I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 531

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:51:43 AM

Chapter 531: 531

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Yuncheng hospital.

Outside the delivery room, on the corridor, it was crowded and there was no extra space.

These onlookers are not ordinary people, but the owners of all the big and small companies in Yuncheng. Among them, there are people with hundreds of millions of assets, and there are also people with tens of millions of assets.

But at this time, no matter how much assets they have, they all hope to be closer to the delivery room, because outside the delivery room, there are people from Moyang and Tianjia, who are the core figures of Yuncheng today.

Of course, the most important thing is Su Yingxia in the delivery room.

They know that if they can use this opportunity to win over the relationship between themselves and Su Yingxia, their future development in Yuncheng will surely go up to a higher level.

Everyone who came to the hospital was carrying a very valuable gift, hoping to give it to the soon to be born son of heaven.

The corridor became very noisy because of the crowded position. Mo Yang couldn't stand the noise. He said angrily, "if anyone dares to make any more noise, he won't be in Yuncheng in the future."

With a command, the corridor quieted down and the needles fell. Everyone became cautious even when they gasped.

They come here to please Su Yingxia. If they make Mo Yang unhappy, it's not worth the loss.

"This is the real birth with a golden spoon. If you think about me before, it's nothing." Tianling'er said with a sigh, when she was born, there were many people to please her, but there was no such grand occasion as today.

Tianchangsheng smiles and says, "many people don't know about your brother's influence in Yuncheng, but all this is reflected in the Su family and Moyang. How can these businessmen who value interests be willing to miss the opportunity to please Su Yingxia?"

"Grandfather, what do these people have in mind? Look at the gifts they bring. I heard that there are several Ferraris in the parking lot. My brother's children are not monsters. Can they drive when they are born?" Tian ling'er couldn't help rolling a white eye and said that she didn't know who thought of this stupid gift. She really couldn't understand this mentality.

"What gift doesn't matter, what's important is that it's expensive. The child hasn't landed yet, and he has a luxury car in the garage. This is the real winner in life." Tianchang Shengle said, this kind of gift is really strange, but it's not hard to understand that businessmen care about interests. In their eyes, the more valuable things are, the more affectionate they are.

Tianling'er looked at the delivery room, and there was no movement. It had been two hours.

"I don't know if it's a man or a woman. If it's a boy, it's the first young master of Cloud City. If it's a girl, it's better. She was born a princess, and she will be spoiled in the future." Said Tian ling'er.

"Do you want to be a man or a woman?" Tianchangsheng asked curiously.

"Girls, of course. I like my niece. I can dress her up in the future." Tian ling'er said with a smile, as if he had thought that there would be a princess following him in the future.

"You didn't come empty handed, did you?" Tianchangsheng joked.

Tianling'er looked at tianchangsheng contemptuously and said, "the crows are black in the world. My grandfather is not qualified to laugh at me, but I heard that you ordered a gift a few months ago."

Tianchangsheng wiped his face awkwardly and said, "they are all common people, and I can't avoid them."

Tianling'er frowned discontentedly and said, "my birthday, I've never seen you so attentive. I haven't received any customized gifts yet."

"As a family, we don't have to be so outspoken." Tianchangsheng said.

"You are eccentric." With that, Tian ling'er pulled Tian Changsheng's beard, and the pain made Tian Changsheng cry.

Tianchangsheng immediately begged for mercy, and Mo Yang looked at the scene, which was very disturbing.

He can't hear any noise now. Every second is suffering for him. After all, Su Yingxia is experiencing the most dangerous thing in his life.

"Have you two had enough trouble? Let's have a rest." Mo Yang can't help reminding.

Tianling'er quickly let go of tianchangsheng. She didn't dare to do it again. However, she didn't complain about Moyang. After all, it's understandable that Moyang was upset in this critical period.

"Lin Yong, are the people outside the hospital properly arranged?" Mo Yang asks Lin Yong.

"Thousands of people surrounded the hospital, and it's hard for flies to come in." Lin Yong said.

Mo Yang was worried that someone would make trouble on this special day, so he sent thousands of people to guard around and inside the hospital. Normal patients and their families could go in and out, but those irrelevant people were not allowed in. He was extremely strict with today's time point.

At this time, Jiang LAN sat on the stool outside the delivery room, with a trace of coldness in her eyes.

For this day, Jiang LAN has been waiting for a long time, the flies outside can't get in, but who can think that the biggest threat is Su Yingxia's side?

Looking at the people in the corridor, Mo Yang said to Lin Yong, "let these people leave their gifts and record them by the way. Let them get out of here. Don't join in here if you have nothing to do."

"Yes." Lin Yong takes orders to go, corridor those people did not see Su Yingxia, although the heart is unwilling, but in the face of this arrangement can only obey. No one wants to offend the irascible Moyang at this time today. Otherwise, there will be no confusion in Yuncheng in the future“ Every gift giver is entitled to participate in the children's full moon wine and hundred day banquet. " Mo Yang said to the crowd. Hearing this, those discontented faces all showed a smile, left the gift, left willingly. After the merchant withdrew, there was a complete silence outside the delivery room. Mo Yang walked anxiously outside the delivery room. Since Su Yingxia entered the delivery room, he didn't sit down for a second to rest, just like his own wife was giving birth. However, for Mo Yang, Su Yingxia's current status is probably higher than his own woman, because after Han 3000 left, Mo Yang took protecting Su Yingxia as the most important responsibility, and nothing can compare with this“ What's the matter? It's almost three hours. Why haven't you come out yet? " Mo Yang is anxious to see what's going on. If there's any accident, how can he explain to Han 3000 in the future“ Brother Mo, don't worry. I heard that natural labor sometimes takes one day. It's only three hours. It's early. " Lin Yong said. Mo Yang glared at Lin Yong and said angrily, "close your crow's mouth. How many sins will you suffer in a day." Lin Yong shrinks his neck in fright and closes his mouth. At this time, he provokes Mo Yang. It's hard for anyone to intercede. Every minute is suffering for people outside the delivery room, while Su Yingxia in the delivery room is experiencing the most painful time in her life, and her body seems to be torn. It is said that women's childbirth is like going to hell, which is absolutely true, because the pain they experienced is beyond ordinary people's imagination. After five hours of waiting, the door of the delivery room finally opened. At this time, Han 3000, as a father, should take over the child from the nurse with his ID card, but he is still in the center of the earth, so he can only bear the responsibility of Mo Yang“ "I'm not a slouch!" When Mo Yang was holding the child, he couldn't help sighing: "nurse, you're wrong. How can you be so ugly?" The nurse knew that Moyang was a very powerful person, but at this time, she couldn't help but look at Moyang and said, "all the new born children are like this, not to mention giving birth naturally." Mo Yang knew that he had said something wrong. He said with a sorry face, "I'm sorry, my mouth is not very clean. Don't mind."“ The puerpera still needs to rest for a while. You should go back to the room first with your baby in your arms. " Said the nurse. Mo Yang nodded and asked, "nurse, is this a boy or a girl?"“ Girl Said the nurse. Mo Yang said with a smile: "hello girl, hello girl, this is a little princess. If anyone doesn't spoil her in the future, I'll chop her to death." The nurse was startled and rushed back to the delivery room. At this time, tianchangsheng and tianling'er come together, but Jiang LAN is still sitting in the original position, quietly. In this case, holding the child to leave certainly can not, so she must find a more appropriate time. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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