I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 780

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:45:35 AM

Chapter 780: 780

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Han 3000's provocation makes Lintong clench his fist instantly. As the son of heaven, how can he shrink back in front of such things?

Although Han 3000 has some skills, in Lintong's opinion, Han 3000's strength still lags behind him, which is not enough to make up for in the short half month after he entered the apocalypse.

"Han 3000, you are really smart. In your present position, are you qualified to fight Lintong? Even if you lose, others will take it for granted. Not only will you not lose anything, but you can also be proud that you have dealt with Lintong, so as to expand your reputation. " He Xiaoxiao looks at Han 3000 with a sneer and says.

"I really like your wild idea." Han 3000 helplessly shook his head, also don't know he Xiaoxiao is from what angle to think of this possibility.

"Han 3000, if you want to fight me, it's not that you don't have a chance. When you are promoted to the prefecture level, I'll wait for you. Don't let me down." After listening to he Xiaoxiao, Lintong loosened his fist.

With Han 3000's current status, he is not qualified to be his opponent. He can't be challenged by Han 3000, so that Han 3000 can use him to enhance his reputation.

"Soon, after today." Han 3000 light way.

"A good dog is out of the way. Please get out of the way. I don't want to waste time with people like you." He Xiaoxiao interjected.

Han three thousand side, make way, and then to Jiang Yingying said: "make way for the dog, don't be bitten by the dog."

Jiang Yingying's face muscles twitch, apparently trying to resist her smile.

He Xiaoxiao and Lintong are so angry that they want to see Han 3000 die earlier.

After arriving at his own viewing position, he Xiaoxiao angrily sat on the rattan chair and asked Lintong, "has the arrangement been made? I want Han 3000 to die here today. If there is any mistake, you can't have anything to do with the third hall in the future."

Lintong gave a cold smile and said, "don't worry. Can I be negligent in my work, and it's not only you who think he died."

"This Shabi is really going to piss me off. I dare to say I'm a dog. After he dies, I'll whip the corpse and let him die without a whole corpse." He Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, as if this was not enough to vent her anger. She continued: "I will not let go of any of his worldly family. If I dare to offend him Xiaoxiao, I will pay a heavy price."

"Don't be too excited. Keep your voice down. If you are heard by others, you will be in trouble. Do you think his death has something to do with yourself?" Lintong whispered a warning.

Although he Xiaoxiao is a big lady, she still knows the importance of the matter. The Apocalypse forbids killing each other. If this matter is really known by outsiders, once the four gates are investigated, I'm afraid even her father will be involved.

After taking a deep breath, he Xiaoxiao regained the calmness of the daughter of the Lord of the three halls. The faint smile on her face was particularly charming, which made many people lost their minds.

Lintong admires he Xiaoxiao's face changing technique very much. She can change her mood very quickly, and also knows what kind of posture she should take in front of whom.

It has to be said that although the beauty of this woman is fascinating, the thorn on her body is absolutely fatal to a man.

After the start of the grading competition, several rounds of the competition seemed boring. Although it was also an expert duel, most of the spectators still came to see Han 3000. After all, Han 3000 had made a big noise before he came to the apocalypse. Although everyone held different views about his participation in all the grading competitions, their mentality was the same at this time, I want to see how capable Han 3000 is.

Finally, it was Han 3000's turn to come on the stage, and the listless spectators finally raised their spirits. Even he Xiaoxiao and Lintong unconsciously straightened their waists.

"Did you arrange this opponent for him?" Looking at Han 3000's opponent as strong as a bull, obviously stronger than those before, he Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"He is the most powerful person in the xuanzi level this time, and he is also the one who is most likely to be promoted to the Dizi level." Lintong said.

"Han 3000 won't even be able to beat him. In that case, your arrangement will be in vain." He Xiaoxiao said with a funny face.

Lintong is not willing to admit Han 3000's strength, but he has really seen Han 3000 fight Fang Zhan. This opponent is really powerful at xuanzi level, but the chance to use him to stop Han 3000's pace is very slim.

"No, I just want to use this man to consume Han 3000's physical strength." Lintong said.

"Do you still need to consume his physical strength to test the master of Di Zi level?" He Xiaoxiao disdains to say that, in her opinion, even Han 3000 is in the peak state of physical strength, it is absolutely impossible to compete with the master of Di Zi level. Lintong's arrangement is superfluous.

"I'm doing it to make sure it's safe." Lintong explained that after seeing Han 3000 fight Fang Zhan, Lintong didn't want to see the result he didn't want because of his negligence.

On the challenge arena, Han 3000's opponent is ready to start, and the sound of shouting starts one after another.

"Han 3000, your reputation is very loud. Today you are the stepping stone to my fame." The man said to Han 3000 with a grim smile. It seems that in his opinion, the game is in hand“ You think so, I can understand. After all, Han 3000 is really a celebrity of apocalypse. He just wants to treat me as a stepping stone. It's not a simple thing. " Han 3000 light way, such an opponent, simply let him not rise to the idea of hand, because xuanzi level and his strength gap is too big, simply can't enter his eyes“ Take advantage of the opportunity to speak, you quickly say a few words, after the game, I'm afraid you will never be able to speak Said the man“ It seems that you have been bribed by Lintong, and this son of heaven is really afraid of me. " Han 3000 laughs. At this time, the referee ordered, the game officially began. The first time that person chose to bully the body attack, obviously did not intend to give Han 3000 half a chance, and want to end the game in the shortest time. On the other hand, Han 3000, standing in the same place, was holding his hands behind him. It seemed that he didn't intend to fight back, let alone choose to avoid the edge“ What's this guy doing? Can't he wait to die in the same place? "“ Cao, I still have hope for him. I didn't expect that he didn't even have the desire to fight back. How did this rubbish become an old apprentice of Yi? " Just when many people don't understand this scene, Jiang Yingying shows a faint smile. Only she knows what Han 3000 wants to do. Her all-out strike led to dislocation of the wrist. How could this person cause damage to Han 3000? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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