted. Since your master is dead, I will not care about the past. You can do it yourself. " With that, Han turned and left. Qingyun gasps. The fresh air pulls him back from the edge of death. Looking at Han 3000's back, Qingyun's eyes become cold. He followed Han 3000 in the hope of killing Han 3000 one day, but there is a big gap between his strength and Han 3000. So far, killing Han 3000 is just an extravagant hope“ Master, this guy is hard to deal with. I may fail to live up to your expectations. " Qingyun said to himself. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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