I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 698

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:47:31 AM

Chapter 698: 698

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Su Yingxia doesn't interfere in Shen lingyao's way of doing things. Since the company has given it to her, she naturally won't interfere in what she wants to do. Moreover, she doesn't want to hear such non-verbal words.

"Are you all ready?" At this time, Han 3000 asked the crowd.

Today is not only Shi Jing's dress, but also Han Tianyang and Yanjun's new custom Tang clothes. After all, it's a big event related to Han Nian. No one wants to be perfunctory on this memorable day.


"Nothing. Let's go."

"I'm afraid all the guests are here now. It's a bit hard for us as hosts not to show up again."

They left Yundingshan villa area, and two Audi A6s drove towards the manor.

These are probably the two cheapest cars in Bifeng manor today, but they are definitely the two most powerful cars.

Han Sanyi's family is sitting in it. Who still dislikes Audi's cheap price?

Zhang Bifeng at the gate of the manor, for Han 3000 received all the guests, but Han 3000 has not come, he can not leave.

When Zhang Bifeng saw the two familiar cars, he took a deep breath to ease his tension.

It's not the first time he meets Han 3000, but he is very nervous every time. This is probably the mentality of getting along with big people.

"It's a shame that someone else is driving an Audi." Not far from the gate of the manor, a group of people gathered and chatted all over the place. When a woman found two Audi cars stopped at the gate, she said with disdain.

On an occasion like today, Audi can't make it to the stage, but with a scornful expression, she doesn't know who is sitting inside.

When the others heard this, they all turned to the door.

When the man in the woman's arm found the two cars, his eyes suddenly became cold. These women didn't ask about the affairs of the world, and they didn't know who owned the two cars, but he knew very well.

"Shut your mouth if you can't speak." The man cold voice scolds a way to the woman.

A woman is at a loss. Although she is a lover, she always spoils herself. What does it mean to lose her temper for no reason.

"What's the matter with you? I just said two cars. Do you need to be angry with me?" Said the woman discontentedly.

A few men on the side of the face appeared a smile, said to the man: "you look for this lover is also too sensible."

"This kind of woman will only make trouble for you if she stays around."

"Ah, I don't know the so-called women's family. Audi is in the hands of others. It's just Audi, but the owner of these two cars, even if he is riding a bicycle, no one dares to look down upon him."

The man's eyes became colder when he heard these words. If it wasn't for today's special occasion, he would have lost his temper.

"From now on, shut your mouth for me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless to you." The man threatened the woman.

A woman doesn't know what mistakes she has made, but she can feel that the man is really angry, so she is very afraid, afraid of being kicked, and she won't be able to enjoy the rich life in the future.

"Well, I won't talk." The woman bowed her head.

By this time, Han's family had got out of the car.

Zhang Bifeng stepped forward and said to Han Sanqian, "Mr. Han, I have specially prepared a baby room. It's absolutely quiet and can be used for Han Nian to rest."

"Mr. Zhang is bothering." Han 3000 nodded.

"That's what I should do, what I should do." See Han 3000 satisfied, Zhang Bifeng face uncontrollable revealed a smile.

"Has everyone arrived yet?" Han 3000 asked.

"Yes, all the guests have arrived." Zhang Bifeng said.

Han 3000 had no choice but to smile and said, "the guests have arrived, but I'm late as the host. It's a bit unreasonable."

"Mr. Han, it's their honor that they can wait for you. No one will complain." Zhang Bifeng said.

"You're very good at flattering, but I don't want to do that. Don't say that in the future." Han 3000 light way.

Zhang Bifeng's forehead exuded a cold sweat, and quickly said: "yes, I remember."

There are several flattering words around Han 3000. They say that Han 3000 can still accept them, but Zhang Bifeng, who is not familiar with this kind of relationship, makes Han 3000 get goose bumps.

"Brother." A distant call, Han 3000 will see the spirit son Dang horsetail toward himself.

Tianling'er is always full of the breath of youth. It's easy to infect people. Being with her can make older people feel much younger.

"Sister in law." Shen lingyao shouts to Su Yingxia.

Su Yingxia nodded with a smile and asked, "where's your grandfather?"

"Chat with his old friends. Don't worry about him." Finish saying, the day spirit son carefully took Han Nian to own bosom, looking at the smiling face of red flutter, can't help but kiss a few.

When Han 3000 and others walked into the gate of the manor, the group of people chatting at the gate quickly welcomed them. They are also very important people in Yuncheng, but when they meet Han 3000, they show more respect one by one“ Mr. Han said“ Mr. Han said“ Mr. Han said At this time, the woman finally understood why the man was angry. After listening to the address and looking at their attitude, this young man called President Han is obviously Han 3000. No wonder he suddenly loses his temper. What about Audi? In ordinary people's hands, Audi is Audi, but in Han 3000's hands, even Bentley rolls can't match it. Han 3000 didn't know the people in front of him, but the visitors were guests. Han 3000 said with a smile, "thank you for coming. I hope you can have a good time today."“ Mr. Han is so polite. "“ It's an honor for us to be able to attend your daughter's 100 day banquet. We also thank Mr. Han for giving us this opportunity. " Flattering each other is inevitable. Flattering Han 3000 is a matter of course. That's why they came to the hundred day banquet. Along the way, Han 3000 met a lot of people and said hello politely. Although Han 3000 didn't like this kind of thing in his heart, since it was a hundred day banquet for Han Nian, he still had to face it“ Master, you are here. " After seeing Han 3000, Tian Changsheng quickened his pace and walked to Han 3000. He was a little embarrassed to ask him to call master Han 3000 in public before. But now, Tian Changsheng is very calm and even thinks that the original bet is wise. Otherwise, how could he be so close to Han 3000. Han 3000 has no choice but to smile. The old man hasn't forgotten it“ That's what you call it. Do I have to call you a good apprentice? " Han 3000 said with a smile“ No problem. Your master, whatever your name is, as long as you are happy. " Tianchang Shengle road. Han three thousand shook his head, seemed more helpless. At this time, Wang Mao came to Han 3000“ Mr. Han, long time no see. " Wang Mao said“ President Wang, long time no see. Under your leadership, the Go Association is doing well. " Han 3000 said“ Thanks to you, you won the game at the beginning. But for you, Yuncheng Go Association would not have such a great reputation now. " Wang Mao said. Even today, it is still talked about by many people in the go industry. It can be said that Han 3000's achievements in the go industry can hardly be surpassed“ Now that the past has passed, what else can I do with it? I don't care about the past. " Han 3000 light way. Wang Mao didn't know whether this remark was a pun. He couldn't help but look at tianchangsheng. Tianchangsheng laughs but says nothing. Han Sanqian doesn't hold other members responsible. He takes it for granted. As an elephant, how can he care about some trifles with ants“ It's still early. Master, would you like me to make some tea for you? I heard that Zhang Bifeng has a good collection. " Tianchangsheng suggested. Zhang Bifeng quickly echoed: "Mr. Han, I have no special interest. I just like collecting tea. If you are interested, you can try it." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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