I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 633

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:49:07 AM

Chapter 633: 633

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After leaving Yundingshan villa, Han Tiansheng was furious. He even rushed into the security room and beat the staff to vent their anger. If it wasn't for Han Xiao, this arrogant old thing would have been beaten by several security guards, and he couldn't take care of himself. But this is why han Tiansheng is so arrogant. As long as Han Xiao is there, He doesn't have to worry about the threat of force at all.

Of course, to some extent, Han Tiansheng can't be arrogant in the face of such a character as Si men Yi Lao.

"Are we going to Yanjing?" After waiting for Han Tiansheng to vent enough, Han Xiao asked him.

Han Tiansheng is calm. Naturally, he doesn't want to go to Yuncheng. Taking the initiative to come to Yuncheng has given Han Tiansheng a lot of face. He also asked him to go to Yanjing, which is a great insult to Han Tiansheng's dignity.

But if we don't go, the consequences will not be borne by Han Tiansheng.

"He must know that Han 3000 is valued by elder Yi, so he dares to put on airs in front of me. I'll make him regret this damn thing sooner or later." Han Tiansheng said, biting his teeth.

"I made a reservation." Han Xiao said that although Han Tiansheng didn't express his meaning clearly, his words have been expressed euphemistically, so Han Xiao doesn't need Han Tiansheng to speak so clearly. After all, he is a person who cherishes his face like gold.

Yanjing Han's courtyard.

"I didn't expect that he could be so arrogant even when he had come this far." Yan Jun said to Han Tianyang.

"He is used to arrogance and arrogance. It's normal for him to behave like this, but the more arrogant he is, the worse he will fall." Han Tianyang said lightly.

Yan Jun nodded, Han Tiansheng is bound to pay for his arrogance, from the moment he came to Yuncheng, Han Tiansheng has lost, but his heart is not willing to admit it.

"Do you know why I left the United States?" Han Tianyang asks Yan Jun suddenly.

About this matter, Yan Jun never heard Han Tianyang mention, so far the reason is a mystery.

"It's rumored that you are because of women." Yan Jun said.

Han Tianyang shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "women have never been the pursuit of life for me."

"But outsiders think so. They also say that you robbed his woman, which is why he drove him out of the United States." Yan Jun laughs a way, although he knows these rumors are certainly false, but don't hinder Yan Jun to think this kind of view is very interesting.

"In fact, it's because of one sentence, a very simple sentence." Han Tianyang sighed.

"A word?" Yan Jun frowned. They were brothers. They even let Han Tiansheng drive him out of the United States just because of one sentence, and they were even humiliated by kneeling down. How much weight should this sentence have?

"What's that?" Yan Jun can't help but ask curiously.

"I think it's better to open the window of the restaurant to the south." Han Tianyang said.

Yan Jun is stunned!

What kind of thing is that.

He thought that Han Tianyang said something too much, so he was targeted by Han Tiansheng.

Unexpectedly, it was because of the window of the restaurant.

"In fact, this is the way he wants to take over power in the Han family. He is afraid that I will take away his power. His desire for control is very strong. When he finds that he can't control me, he finds an excuse to kick me out of the Han family Han Tianyang explained.

"But why does he want you to kneel?" Yan Jun doesn't understand of ask a way.

"If he doesn't, how can he satisfy his strength? He needs people to look up at him, and I become a sacrifice." Han Tianyang said.

Yan Jun helplessly shook his head, he now knows that his understanding of Han Tiansheng's arrogance is just the tip of the iceberg.

"It seems that he was wronged to let him come to Yuncheng in person." Yan Jun said.

Han Tianyang laughed and said, "this shows that 3000 is a big enough threat to him. Otherwise, how can he take this step?"

"Only Ma Yu can know the reason. It's really curious. What is it that Han Tiansheng is so afraid of." Yan Jun curiously said that although the Chinese area has an eye liner, almost everything is under the control of Yan Jun, but what he can know is something that happens on the surface.

"I'm also curious. Maybe Han Tiansheng can help us out." Han Tianyang said.

One day later, Han Tiansheng finally arrived in Yanjing. In order to meet Han Tianyang, the domineering old man turned around for the second time, which made him accumulate endless anger in his heart. But these anger can only be hidden in his heart, and Han Tiansheng can only bear it when he is not qualified to break out.

Han's courtyard.

Han Tiansheng is still full of disdain for this house. In his opinion, everything related to Han Tianyang has no value. Even if the value of Han's courtyard is over 100 million now, even if he knows how amazing the financial resources and connections are needed to buy such a house, Han Tiansheng still disdains it, because in his eyes, Since Han Tianyang was kicked out of the United States, the image of waste has been deeply rooted and will not change because of any factors.

After a few deep breaths, Han Tiansheng came to the front of the house. Han Xiao rings the doorbell. After a while, when the door of the house was opened, the two Han brothers, who had not met for decades, finally met again. However, they didn't have a close relationship with each other. On the contrary, they met like enemies“ Han Tianyang, it's really hard to see you. " Han Tiansheng said coldly“ Indeed, after all, you don't come back often. " Han Tianyang said with a smile. The irony of these words is very obvious. Han Tiansheng took a deep breath and said, "to me, the United States is the country."“ But this is the place where you were born and raised after all. Do you know what you look like now? " Han Tianyang said. Han Tiansheng knew that the answer was definitely not good, so he didn't reply. But Han Tianyang obviously wants to let Han Tiansheng know what kind of person he is, so even if Han Tiansheng doesn't ask, he says: "traitor, traitor."“ Han Tianyang, I have my own choice. You are not qualified to evaluate me. " Han Tiansheng said discontentedly“ Everyone has his own choice, but most people's choice is above the moral bottom line, and you don't have it. I'm glad you were not born in the war, otherwise you will surely be infamous and discredit the Han family name. " Han Tianyang said lightly. Han Tiansheng hated his teeth itching. He once thought that Han Tianyang's surname was smearing Han's, but he didn't expect that Han Tianyang would return these words to him in this way“ Han Tianyang, I'm not here to fight with you. " Han Tiansheng said coldly“ I know. Please tell me what you want Han Tianyang said with a smile. Han Tiansheng almost vomited blood because of this sentence. Ask Han Tianyang? This is something Han Tiansheng never thought of in his life, but now he has to admit it“ I hope you can take good care of your grandson, otherwise you can blame others for your carelessness. " Han Tiansheng said“ If this is your kind reminder, no need. I believe 3000 has the ability to deal with anything. " Han Tianyang said. Han Tiansheng is extremely angry. He can't say a word of the prepared words at the moment, because he doesn't want to put down his dignity in front of Han Tianyang, let alone be humble“ If there's nothing else, you can go. " Han Tianyang asks the guest. Han Tiansheng looked at Han Tianyang with great eyesight and said, "if it wasn't for that boy's bad luck, do you think you are qualified to talk to me in this tone? He is just valued by Mr. Yi. Don't think that this good luck can accompany him forever, so I advise you not to be afraid. " Old Yi? It seems that this man named yilao is the key to the whole thing, and it is also the reason why han Tiansheng is afraid of Han 3000. Is this elder Yi a big man at that level? Han Tianyang couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that Han 3000 had found such a strong backing“ What are you laughing at? " See Han Tianyang smile, Han Tiansheng don't understand asked“ I laugh that you can't see through your situation. If you are not afraid of Han 3000, why do you come all the way to me? Since you are here, why do you pretend to be in front of me? " Han Tianyang said coldly. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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