I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 931

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:41:58 AM

Chapter 931: 931

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Huang Xiaoyong knows very well what kind of character Chen Tiexin is. After all, both of them grew up in Longyun city. Even when they were young, Chen Tiexin was a supercilious person. By virtue of the arrogance of Chen family in Longyun City, he had always been flattered by others, but he never disdained flattering others, and there was no need.

But now, Chen Tiexin has no qualms. He generously admits that his flattery is like a different person.

Huang Xiaoyong looks up at the sky and laughs. It's normal for him to flatter, and he won't feel ashamed, because the former three families are the flatterers of the city Lord's mansion. He has done many similar things.

"It's normal for me to flatter the young Chen family. After all, my city Lord's mansion was oppressed by three families before, but you are different. You are the young master of the Chen family. You didn't pay attention to anyone before." Huang Xiaoyong said with a smile.

Chen Tiexin knows that Huang Xiaoyong is deliberately teasing himself. In the past, he really disdained to do such things.

But now, in the face of a strong man like Han 3000, if you want to be his apprentice, how about flattering him?

"People change. I can do whatever you can." Chen Tiexin said.

Huang Xiaoyong nodded his head and said, "a person who knows current affairs is a hero. It's smart of you to think so. It's a pity that you didn't think about this day when you drove my master out of Chen's residence."

Every time Chen Tiexin thought about it, he would be heartbroken and full of regret. If he had not driven Han 3000 out of Chen's residence excessively, it would not have evolved to the present situation.

If you can give Chen Tiexin a chance to come back, he will never dictate in front of Han 3000, let alone drive Han 3000 out of the Chen family.

"I admit that this is really caused by my stupidity, so I will try to make up for it." Chen Tiexin said.

Huang Xiaoyong took a look at Han 3000 and saw that his expression didn't fluctuate. He knew that master didn't take Chen Tiexin's words to heart. He continued: "make up for it? Do you think my master needs it? The benefits that your Chen family can bring to my master are of no value to him. "

Chen Tiexin clenched his teeth. The Chen family is humble in front of Han 3000. In his eyes, the advantage that Chen family can take is not worth two words. What does he want and can't satisfy himself?

And in his strong realm, sooner or later, he will enter the imperial court. When he arrives at the imperial court, what else can he not get?

"Huang Xiaoyong, it has nothing to do with you." Chen Tiexin said.

"It's nothing to do with me, of course, but do you know why I have to say so much?" Huang Xiaoyong said.

Chen Tiexin frowned, unable to understand the meaning of Huang Xiaoyong's words.

Huang Xiaoyong continued: "because my master is too lazy to talk to you, so I need to let you go."

Chen Tiexin looks at Han 3000. He has a feeling that he can't be close to him.

"Han 3000, why can't you give me a chance? I can redeem myself in any way. Everything you want, my Chen family can give you." Chen Tiexin said that as long as he could become Han 3000's apprentice, he would not hesitate to give up the whole Chen family.

Unfortunately, in Han 3000's eyes, the Chen family is nothing?

"Let's go. I don't care with the Chen family about things before, but it's wishful thinking that you want to be my apprentice." Han 3000 said.

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoyong said with a smile, "Chen Tiexin, if you don't go away and disturb my master's rest, don't blame me for being rude."

As soon as the words fell, a white awn in the sky landed beside Huang Xiaoyong.

The winged tiger roared in a low voice, with a bloody mouth, challenging Chen's father and son.

Seeing this situation, Chen Tiexin is dead. In fact, he probably guessed the result before he came here. After all, it's useless for Chen Yanran to appear. What's the significance of him and Chen Yuanhai?

However, even if the result is clearly known, when it really happened, Chen Tiexin still can't accept it.

For many years, he hoped to worship the real strong as his teacher. Now such a strong man is in front of him, but he has no chance to worship his teacher.

What's more, even Huang Xiaoyong can become his apprentice, but he can't.

"Han 3000, is there really no chance?" Chen Yuanhai wants to seize the last chance and asks Han 3000.

"I didn't destroy the Chen family. I have been merciful." Han 3000 light said, his words is not a threat, to Chen Tiexin has done to him, he has a reason to destroy the Chen family, but Han 3000 treat life is particularly strong, as a man on earth, he does not have a heart of slaughter, if you change to any strong Xuanyuan world, the Chen family would have been washed away.

Chen Yuanhai sighed. The last chance was broken. He could only take Chen Tiexin to leave the other hospital.

After Chen's father and son left, Huang Xiaoyong went to Han 3000 and said, "master, the story about you has been thoroughly spread now. I think the imperial court will send someone to Longyun city again sooner or later."

Han Sanqian nodded. He had considered this matter for a long time, but it was impossible to continue to hide himself at this stage“ Come on, come on. I'll see you then. " Han 3000 said. Huang Xiaoyong unconsciously glanced at the garden, where the bodies of three royal family members were buried, but the master was not worried at all. Was he not afraid of the exposure“ Master, what if they start to investigate the three people last time? " Huang Xiaoyong whispers that this is the secret they both know. Even if Bai lingwan'er and the imperial court have a grudge against each other, Huang Xiaoyong dare not let her know about it“ Didn't the last three have already left Longyun city? " Han 3000 looks at Huang Xiaoyong doubtfully. Huang Xiaoyong was stunned for a moment. He immediately understood Han 3000's meaning and said, "Master said that I forgot about it. When they left, many people saw it." Han 3000 laughed and asked, "you came to me to inform me of this?"“ Besides, my father wants to invite Shifu to the city Lord's residence. He wants to thank you face to face. Of course, if Shifu doesn't want to go, he can't go. There's no need to give my old friend face. " Huang Xiaoyong said“ Then don't give it. " Han 3000 said frankly. Huang Xiaoyong didn't expect Han 3000 to be so straightforward. He almost slapped himself. If he didn't say the following words, Han 3000 might have gone. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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