I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 697

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:47:32 AM

Chapter 697: 697

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On the day of Han Nian's hundred day banquet, Yuncheng was very busy. In the early morning, countless luxury cars went to Bifeng manor. This was the most glorious day since Bifeng manor opened. It is estimated that it is unlikely that it will be as busy as today. Therefore, Zhang Bifeng has regarded today as a milestone in the development history of Bifeng manor and specially arranged a photographer, Take photos of every great person who has been here, and plan to build an honor wall in Bifeng manor, so that the photos of these great people will stay in Bifeng manor forever.

If it's other places or other events, Zhang Bifeng's move will surely be dissatisfied by many people. However, because today's 100 day banquet is Han 3000's daughter, no matter what kind of big people are faced with, they can only accept it calmly and have to face it with a smile.

After all, this is a hundred day banquet for Han 3000's daughter. Who dares to cry?

The hundred day banquet officially opens at 12 o'clock, but less than 10 o'clock, all the dignitaries in Yuncheng have gathered at Bifeng manor. If a bomb is detonated at Bifeng manor at this time, the business of Yuncheng will fall apart in an instant.

"Grandfather, I thought we were early enough. I didn't expect these people to be earlier than us." Tian ling'er holds Tian Changsheng's hand, and Tian's family arrives at Bifeng manor at ten o'clock on time. In Tian ling'er's opinion, their time is very early, but the whole parking lot is full of luxury cars, which means that Tian's family is not the first to arrive, but a little late.

Tianchangsheng nodded with a smile. No matter what party they attended, they all like to be the last one to arrive, because it is a manifestation of ostentation and face. But at Han Nian's hundred day banquet, who dares to say that they have ostentation and who dares to play face?

"These people don't dare to play tricks in front of your brother. Naturally, they have to come ahead of time." Tianchangsheng said.

Tianling'er, with a look of glory, was very happy and said, "yes, my brother's current position is that these people dare to show off. In my brother's eyes, they are at most a group of well-off people."

Tianchangsheng can't laugh or cry. Most of the people who can participate in the 100 day banquet are big bosses in Yuncheng and the surrounding cities. They are all worth more than 100 million. She even describes these people as well-off.

"It's a bit of an exaggeration, but for your brother, it's really possible." Tianchangsheng said.

Tian Changsheng doesn't know the energy of the Nangong family. What's more, he doesn't know that Han Sanqian is qualified to be the head of the Nangong family. If he knows about this, he won't think that the description of Tian linger is exaggerated. He even looks up to these people in the three words of running to a comfortable life.

Compared with the Nangong family, these people are just at the stage of getting rid of poverty.

"God, you're so late." At this time, a familiar face came to tianchangsheng, Wang Mao, President of Yuncheng Go Association.

"I just didn't expect you to arrive so early, Lao Wang. Now I don't think what I said to you is a joke." Tianchangsheng said with a smile.

Wang Maoqing is lucky that he has never targeted Han 3000. Now the members of the association are almost green with regret. When they were in conflict with Han 3000, who could have thought that Han 3000 today could have so much energy. Even those who quit the association at that time have rejoined the association. They want to make use of the association, So as to get a chance for Han 3000 to forgive.

"You old man, you look so unkind. What can I do for you?" Day prosperous scornful stare Wang Mao to say.

Wang Mao nodded and said, "as you know, many people in the association have offended Han 3000. Now they want to reconcile with Han 3000. I have no such qualification, so I want to ask you for help."

"You are not qualified. Do I have it?" Tianchangsheng said faintly that although his relationship with Han 3000 was better, it was because of this that tianchangsheng didn't want to appear because of this matter. He didn't want to waste his love with Han 3000 because of this matter.

Human feelings are used less than once, and they can't be made up for. Why should tianchangsheng use his estrangement with Han 3000 to get forgiveness for those who have nothing to do with him?

Wang Mao looks embarrassed. He knows that tianchangsheng's words are actually rejecting him. If he is not qualified in the whole Cloud City, who can have it?

"God, help me." Wang Mao said.

Tianchangsheng waved his hand directly, and didn't mean to think about it at all. He said, "don't embarrass me, Wang Mao. The love between him and me has to be for the welfare of Tianjia."

"But isn't ling'er Han 3000's sister now? The love between Tian family and him is not shallow." Wang Mao said.

"Grandfather Wang, this is a matter between me and my brother. What's the relationship with the Tianjia family? Besides, those people are responsible for themselves. Why do they want us to help? At the beginning, these people made a lot of trouble for my brother." Tianling'er mumbled and said that although the person who led the original thing had already got the right end, but these guys who made trouble for the tiger, didn't they have the responsibility?

"Ah." Wang Mao sighed heavily. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to let Han Sanqian and the association clear their grudges. But if tianchangsheng didn't help, it would be impossible.

"In fact, you don't have to sigh. In Han 3000's present position, he doesn't have to take this matter seriously." Tian Changsheng said that as Wang Mao's old friend, although he has no ability to help in this matter, in his opinion, Han 3000 should not bring up the old story after such a long time, and the person who Han 3000 should take revenge for that incident has come to an end“ Really? " Wang Mao was not sure. Tianchangsheng nodded, then patted his chest to give Wang Mao a guarantee, saying: "with my understanding of him, these little things, he certainly despised."“ Well, I hope so. " Wang Mao said with a sigh. Yundingshan villa area. Han Sanyi's family is also ready to start. After all, as the host, they should go to the scene early to greet the guests. Shen lingyao arrived at the hillside villa before nine o'clock, but she was obviously not in a good mood. On the contrary, she looked sad. Today is a happy day. Even if Shen lingyao is in trouble at work, she shouldn't bring her mood to today. So Su Yingxia feels very strange. What kind of things can affect Shen lingyao's mood today“ What's the matter with you? You look unhappy. Is something wrong with the company? " Su Yingxia asked Shen lingyao. The status of Su's company is higher than Tianjia's before. Shen lingyao is not in a high mood because of Han Nian“ Welcome summer, I'm fighting for us. " Shen lingyao said“ What happened to nianer? " Su Ying Xia doubts a way“ It's the person with the same name and surname as nian'er in the news. Now even people in the company are talking about it. Compare them. Many people also say that Han Nian in the news is not qualified to be compared with her. If you say angry or not, these people are just out of their minds. How can she compare with us? " Shen lingyao was even more angry when she said this. She had worries about this before. She didn't expect that things would come so soon. If even the company's internal discussions were so fierce, you can imagine what the outside world would think. Su Yingxia's face also became not very good-looking, although this is a predictable situation, but it really happened, for Su Yingxia as a mother, it is not easy to accept. In Su Yingxia's mind, Han Nian is a treasure, which no one can compare with. But her idea can't stop other people's mouths, and this matter will certainly be discussed by more and more people. Even if Han 3000 has amazing energy in Yuncheng now, it's impossible for all Yuncheng people to shut up on this matter“ Take it as if you didn't hear me. Can you still control these people's mouths? " Su Yingxia said helplessly“ Hum, I have already ordered in the company. If anyone discusses this matter again, he will be dismissed directly. He will not be merciful. " Shen lingyao said. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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