I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 634

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:49:06 AM

Chapter 634: 634

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Han Tianyang's words directly point to the Buddha's heart. Even Han Xiao has to admit that Han Tiansheng's current situation is not qualified to be superior to Han Tianyang.

But Han Tiansheng still can't put down his airs, because he has long been used to the arrogant attitude in front of Han Tianyang. Even if he is willing to come to Yanjing, even if his body has made a compromise, in his heart, he won't admit that he came to ask for Han Tianyang, but under the banner of negotiation.

"Han Tianyang, do you think you can threaten me?" Han Tiansheng said lightly.

Han Tianyang laughed and said, "do I need to threaten you? Han Tiansheng, have you ever thought about why you are today? It's just your fault. You are too arrogant. Sooner or later, you will come to such an end. No one will threaten you, but you will send yourself into the abyss step by step. "

After a pause, Han Tianyang continued: "you can leave now, but do you dare?"

Dare you?

In Han Tiansheng's life, there is nothing he does not dare to do. How many people in the whole Chinese community die at his feet? With the strength of the Han family, those white bones accumulate more and more. Han Tiansheng is never afraid of anything or any situation.

But now, Han Tiansheng asked himself, do you dare? He couldn't get a positive answer.

If you leave, after Han 3000 recovers, he will surely lie in the coffin. Under the protection of such apocalyptic personage as yilao, Han Tiansheng cannot be Han 3000's opponent.

And the whole Korean family in the United States will be lonely for this.

Today, when Han Tiansheng established the Han family, this is the most proud thing in his life. He never wants to see the Han family destroyed in his own hands.

"I'll show you a place." Han Tianyang finished and took the lead in walking towards the house.

Han Tiansheng takes a subconscious look at Han Xiao. After Han Xiao nods, he keeps up with Han Tianyang.

The ancestral hall of the Han family is in disorder. It is obvious that it was deliberately destroyed.

"It was smashed by Han Li himself. It's the ancestors of our Han family, but Han Li didn't pay attention at all. Since he is your son, what he did wrong should be made up by you." Han Tianyang said.

"What do you mean?" Han Tiansheng asked with a frown.

"I want you to get down on your knees and restore the tablets one by one." Han Tianyang said firmly.

Kneel down and restore the throne?

Han Tiansheng couldn't contain his anger for a moment.

He never paid attention to these people.

Han Tiansheng thinks that no one in the Han family is more promising than him. He leads the Han family into glory. Even if these ancestors are alive, they should be respectful and proud of him. No one is qualified to make him kneel down.

"Han Tianyang, are you crazy? You want me to kneel down for them!" Han Tiansheng said angrily.

Han Tianyang took a deep breath and said: "no matter how promising a person is, he is absolutely not qualified to forget his roots. Han Tiansheng, you have indeed created a glorious era for the Han family, but without them, can you jump out of the cracks in the stone?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha." Han Tiansheng looked up at the sky and laughed. He said with disdain, "is it because they are older than me? Is it because I was born in Han's family that they have the right to make me kneel down? This is really a big joke. No matter where I was born, I will have such achievement today, which has nothing to do with them. It's ridiculous that I want to kneel down just because of this. "

In the Korean family of the United States, there will never be activities within the ancestor worship, because Han Tiansheng disdains to do these things. In his eyes, he has always positioned himself on the basis of ability rather than age and seniority.

"I think you are a joke." Han Tianyang said coldly, how dare a man who doesn't pay attention to his ancestors talk about achievements? This kind of person, no matter how high he stands, can't be respected because he doesn't know the meaning of respect at all.

"Han Tianyang, if you talk to me like this again, believe it or not, I will kill you." Han Tiansheng gritted his teeth.

"I'm not afraid of death, are you? Do you want to be my companion on huangquan Road, Han Tiansheng? With your personality, are you willing to go the same way with me? " Han Tianyang said calmly, from his face can not see the slightest fear.

For Han Tianyang, the journey in the center of the earth is like going to hell. He thinks he has died once, so he will not be afraid of death.

But Han Tiansheng is different. The reason why he can put down his position and come to Yanjing is to survive? And he is very clear that if he really dares to kill Han Tianyang, then the knot of this matter will never be solved, and he will only face death.

"Do you have the right to die with such rubbish as you?" Han Tiansheng said with a sneer.

Han Tianyang shakes his head helplessly. Han Tiansheng's superior posture is like imprinting in his bones. He even has to die with whom. Is there any difference?

"It doesn't matter if you don't think I'm qualified, but it turns out that it's not in your power, it's in my grandson's hands." When Han Tianyang said these words, he deliberately accentuated the words "Sun Tzu" in a very obvious way. Since your life is in Han 3000's hands, what's the right to shout with me?

Han Tiansheng is not a fool. Naturally, he can understand the meaning of these words, and his lung is about to explode. Think about the younger generation of the Korean family in the United States. They are either fighting in the dark, or they have achieved nothing. They are very different from Han 3000. No matter Han 3000 is lucky to be valued by yilao, or he really has strength, now his ability is that Han Tiansheng can't slander him anyway“ I can restore the throne here, but if you want me to kneel down, don't think about it. " Han Tiansheng gives way. In his opinion, since he has agreed half of Han Tianyang's conditions, Han Tianyang is not qualified to advance an inch. But Han Tianyang's doing this is not an inch, but his initial condition“ You'd better go. When you die, someone from the Korean family will come to do it for you. " After Han Tianyang finished, he stopped for a moment and continued to speak to Yanjun: "Yanjun, see off." Yan Jun nodded, went to Han Tiansheng two people in front, said: "two please." Han Tiansheng's anger instantly climbed to the top, and said to Han Tianyang: "Han Tianyang, don't you really leave a little way for yourself?"“ When you forced me to kneel down and drive me out of the United States, did you ever leave a way out? " Han Tian asked. Han Tiansheng clenched his fists. In his eyes, Han Tianyang had no value and would threaten his position. Naturally, he was merciless and didn't need to consider his future. If Han Tiansheng had the ability to foresee the future and could see today's situation, maybe he would not have done things so well in those days. Seeing that Han Tiansheng didn't speak, Han Tianyang continued: "you can leave now. The choice is in your hands. I won't force you to do anything." This made Han Xiao sigh in his heart. All along, he thought that the achievements of Han Tiansheng, the two brothers of the Han family, were far higher than Han Tianyang's, and even the means were not comparable to Han Tianyang's, but now it seems that Han Tianyang's feminine means are more powerful than Han Tiansheng's strength. With a very low attitude, he pinched Han Tiansheng's throat, It seems to let him choose, but does Han Tiansheng have the right to choose? Han Xiao can't help thinking that if Han Tianyang had the control of the Korean family in the United States, perhaps the Chinese community would have been a different scene“ I heard that the coffin 3000 prepared for you is made to order, which should be able to match your identity. " Han Tianyang continued. Han Tiansheng was shocked. No matter how much anger he felt, he was pressed down by this sentence. Han Tiansheng can't ignore the deterrent power brought by the coffin of Han's villa in the Chinese community. He knows that once han 3000's body recovers, he will definitely reappear at the door of the villa. At that time, the whole Chinese community will see how Han's family ended. Maybe his fame will eventually become a joke, and there is no chance to turn over. As long as he lives, as long as he has a breath, Han Tiansheng feels that he has a chance to revenge, so he can't let himself die! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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