I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 68

Published at 15th of October 2021 10:02:51 AM

Chapter 68: 68

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Take he Ting home, Han 3000 is going to give he ting a room, Jiang LAN came down from upstairs.

"Han 3000, what are you doing? Who is this?" Jiang LAN asked Han 3000 in a questioning tone.

"Aunt he was invited back by me to help cook and clean the house in the future." Han 3000 said.

A servant?

Jiang LAN angrily walked up to Han 3000 and said in a cold voice, "you really have hard wings now. You don't have to apply for me to hire someone at home. If you don't want to cook for us, I'll do it myself."

"Good." Han 3000 light looked at Jiang LAN, turned to he Ting said: "aunt he, since someone is cooking, you only need to clean up."

Jiang LAN gnashes her teeth in anger. How can she cook? Since Han 3000 arrived at Su's house, she was far away from the kitchen and used to the life of open mouth. It's just that. Han 3000 took it seriously.

"You're not qualified to eat what I cook." Jiang LAN looked at Han 3000 coldly and continued: "how much money do you ask her for a month? This money has nothing to do with our family."

"Don't worry, I won't let you pay a cent." Han 3000 said.

See Han 3000 to let he Ting room, Jiang LAN did not agree, said: "a servant just, how can you live in the room, from now on, the guests come to the house how to do, go to the utility room to sleep on the floor."

He Ting knew that she was humble, and in such a high-grade villa, she was not qualified to live in a guest room. She could only have a place to shelter herself from the wind and rain. She said to Han 3000, "I'd better live in the utility room. This is where the guests live. How can I live?"

Jiang LAN looks at he ting with a cold face and says with disdain: "you have a little self-knowledge."

"Aunt he, this is my home. You can live where I want you to live." Han 3000 light said, he Ting's luggage into the room..

Jiang LAN almost mad, in front of a servant, Han 3000 did not give her face, she in this family, after what position.

"Han 3000, are you sure you want to do this?" Jiang LAN looks at Han 3000 and says.

"Auntie he, let me know if there is any trouble in this family in the future." Han 3000 didn't talk to Jiang LAN.

He Ting is in a bit of a dilemma. She knows that Han 3000 is a loser in the Su family. Although what she sees is different from the rumor, she still refuses to go because of her conflict. After all, Han 3000 has helped her so much.

"Three thousand, I really don't have to live here." He Ting said.

"Well, let's not talk about it. No one can change what I decide. If you are familiar with my family, I have to go out." Han 3000 said.

He Ting nodded and could only answer.

Jiang LAN went back to the living room to watch TV, banging her legs, and many evil ideas came into her mind.

After waiting for Han 3000 to leave, Jiang LAN picks up the melon seeds, turns a blind eye to the garbage can in front of him, and throws the shell directly on the ground.

"He Ting, what are you doing? Don't you see that the house is dirty? I don't want to clean it yet." Jiang LAN roared.

Hearing Jiang Lan's words, he Ting busily finds a broom to clean up the mess caused by Jiang LAN.

Jiang LAN got up to pick up the water to drink, and sprinkled it all over the floor.

"There's water on the ground. Get a mop quickly." Jiang Lan said.

He Ting, who hasn't put down the broom, picks up the mop again.

"Can't you see the dust in the TV cabinet?"

"The living room floor is so dirty, please clean it up for me."

"And the handrails of the stairs, clean them all for me."

He Ting is hardworking and has no complaints. What Jiang LAN says and what she does.

"Be careful. If you break something, you can't afford to pay for it."

"You don't know what bad luck you had in your last life. You can live in Yundingshan villa. I warn you that if you do something bad, I'll let my daughter fire you. It doesn't matter if Han 3000 talks in this family."

"Don't worry, sister Jiang. I will do it well. If you feel dirty, you can call me at any time." He Ting said.

"Don't you have eyes yourself? You need me to call you and ask you to come back. Do you want me to help you check what's not clean? Do you want half of my monthly salary? " Jiang Lan's sharp and mean manner is extremely ugly.

"I'm out. When I come back, if you see something unclean, you can roll up your own bedding and go away." Jiang Lan said coldly.

Today, I made an appointment with some friends to go shopping. After Jiang LAN took her bag, she went out.

Meeting at the appointed place, those friends know that Jiang LAN has lived in the hillside villa. They are envious of each other, which makes Jiang LAN proud.

"In fact, it's just that the place is a little spacious. To tell you the truth, it's too big. I'm not used to it and it's not easy to do the sanitation at home. By the way, I hired a servant today, and I got several thousand yuan a month. " Jiang Lan said.

Her friends are not too rich people. After all, Jiang Lan's previous position is not crowded into the circle of rich people. At this time, a middle-aged woman with elegant temperament came to Jiang LAN and his party, followed by more than ten bodyguards in black suits. At first glance, this show was a big man. And her temperament and appearance make Jiang LAN and others feel ashamed“ This is the rich lady of which family. She has so many bodyguards when she travels. "“ It's good to have money. If I have money, I can maintain as well as she does. "“ How did she come to us, Jiang LAN? You don't know her She came up to Jiang LAN and stopped. Jiang LAN looks at her suspiciously“ Are you Jiang LAN“ It's... It's me. Who are you, please‘ "Bang." The woman slapped Jiang LAN in the face and beat her. Jiang Lan's friends see this situation, although in the heart a little for her to fight against injustice, but looking at each other more than ten bodyguards follow, how dare to say half a word is not“ You... Why did you hit me? Do I know you? " Jiang LAN covers a face, hate hate of say“ Remember my name, Shi Jing. " Shi Jing, Han 3000's mother, Yanjing Han's daughter-in-law, a woman above the Cloud City, even in her eyes, is a mole ant“ From today on, low-key life, you have half a difficult him, I want you to regret life Shi Jing said coldly. Although Han 3000 is not valued by the Han family, he is Shi Jing's own son after all. When he learns that Han 3000 is riding on the head by this woman in the Su family, even the credit for buying a villa is robbed by her. Han 3000 can bear it, but Shi Jing, as a mother, can't, so he has to teach Jiang LAN a lesson“ I... "As soon as my words came out, Shi Jing slapped Jiang LAN in the face again, and then went away. Jiang LAN Leng is in place, is shocked by Shi Jing's aura, can't say a word. It is true that the wicked have their mill. Jiang Lan's shrew strength in front of Shi Jing's strong, even the head can't lift up. After Shi Jing walked away, Jiang Lan's friend said, "Jiang LAN, who is this woman? What are you doing?"“ Your family won't get into trouble with any big people, will it“ I don't think she's normal. " Listening to these words, Jiang Lan's face is as deep as water. She has never seen Shi Jing. How can she offend her? What's more, Jiang LAN knows nothing about him“ Is it great to have money? Don't let me catch the chance, or I'll double the two slaps. " Shi Jing has gone, and Jiang LAN dare to say this cruel words. Just now, she was frightened, but now, she looks like a shrew. Jiang Lan's friends don't dare to talk much. Shi Jing has a high status and takes more than ten bodyguards when she travels. That's a position they didn't expect. Although Jiang LAN now lives in a villa on the hillside, it's still impossible to avenge this woman“ Let's go, let's go shopping. There are many new products on the counter today. "“ Yes, I have to take good care of my face. "“ If we don't maintain it, we won't be able to tie the men at home. " Is it not humiliating for Jiang LAN to touch her swollen cheek and continue shopping in this state? Said: "you go shopping, I went home first, next time about." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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