I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 484

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:53:00 AM

Chapter 484: 484

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Although they don't know Han 3000's name, everyone is shouting the word "champion". It seems that they have already regarded Han 3000 as the new champion in the underground ring.

This is the power of the world, for underground black boxing, the winner is king, they will not simply worship someone's name, as long as there are stronger, they will not hesitate to abandon the former.

It's not a sign of being a wallflower, it's just a recognition and pursuit of the strong.

In the private stands, Zhou Yang is so lucky that he shivers all over. In his eyes, Dao 12 will never be able to turn over in the underground black boxing world of Yuncheng in his whole life. With the strong man like Shan Qing, he will surely be the boss of the first boxing ring.

But Zhou Yangfu didn't expect that Shan Qing would be beaten by someone before he enjoyed the honor for a few days, and he was a very humble boy.

Declare war on the whole Qinglong boxing field. If there is no one to fight, the reputation of Qinglong boxing field will be destroyed.

But even Shan Qing is not his opponent. Zhou Yangfu knows that sending other people is just adding more honor to this boy.

"Who is this guy? How can Dao 12 find such a master?" Zhou Yangfu gritted his teeth helplessly and said that Han 3000's birth completely broke his control over Yuncheng underground black boxing. This is a situation that Zhou Yangfu is unwilling to accept but unable to stop.

"Boss, do you want to check his details?" A subordinate asked Zhou Yangfu.

Zhou Yangfu looks at Han 3000 on the challenge arena like a torch. For his details, Zhou Yangfu is very curious. However, once he finds out such a strong man, the consequences may be unimaginable.

"Don't worry. Let me try again." The invincible Zhou Yangfu actually compromised, because he did not dare to offend Han 3000 easily.

"What do we do now? Are we going to send a boxer?" He continued.

Hearing these words, Zhou Yangfu was furious. He could only vent his anger on his subordinates. After a while of kicking and punching, Zhou Yangfu yelled: "are you stupid, even Shan Qing is not an opponent, continue to send people to die?"

On the challenge arena, Han 3000, who can't wait for a response, smiles and walks down the challenge arena.

Zhou Yangfu relies on Shan Qing. Now Shan Qing is beaten by him. It is expected that he will not send someone to fight.

The eyes of the boxing field focused on Han Sanya. When they saw him step down from the challenge arena, they were disappointed and began to spit at Qinglong boxing field.

"It's a shame that you should avoid the battle at home in Qinglong boxing field."

"Damn, I won't come to see Qinglong boxing ring any more. A bunch of rubbish even ask me to spend money. It's not worth it."

"Zhou Yangfu was quite arrogant just now. He didn't expect to be a coward so soon. He didn't dare to say a word. It seems that it's better not to come here in the future."

Among the audience broke out a very strong dissatisfaction, have expressed their will not come to Qinglong boxing ring.

After Dao 12 and Zhou Bo came to Han 3000, Dao 12 asked, "brother 3000, where are you going now?"

"The ring will open tomorrow. You can't go back to prepare?" Han 3000 said with a smile.

Dao Shiyi is stunned. In the current situation of Qinglong boxing field, his boxing field can really seize this opportunity to reopen. It's just that such a surprise comes so suddenly that Dao Shier can't believe it.

After walking out of Qinglong boxing ground, Zhou Bo said, "brother 3000, are you free?"

"What do you mean?" Han three thousand puzzled looking at Zhou Bo.

Zhou Bo looks at Dao 12 awkwardly. Although Dao 12 has made it very clear to him, he still wants to ask a question. What if Han 3000 agrees?

"Brother 3000, if you are free, take me as an apprentice." Zhou Bo said.

Han 3000 helplessly shook his head and said, "well, you'd better follow twelve. I'm not qualified to be your master."

"Yes, of course. Brother 3000, you can beat me with one blow. How can a strong man like Shan Qing not be qualified to be my master?" Zhou Bo said.

Han 3000's inner pain, only he knows.

His strength has not been greatly improved. This power of unknown origin may disappear at any time. He does not think that he is real now.

Only these words, Han 3000 can't tell Dao 12 and Zhou Bo.

"Go back early. I'll go home and have a rest." Han three thousand finish, a person walked away.

Zhou Bo sighed. Even though he had already guessed the result, he was somewhat disappointed.

"Brother, brother 3000 is becoming more and more invisible. Now I gradually understand why you are following him." Zhou Bo said.

"He has a unique charm that you will gradually see in the future. I don't guarantee that he can give you a bright future, but I'm sure you will never regret following him." Dao 12 said firmly.

Han three thousand back home, a silk pajamas Qi Yiyun sitting in the living room watching TV, let him very surprised, because he left before, Mingming has waited until Qi Yiyun back to the room to sleep“ Aren't you asleep? " Han three thousand don't understand to Qi Yi cloud ask a way. Qi Yiyun did sleep, but when she heard Han Sanqian close the door and leave, she tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep, so she went to the living room to wait for Han Sanqian“ I'm afraid you've been beaten again. I need to get you back. " Qi Yiyun said“ In your eyes, am I so weak? I'm a black fist master tonight. " Han 3000 said with a smile. Qi Yiyun shriveled his mouth, a look of disbelief, said: "you, also black fist master, I see ah, you are to solve what shrimp role is ecstatic." Han Sanqian shrugged and said, "if you've heard the name of Shan Qing, you'll know if he's a shrimp. It's a pity that you don't know about underground black fist. I'm too lazy to explain to you and go back to my room to sleep." After that, Han 3000 directly went back to the room, did not see Qi Yiyun sitting on the sofa with a shocked expression. Although Qi Yiyun doesn't know much about the world of underground black boxing, she has heard the name of Shan Qing. Qi Yiyun has heard Donghao mention Qinglong boxing field since it was very powerful. Since she mentioned Qinglong boxing field, she will naturally know about this town strongman. According to Dong Hao, Shan Qing's strength is very strong. Even he doesn't dare to take it lightly when fighting with Shan Qing. How can Han 3000 beat Shan Qing with one punch“ I didn't expect you to be more and more boastful, but what's the point of boasting in front of me? " Qi Yiyun shriveled his mouth and went back to his room to have a rest. Han 3000 is lying on the bed, not closing his eyes to sleep, but thinking about how this inexplicable power is going on. After several times of verification, he is now able to confirm that he really has amazing power, which does not need any doubt. However, Han 3000 does not know where the power comes from. Can't it be true that there is a God in three feet? Which God of war gave him strength? This idea makes Han Sanqian happy. He is absurd, uninhibited and extremely stupid. Not to mention that he is an atheist, even if he really has a God, he can't give him strength for no reason“ It seems that we can only find grandfather Yan. " Han 3000 took a deep breath, can't solve the confusion, can only find Yan Jun to help him. That night, Han Sanqian didn't wake up in the middle of the night because of his headache, but when he woke up the next morning, he felt a splitting headache, which made him curl up on the bed and shiver constantly. The whole headache process lasted for half an hour, which made Han Sanqian feel like he had experienced life and death. When the headache slowly away, Han 3000 has been covered with sweat, the whole person is very collapse“ Would you like breakfast? " Qi Yiyun's voice came from outside the door. Han 3000 feebly said: "you eat first, I'll sleep for a while." Qi Yiyun feels a bit strange. Recently, Han 3000 gets up later and later, which is not like his previous life pattern. However, Qi Yiyun can understand that Han 3000 is facing too many troubles now. He can't sleep at night and it's normal to get up late in the morning. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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