I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 635

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:49:04 AM

Chapter 635: 635

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Han Tiansheng, who is not reconciled, kneels on the ground with a bang. He is trembling all over, which shows the burning anger in his heart. But in front of reality, Han Tiansheng only bows his head.

A moment of forbearance is not humiliation. As long as there is an opportunity for revenge, Han Tiansheng will remember everything today, and sooner or later, he will double his reward to Han 3000.

Han Xiao takes a deep breath. This is something he would never think about before, because Han Tiansheng's status in the United States makes it impossible for anyone to be qualified to make him kneel down. But today, Han Tiansheng kneels down. It can be said that at this moment, he takes off all his arrogance. This is a very difficult step for Han Tiansheng.

"Now you're satisfied." Han Tiansheng said to Han Tianyang, biting his teeth.

"That's what you should do." Han Tianyang said lightly.

Han Tiansheng regarded him as a disgrace and recovered one by one.

Later, Han Tianyang knelt down in front of the throne and worshipped deeply.

Han Tiansheng despises Han Tianyang's behavior, which is why he always treats Han Tianyang as a waste.

As a strong man, how can he kneel down to a group of dead people?

"I will pass it on to 3000, but I can't decide how he chooses." Han Tianyang stood up and said.

Han Tiansheng's eyes were half empty, and his killing intention was awe inspiring. Even though he was already restraining, his killing intention could not be concealed.

When Han Tiansheng left, Han Tianyang sighed.

"What's the matter?" Yan Jun doesn't understand of ask a way.

"If he doesn't die, it will be a great threat." Han Tianyang said lightly.

Yanjun a Leng, immediately understand the meaning of Han Tianyang, said: "since it is a threat, then the sooner the better."

Han Tianyang nodded deeply.

After walking out of the Han family's compound, Han Tiansheng finally couldn't control his anger, and his face was almost twisted.

"I want the whole family to go to hell and die hard. Today, when it comes to humiliation, I want to give it back ten times." Han Tiansheng said, biting his back teeth.

Han Xiao didn't say anything. He knew how angry Han Tiansheng was at the moment, but he was more able to recognize the reality. Yilao's apprenticeship was the same as Han 3000's having the four gates of apocalypse as the backstage. Han Tiansheng was not qualified to fight against this power.

The only chance to get revenge is that Han 3000 is not valued by Yi Lao, but this kind of thing, except Yi Lao, other people are not qualified to decide.

Therefore, in Han Xiao's view, whether Han Tiansheng can take revenge now depends on fate, not on his own.

"Han 3000 has a daughter. You can find this man for me right away." Han Tiansheng said, this is his usual routine, once han Tiansheng's market opponents, many people are done in this way.

For Han Tiansheng, on the contrary, he never paid attention to the word morality.

"Yes." Han Xiao nodded.

Although Han Xiao is very clear that at this stage, Han Tiansheng should wait for opportunities instead of looking for opportunities, because in the process of searching, Han Tiansheng is likely to make his situation more and more dangerous, but Han Xiao can't listen to Han Tiansheng's orders.

At the same time, in Yundingshan villa area of Yuncheng, Jiang LAN, who is dying like a dead dog, is brought back to her room from the balcony by Shi Jing.

Every day, Shi Jing throws Jiang LAN to the balcony to feel the cold several times. She wants to make Jiang LAN deeply understand the pain she feels when she throws Han Nian to the balcony. In this matter, Shi Jing is not soft hearted. No matter how Jiang LAN kneels down to beg for mercy or kowtows, it doesn't help, because this kind of woman is not worthy of sympathy.

At that time, Shi Jing ignored Han 3000, which made her feel endless remorse. Now Jiang LAN has done such a thing to Han Nian. Although Shi Jing's punishment of Jiang LAN will not make her make up for Han 3000, as Han Nian's grandmother, she should take revenge for Han Nian.

