Published at 24th of June 2019 08:52:07 PM

Chapter 11

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She panicked and screamed at the system:

“System, I am a little panicked.”

The system responded: “……so am I.”

One person and one system sized up the beauty opposite them for a long time. Yu Chu then carefully and sincerely said:

“But, I am a girl like you. How can we be together? You…… you are beautiful, you have a great temperament and you are also a princess……”

Her gentle and cautious tone eased Delina’s nervousness. Her pale face gradually recovered as she breathed a sigh of relief.

She shook her head and stared intently at Yu Chu:

“No…… I do not care. From the first time I saw you, I was looking forward to marrying you. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or……” She paused, as if she was struggling to spit out the word, “……woman.”

But her tone quickly became firm: “Marrying me is the best choice for you. You are already known as this kingdom’s Prince. With your current reputation, it is impossible to admit to the people now that you are a girl so you must marry.”

She took a deep breath, then continued: “For a different wife, how can you guarantee that her identity will match yours and would be wiling to accept your gender? There is only me, Rian…… I am your best choice.”

Yu Chu, for a moment, had no words to say.

She did not expect that the Princess would actually have these kind of feelings for Rian– Despite knowing the other person’s gender, she still quickly made the decision to get married.

……this was true love.

Yu Chu raised her eyes to look at the girl’s expression.

There was still a look of worry between the beautiful princess’s eyes and brow. Her cheeks were white, as if her instant acceptance was not without obstacles. However, her beautiful eyes looked at Yu Chu quietly with a touch of humble appeal.

Yu Chu sighed. “……things are indeed as you’ve said. If you are really certain, that you are willing to do this even though I am a woman…… then, okay.”

Princess Delina’s eyes lit up in an instant and even stood up excitedly. A young lady who has never once forgotten her manners, was now trying hard to suppress her trembling knees as she tried to curtsied.

“I’m…… I’m certain, I’m very certain. I will be a good Princess as well as a good Queen in the future. As long as you need me, I am willing to be by your side.”

The system said: “I am so moved……”

Yu Chu understandingly nodded.

Although this was equivalent to giving up the original owner’s wish, since the main task was completed, this kind of side mission was fine to not do.

This situation should have already been explained to the original owner by the system before signing a physical use agreement with them.

Now, she just have to wait two months, then leave the body and go to the next plane.

……like this, is also very good.


Within the deep, quiet sea.

Groups of small fish swam through the coral groves, swaying the sea grasses that were surrounded by shells and starfish.

A little merman with a light blue fishtail swam through the garden but was suddenly stopped.

Anmore turned back and saw an elderly mermaid slowly wandering over and smiled.


The elderly mermaid kindly nodded. Her gaze looked over his body then suddenly showed a helpless smile. “What grandmother said to you before…… do you remember?”

The Little Merman paused a moment then looked to one side.


The old grandmother said slowly: “I had told you the thing that is the most important to us merfolks, that it is not our tears or our songs.”

Anmore was quiet for a long time as he looked at the shoal of fishes shuttling between the gaps of corals, as if spellbound.

Only after a unknown amount of time did he finally whisper:

“It is a kiss.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!