Looking at the shivering Jiang LAN curled up on the ground, her skin showed a kind of cyan state. Shi Jing said coldly, "who did you give Han Nian to? Do you know where she is?"

Shi Jing knows that she can't get the answer she wants, because Jiang lanpaiming is just a tool. She may not even know who the other party is, but out of concern for Han Nian, Shi Jing can't resist asking.

Jiang LAN shakes her head. Up to now, she just meets the driver. As for who is behind the scenes, she has no idea. She doesn't know what the other party wants to do after catching Han Nian.

"I don't know. I really don't know. Please let me go. I will never come back after I get out of Cloud City. Please give me a chance." Jiang LAN kneels at Shi Jing's feet, grabs Shi Jing's calf with both hands, and prays in tears.

Shi Jing kicked off Jiang LAN and said in a cold voice: "you are such a vicious woman who even wants to win sympathy. Are you qualified?"

"I know I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. I don't want to be tortured any more. Please, please." Jiang Lan said in tears.

"You used this torture on Han Nian, don't you forget? She's just a short-term child. Haven't you ever thought how painful she would be? " When Shi Jing thinks of the picture of Han Nian being attacked by the cold wind on the balcony, she is very sad. She doesn't sympathize with Jiang LAN, but is even more angry. Holding Jiang Lan's hair, she is forced to raise her head. Shi Jing slaps Jiang LAN on her face. Jiang LAN cries out in pain. For a selfish woman like her, she never cares about the consequences as long as she has the current interests. But when the consequences really come, she will regret it. At this time, Su Yingxia came to the room. Jiang LAN seems to see the Savior general, climbed to the foot of Su Yingxia“ Yingxia, help me, help me, I'm your mother. " Jiang LAN flustered said. Su Yingxia coldly looks at Jiang LAN. When Jiang LAN once killed Han 3000, Su Yingxia's love for her mother and daughter has become much weaker. Now Jiang LAN has more Han Nian to start with, so Su Yingxia has already taken Jiang LAN as her mother. The blood is thicker than the water of the family, for Su Yingxia, has no meaning“ You don't deserve it. " After su Yingxia finished with Jiang LAN, he raised his head to Shi Jing and said, "Mom, you can have dinner." This mother called Jiang LAN very distressed, should be her daughter, but turned a blind eye to her. Jiang LAN knew that if she hadn't killed herself again and again, she would never have come to such an end today. Unfortunately, it's useless to regret now. After they left, Jiang LAN squatted in the corner with a dull expression on her face. Counting what happened in the past year, although the Su family had a good life, she was reduced to such a situation. All this was caused by Han 3000. Once again, Jiang LAN shifted the responsibility to Han 3000. If this waste died earlier, how could she become what she is today. Downstairs, while eating, Moyang arrived at home. This guy sat on the table with his chopsticks. In front of Shi Jing, Mo Yang is still more reserved. After all, for him, the level of Yanjing Han family can only be looked up to, so Mo Yang has to be careful when facing Shi Jing“ Sister in law, I have 3000 news. " Mo Yang said to Su Yingxia. Su Yingxia's bowl and chopsticks almost fell to the ground. He asked Mo Yang: "where is he?"“ At present, the news is not sure, but I heard that Tang Zong of Bin County went to the United States. " Mo Yang said that Tang Zong was Han 3000's pawn in Binxian county. There was no reason why he suddenly left. So Mo Yang speculated that Tang Zong's visit to the United States was probably due to Han 3000. For this reason, Han 3000 is very likely to be in the United States. Su Yingxia knew Tang Zong. When he returned to Bin County, Tang Zong went to meet Han 3000 in person. It was also because of the existence of Tang Zong that the Chiang family did not dare to underestimate Han 3000“ When shall we leave Su Yingxia asked“ You don't have to be in such a hurry. Let me confirm the news. " Mo Yang said. At this time, Shi Jing frowned. She knew Han 3000 was in the United States for a long time. If Su Yingxia went to the United States at this time, it would have an impact on Han 3000. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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